Another exciting action packed blockbuster summer with Pax


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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Yeah, the Bulls should thank their lucky stars they got Jordan...the way the Rockets should be thankful that they got Hakeem, and the Lakers should be thankful that they got...okay that's a long list....the Knicks are sooooooo lucky they got Frazier.....and those Yankees sure did luck up with that Ruth guy...

WTF? "Luck up" is what you are supposed to do! And Pippen wasn't luck by the way. They traded for him. That is the guy they wanted, they helped him develop into a HOF player...that is the way the NBA works...I don't know what else is expected.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
No, he's right. They are conservative. Not to be confused with politically conservative(social), but from a management standpoint, conservative. They don't have much choice. In comparison to the field, Jerry isn't as loaded as other big market owners, and he refuses to split ownership with other outside funding to take bigger risks. All the bitching and moaning in the world wont change some things.

Just a heads up though, unless you want mindless back and fourths for entertainment. SP94 is the resident Bulls drama queen, and I can say that, because he knows it(although he might dramatize this statement as well.)

Damn bro, wuts up with that?
Ive never insulted you the whole time i been here.
But you like taking cheap shots at me because i speak my mind regardless if some of you like it or not.
You were one of my favorite people here, so this kind of hurts my heart a little.

Oh yeah, and im a man, therefore i could never be a queen of any kind.......
it would of been less insulting to me had you called me the drama KING, but okay wutever dude.
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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Yeah, the Bulls should thank their lucky stars they got Jordan...the way the Rockets should be thankful that they got Hakeem, and the Lakers should be thankful that they got...okay that's a long list....the Knicks are sooooooo lucky they got Frazier.....and those Yankees sure did luck up with that Ruth guy...

WTF? "Luck up" is what you are supposed to do! And Pippen wasn't luck by the way. They traded for him. That is the guy they wanted, they helped him develop into a HOF player...that is the way the NBA works...I don't know what else is expected.

excuse me, but i always have given Krause his props for that.
krause was conservative too, but he took risks and made things happen..........
I loved him for trading Polynice for Pippen and always will, but i will always have some anger toward him for trying to trade Pippen away for Kemp.
Lets all be thankful that Johny Bach talked sense into the F.O.....Im certain that Jordan wasnt very pleased about them trying to trade Pip off either..........Had it not been for Bach, Pippen would of been traded for Kemp.
Had that deal went down, the Bulls wouldnt of had Pippen, and later no Rodman either because we would of had Kemp as our PF....


So there you go, the conservative Bulls brass almost fucked up badly in the 1990s....It took Phil, Mike and especially Bach to savethe day then.....An assistant coach save the future of the Bulls and the next 3 championships from happening in the first place, Not the conserativism of the F.O..........History was very VERY close to being very different BECAUSE of overly conservative behavior.........
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Axl Rose

and I knew the silence of the world
Oct 11, 2011
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If Paxson can't pull off "something" next year...then what? Fire him? If I am not mistaken, the Bulls had the best record 2 years straight. Is that not the case? They fell in the standings after losing their best player...which happens to every team that loses their best player, or at least happens 99.9% of the time. He is not supposed to go into every off season signing players because they are "available", he has to have a gameplan. Reinsdorf won't allow money to be spent recklessly like that.

yeah we had the best record 2 years in a row....but guess what? the east has got allot stronger since then...that heat team we played in the ECF? stronger...that Pacer team we played in the first round? a shit load stronger...even the nets team we beat last year has got stronger...while we have got weaker

now they said they have a 2014 plan...i expect something to materialize and it better not be overpaying Luol Deng


Apr 26, 2009
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yeah we had the best record 2 years in a row....but guess what? the east has got allot stronger since then...that heat team we played in the ECF? stronger...that Pacer team we played in the first round? a shit load stronger...even the nets team we beat last year has got stronger...while we have got weaker

now they said they have a 2014 plan...i expect something to materialize and it better not be overpaying Luol Deng



New member
Aug 26, 2013
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No, he's right. They are conservative. Not to be confused with politically conservative(social), but from a management standpoint, conservative. They don't have much choice. In comparison to the field, Jerry isn't as loaded as other big market owners, and he refuses to split ownership with other outside funding to take bigger risks. All the bitching and moaning in the world wont change some things.

FWIW, Rodman was a risk from both social and basketball points of view. As you may recall, he was not a model citizen for the Spurs.

Though I don't want to derail the thread, I would be curious to hear what you mean by the Bulls lacking "outside funding to take bigger risks."


New member
Aug 26, 2013
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yes, losing asik made us weaker

Big Asik fan here and agree that Asik's absence weakens the Bulls when compared to the 2010-11 and 2011-12 teams. However, this doesn't mean that the current Bulls team is weaker as a whole than those teams. Asik only played 12-15mpg for those Bulls teams. With Asik gone, Noah has taken on a few more minutes per game and since Noah's a better player than Asik, the Bulls are actually stronger for those extra few minutes. Still, for at least say, 10 mpg, Asik's loss is felt. My question is how much this weakening is offset by the emergence of Jimmy Butler as a legit starting wing player. How much better do you expect Butler to be than Bogans, Hamilton or Brewer? Considering that Butler figures to play 30-35mpg, doesn't this big-minutes upgrade more than compensate for the 10 mpg when, instead of Asik, we have Gibson, Boozer or Mohammed at center?

Bottom line for me is that, while the Bulls haven't traded for or signed any big name player, in drafting and developing Butler they've added a very good player who gets it done at both ends.


Three if by air
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Jun 25, 2010
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Next to the beef gristle mill
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Bulls
FWIW, Rodman was a risk from both social and basketball points of view. As you may recall, he was not a model citizen for the Spurs.

Though I don't want to derail the thread, I would be curious to hear what you mean by the Bulls lacking "outside funding to take bigger risks."

