Another exciting action packed blockbuster summer with Pax


Entirely too much tuna
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Nov 22, 2011
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Jeffersonville, Indiana
Welp we can forget about jamison too...LOL,0,5939472.story

Jamison was the most respected free agent left on the market this summer.......Lets give a round of applause to the Clippers. :clap:

The King of the Stand Pat Kingdom suceeds yet once again.


And thats what this thread is all about.......Truth
The stand patness must cease to exist or else................................................................................................................................................................dead end street on the road to playoof round exits like always.........If he wont bring big time players here, cant he at least bring wel respected verteran bench players that we could actually was affordable.

There was no mutual interest between Jamison and the Bulls. The Bulls wanted him, he wanted to go to the Clippers. That was his plan the entire time. I don't understand why people make threads about "wishes".

"Player X should come to Chicago."

"It's ridiculous that Player X didn't come here! Why didn't the Bulls make a run at him!?"

News flash -- what if the Bulls did make a run at Player X, but player X made the phone call last 30 seconds by telling the Bulls he doesn't have any interest playing here? Despite being the third largest sports market in the United States, Chicago has never really been a huge lure for free agents in any sport. The winters suck, despite the population, local exposure is fairly limited, the ownership groups (other than the Blackhawks' drastic changes under Rocky Wirtz) have always had bizarre policies that always seem to rub players the wrong way, the taxes suck and for basketball in particular, you'll always be forced to player under the cloud of Jordan and be compared to everything he ever accomplished -- that's not exactly something most players would flock to. Rose is the exception because he's from here.

Look at the evidence -- the Bulls whiffed during the summer of LeBron, Wade, Bosh, Stoudemire, Gay, Lee and Johnson and were forced to settled on Carlos Boozer, Ronnie Brewer and Kyle Korver. Hurl. I'll say it again -- we have zero cap flexibility. We're in the luxury tax. Making any kind of inconsequential signing like Antawn Jamison would be pointless, especially when you consider the luxury tax would make him cost more than the veteran's minimum. He isn't worth the roster spot. So why not wait it out, either trade Deng at the deadline or let him walk at the end of the year, find a taker for Boozer when his deal becomes an expiring contract after this year, and concentrate a rebuild around Rose, Noah, and Butler? The payroll is over $80 million and this team is a long shot to win the East, let alone win the NBA Championship. I want the Bulls to do as well as they can this year, and hopefully they'll find some flexibility this offseason so they can move forward and rebuild around Rose, Noah and Butler.


New member
Apr 19, 2013
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We are waiting for Mirotic to come up next year. Sounds like another Chicago team I know so well.....

At least the Bulls are a contender while standing pat


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
There was no mutual interest between Jamison and the Bulls. The Bulls wanted him, he wanted to go to the Clippers. That was his plan the entire time. I don't understand why people make threads about "wishes".

"Player X should come to Chicago."

"It's ridiculous that Player X didn't come here! Why didn't the Bulls make a run at him!?"

News flash -- what if the Bulls did make a run at Player X, but player X made the phone call last 30 seconds by telling the Bulls he doesn't have any interest playing here? Despite being the third largest sports market in the United States, Chicago has never really been a huge lure for free agents in any sport. The winters suck, despite the population, local exposure is fairly limited, the ownership groups (other than the Blackhawks' drastic changes under Rocky Wirtz) have always had bizarre policies that always seem to rub players the wrong way, the taxes suck and for basketball in particular, you'll always be forced to player under the cloud of Jordan and be compared to everything he ever accomplished -- that's not exactly something most players would flock to. Rose is the exception because he's from here.

Look at the evidence -- the Bulls whiffed during the summer of LeBron, Wade, Bosh, Stoudemire, Gay, Lee and Johnson and were forced to settled on Carlos Boozer, Ronnie Brewer and Kyle Korver. Hurl. I'll say it again -- we have zero cap flexibility. We're in the luxury tax. Making any kind of inconsequential signing like Antawn Jamison would be pointless, especially when you consider the luxury tax would make him cost more than the veteran's minimum. He isn't worth the roster spot. So why not wait it out, either trade Deng at the deadline or let him walk at the end of the year, find a taker for Boozer when his deal becomes an expiring contract after this year, and concentrate a rebuild around Rose, Noah, and Butler? The payroll is over $80 million and this team is a long shot to win the East, let alone win the NBA Championship. I want the Bulls to do as well as they can this year, and hopefully they'll find some flexibility this offseason so they can move forward and rebuild around Rose, Noah and Butler.

But dont you get it..........thats the whole point im making.............even when Pax tries to land or reach out to players to sign here that are worth a shit, most of the time they cant get it done.
Thats the problem...........There doing somthing wrong in selling themselves to these players.........There sales pitch must be pretty lame and nonconvincing for players to say no to the 3rd largest market city and national fan favorite beloved Bulls franchise..................
Its a problem thats makes it not ridculous or unrealistic to assume that the GM will miss out next offseason when it will really matters, just like last time......Even when they really try.....Im not saying they dont try, but i am saying they need to try a little better than they already do..........How can they hook big fishes when they cant even land the little ones that could really help this team............

Thats my beef........And thats what makes me a real Bulls fan who expresses his concerns.........And as far as the cap you speak of, im sick of hearing it..........They might have to loosen up there change purses and pay the price and go a little over and pay the fine thats like peanuts to billionaire Jerry anyway.............Gotta pay to play for the ultimate championship prize........When the prize is won, it will pay off in the long run..........................

The Bulls still make money off of the 1990s championship legacy so why cant they make some more money for years to come marketing some more championships?

Get it?
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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Before he came to the Bulls, what I knew about Nate Robinson's game I didn't like. As the season progressed, I have to admit that Robinson turned me around. He played some very good ball for our Bulls.

My heart wanted to see Robinson return, but my head knew it was unlikely. Forgetting the money for the moment, with Rose returning, I doubt Robinson really wanted to re-sign with the Bulls. Barring injuries, the minutes just wouldn't be available for him in Chicago.

Sure i can buy your theory that Nate would of been a little disappointed in a decline in minutes played, but he sayed out of his own mouth that he would LOVE TO STAY and PLAY WITH ROSE AND BACK HIM UP........You see, alot of minutes or not, NATE JUST WANTS TO WIN and would do wahtever is asked or whatever it takes to help his team, even if it meant running into a hail of gunfire.................This type of attitude showed in his play last season and that alone made him a keeper in my eyes, and in the eyes of most Bulls fans ive talked to........
Just sayin.
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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Wait, you seriously care about media awards? How about being a insanely inefficient chucker with a Special person basketball I.Q. and little defense makes J.R. Smith a worthless piece of shit? But hey now, let's not talk about that, they put him on ESPN sometimes when every once in a while he makes a string of his utterly Special person shots.

Hope i didnt seem like a snob, but i payed no attention to this complicate reply of yours and still have no intention of reading your reply.
But thanks for expressing interest in conversating with me, im flattered.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
We are waiting for Mirotic to come up next year. Sounds like another Chicago team I know so well.....

At least the Bulls are a contender while standing pat

Regualar season contenders for good playoff positioning? well, maybe.....
Or Championship contenders during the playoffs? Doubt it..........

Just more of the same results in the end.........2nd, or 3rd round exit.........if lucky, a conference final appearence just to be knocked out in 5 games for the 3rd time in 4 years by the reletively same Heat team....just so we can watch them win another title........Or in a worse case scenerio if the Bulls are suffering injury to key players, a first round knockout considering all the likely teams in the east that are in the top 8 cant be taken lightly no more.........

Dont forget that some of the other contending teams may still make blockbuster moves before trade deadline to tweek already contending rosters...............:thinking: hmmmmmm, trade deadline, you know, the time when the Bulls brass perform there greatest of Sitting Bull impersonations almost every year as if the trade deadline is hybernation time...LoL

IF THIS HAPPENS and John Paxson and crew are STILL STANDING PAT(which is likely), it could most definately lower the Bulls contention status even more.....and most inportantly that would also lower the Bulls franchise's appeal in the eyes of the blockbuster type free agents next summer ,in which Im certain future free agents pay attention and take into consideration when choosing a team that fits there desire, which is an orginization THATS serious about making things happen.....And if teams they may be considering signing with Stand Pat all the time, that would lower there confidence in Bulls management when it comes to title winning making them sign elsewhere.....This would potentially cause a downward future dominoe effect which could decline the franchise's contention for the next decade or worse spliraling even that case we could all end up old geezers in a nursing home STILL posting on this very same thread kind of like Cubs fans for the last 110 years STILL waiting with the same people STILL defending this stand pat strategy like some sort of cult ritual..........

....Theres plenty of teams in the conference and in there own division that are just as much in contention as the Bulls, or more so as it stand now.....
The stand patness will not stand man.
. :shrug:
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Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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What it comes down to is the ones saying that the Bulls always "stand pat"...which means you are not knowledgeable of Bulls history...also have no clue as to what Paxson should be doing to improve the team...

I don't see any reasonable solutions at all. The names brought up that raises the ire of these fans...HAVE NEVER BEEN TO AN ALLSTAR GAME!

But...Nate saved the season last year...

I can't help the meatballs...I hope everyone else can be sensible and objective when judging this franchise.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
What it comes down to is the ones saying that the Bulls always "stand pat"...which means you are not knowledgeable of Bulls history...also have no clue as to what Paxson should be doing to improve the team...

I don't see any reasonable solutions at all. The names brought up that raises the ire of these fans...HAVE NEVER BEEN TO AN ALLSTAR GAME!

But...Nate saved the season last year...

I can't help the meatballs...I hope everyone else can be sensible and objective when judging this franchise.



Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Love the way this guy like to twist others words around as if he reads what people say with biased lack of consideration and totally twisting the point around to outdue ones ideas.
He cant see outside his little 1 tracked mind box and is incapable of understanding, or else he just purposely does it for his own amusement....Either its stubborn pride, or just STUCK on stupid and ignorence.
Instigational madness?
I like it, LoL...
Maybe its just that specific posters very own way of messageboar STAND PATNESS.
What a character he is.
I wish this guy could be sensible and objective when judging poster views on the forum.



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Daa Bearrs

New member
Aug 28, 2012
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There was no mutual interest between Jamison and the Bulls. The Bulls wanted him, he wanted to go to the Clippers. That was his plan the entire time. I don't understand why people make threads about "wishes".

"Player X should come to Chicago."

"It's ridiculous that Player X didn't come here! Why didn't the Bulls make a run at him!?"

News flash -- what if the Bulls did make a run at Player X, but player X made the phone call last 30 seconds by telling the Bulls he doesn't have any interest playing here? Despite being the third largest sports market in the United States, Chicago has never really been a huge lure for free agents in any sport. The winters suck, despite the population, local exposure is fairly limited, the ownership groups (other than the Blackhawks' drastic changes under Rocky Wirtz) have always had bizarre policies that always seem to rub players the wrong way, the taxes suck and for basketball in particular, you'll always be forced to player under the cloud of Jordan and be compared to everything he ever accomplished -- that's not exactly something most players would flock to. Rose is the exception because he's from here.

Look at the evidence -- the Bulls whiffed during the summer of LeBron, Wade, Bosh, Stoudemire, Gay, Lee and Johnson and were forced to settled on Carlos Boozer, Ronnie Brewer and Kyle Korver. Hurl. I'll say it again -- we have zero cap flexibility. We're in the luxury tax. Making any kind of inconsequential signing like Antawn Jamison would be pointless, especially when you consider the luxury tax would make him cost more than the veteran's minimum. He isn't worth the roster spot. So why not wait it out, either trade Deng at the deadline or let him walk at the end of the year, find a taker for Boozer when his deal becomes an expiring contract after this year, and concentrate a rebuild around Rose, Noah, and Butler? The payroll is over $80 million and this team is a long shot to win the East, let alone win the NBA Championship. I want the Bulls to do as well as they can this year, and hopefully they'll find some flexibility this offseason so they can move forward and rebuild around Rose, Noah and Butler.

Get the HELL out of here with your rational analysis of the Bulls current situation. This forum is all about throwing as many meatballs at each other as we can before the sky falls.


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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There was no mutual interest between Jamison and the Bulls. The Bulls wanted him, he wanted to go to the Clippers. That was his plan the entire time. I don't understand why people make threads about "wishes".

"Player X should come to Chicago."

"It's ridiculous that Player X didn't come here! Why didn't the Bulls make a run at him!?"

News flash -- what if the Bulls did make a run at Player X, but player X made the phone call last 30 seconds by telling the Bulls he doesn't have any interest playing here? Despite being the third largest sports market in the United States, Chicago has never really been a huge lure for free agents in any sport. The winters suck, despite the population, local exposure is fairly limited, the ownership groups (other than the Blackhawks' drastic changes under Rocky Wirtz) have always had bizarre policies that always seem to rub players the wrong way, the taxes suck and for basketball in particular, you'll always be forced to player under the cloud of Jordan and be compared to everything he ever accomplished -- that's not exactly something most players would flock to. Rose is the exception because he's from here.

Look at the evidence -- the Bulls whiffed during the summer of LeBron, Wade, Bosh, Stoudemire, Gay, Lee and Johnson and were forced to settled on Carlos Boozer, Ronnie Brewer and Kyle Korver. Hurl. I'll say it again -- we have zero cap flexibility. We're in the luxury tax. Making any kind of inconsequential signing like Antawn Jamison would be pointless, especially when you consider the luxury tax would make him cost more than the veteran's minimum. He isn't worth the roster spot. So why not wait it out, either trade Deng at the deadline or let him walk at the end of the year, find a taker for Boozer when his deal becomes an expiring contract after this year, and concentrate a rebuild around Rose, Noah, and Butler? The payroll is over $80 million and this team is a long shot to win the East, let alone win the NBA Championship. I want the Bulls to do as well as they can this year, and hopefully they'll find some flexibility this offseason so they can move forward and rebuild around Rose, Noah and Butler.

exactly...and guess what? So did other teams, like the Knicks...the Bulls had Joe Johnson sewn up, who knew that Atlanta would offer him 120mil? Big difference between Joe Johnson and some of the other guards mentioned. They could have signed David Lee if I am not mistaken, they chose Boozer over him. The Bulls are allowing one more year with the core they put together a few years ago. Then they will most likely amnesty Boozer and start rebuilding again. Which inevitably will bring more people whining like little girls because to them, life is a video game, where you can offer nothing and get everything in return.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
exactly...and guess what? So did other teams, like the Knicks...the Bulls had Joe Johnson sewn up, who knew that Atlanta would offer him 120mil? Big difference between Joe Johnson and some of the other guards mentioned. They could have signed David Lee if I am not mistaken, they chose Boozer over him. The Bulls are allowing one more year with the core they put together a few years ago. Then they will most likely amnesty Boozer and start rebuilding again. Which inevitably will bring more people whining like little girls because to them, life is a video game, where you can offer nothing and get everything in return.

What, rebuild?........again?


This standpat vision of pax's has literally been in place for 11 years and we are no closer to a championship than when were handed Derrick Rose, dismissed Ben Gordon and made the blockbuster(lol) signing of Boozer.....Now the F.O is about to rebuild yet again dismantling this roster built by the long standing visionary John paxson......His vision doesnt change because his vision stands pat.....................

Me personally, i think the rebuilding should start with the rebuilding of the Bulls front office.
If Jerry Reinsdorff is serious about bringing a championship back to the