I recall very well. I saw Rodman's whole career. LOL

And I mean Jerry wont take outside funding, meaning, he wont sell shares to people outside of his "group", which would deepen the wallets, and add more risk-taking. Right now the Bulls aren't spending a lot, but they aren't being cheap either.


New member
Aug 26, 2013
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I recall very well. I saw Rodman's whole career. LOL

And I mean Jerry wont take outside funding, meaning, he wont sell shares to people outside of his "group", which would deepen the wallets, and add more risk-taking. Right now the Bulls aren't spending a lot, but they aren't being cheap either.

I think that their pockets are plenty deep and have trouble thinking of many examples of where I thought, Damn, I wish the Bulls would have spent more here.

Asik's probably the one that others would raise, but I don't see that as having anything to do with the depth of the team's pockets. The cap hit for Asik for the 2014-15 season would have been $15mil. Even so, they might have done it if not for the fact that 2014 is when they plan to bring Mirotic over and they believe that it is imperative that they have the full ($5mil) mid-level exception for Mirotic. They would not have the full MLE next summer if they had Asik on the books for $15mil.

Net, I think it came down to a tough decision between either a 15mpg Asik or a 25+mpg Mirotic and they chose Mirotic. Was it the right decision? Damned if I know...I just don't think it had anything to do with having the necessary financial resources.


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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yeah we had the best record 2 years in a row....but guess what? the east has got allot stronger since then...that heat team we played in the ECF? stronger...that Pacer team we played in the first round? a shit load stronger...even the nets team we beat last year has got stronger...while we have got weaker

now they said they have a 2014 plan...i expect something to materialize and it better not be overpaying Luol Deng

You only see weaker because that supports your can you continue to market Ben Gordon to a group of people who don't give a damn about Ben Gordon? Ignore Jimmy Butler...that's how.

Axl Rose

and I knew the silence of the world
Oct 11, 2011
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im ignoring Jimmy Butler to market Ben Gordon? lol

i'd start Jimmy over Ben anyday

Jimmy is great...i think hes gonna be a very nice role player and was a absolute steal at the 30th pick...i think some fans expectations are a bit high (just look at realgm and blogabull they are nuts about him) but hes def a upgrade over brewer, bogans, rip, korver


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
You only see weaker because that supports your can you continue to market Ben Gordon to a group of people who don't give a damn about Ben Gordon? Ignore Jimmy Butler...that's how.

Hey man, i dont think Poodini or i would take Gordon over jimmy. Thas ridiculius.
Jimmy is going to play 2guard for us this season, but Jimmy is originally designed to be a small forward, therefore Ben would make sense.
OR, Ben could come off the bench for jimmy.

When Deng leaves, do you think Jimmy will still be requested to play the 2guard spot?
I dont.
Therefore, if Deng isnt resigned here or traded, Ben Gordon makes sense considering well be right back to square 1, which means 2guardless.

Sure Mirotoc will be coming over and could replace Deng, but what if Mirotoc doesnt come?
Or what if Mirotoc ends up being more suited playing the pf position.......or our bench..

and i certainly aint saying that ben gordon should be some kind of major target for the F.O, But if The Paxsonator fails puting a real championshi0 threat of a roster together and fails to land there desired free agent target again, then purhaps Ben Gordon could become an option whether through a trade or signing when hes avaialble.............Even if they do land the Major star free agent next summer, Ben could become an available option to increase our benches scoring value........And if he he, im sure he will come at a much much much cheaper price considering his value has plumeted to the ground in comparison to the past......just Saying....

BESIDES, YOU DO KNOW WE ARE JUST FUCKING WITH YALL ABOUT THE BEN GORDON SHIT.....LOL, You are porbably the only one thats taking this Ben Gordon talk seriously.
You are aware that the Ben Gordon talk isnt exactly us being serious, well dont ya?:lol:
OH Well. :smug:
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Apr 26, 2009
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yes, losing asik made us weaker

10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14

Rose, Rose, Rose, Rose
Bogans, Hamilton, Hamilton, Butler
Deng, Deng, Deng, Deng
Boozer, Boozer, Boozer, Boozer
Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah
Watson, Watson, Hinrich, Hinrich
Brewer, Brewer, Belinelli, Snell
Korver, Korver, Butler, Dunleavy
Gibson, Gibson, Gibson, Gibson
Asik, Asik, Mohammed, Mohammed

Besides Asik and Korver we still have the players for the best possible team of the last three years:


Yes we got weaker at the center position and backup SF where we miss Korver imo. But we improved at SG with Butler over Hamilton & Bogans and at backup PG with Hinrich over Watson.

The backup SG remains to be seen between Belinelli and Snell.

With Teague also in reserve I think we still improved a little overall.

Axl Rose

and I knew the silence of the world
Oct 11, 2011
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i dont think ppl grasp the loss of asik

i admit i didnt at first....but after last year i seen the light and i felt bad for trashing him like i did in the offseason

asik and taj was probably the best defensive frontcourt duo in the league and was one of our main strengths....sure we improved in the guard department...but i dont think the improvements make up for it

losing him also hurts noah as he has to make up for his loss by playing a ton of minutes which increases his chances of getting hurt/banged up

but no we couldn't afford to keep him...we got screwed

Axl Rose

and I knew the silence of the world
Oct 11, 2011
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he meant if snell is better than beli\

BESIDES, YOU DO KNOW WE ARE JUST FUCKING WITH YALL ABOUT THE BEN GORDON SHIT.....LOL, You are porbably the only one thats taking this Ben Gordon talk seriously.
You are aware that the Ben Gordon talk isnt exactly us being serious, well dont ya?
OH Well.

well im serious although i do mention him at times just to ruffle some feathers for lulz :troll:
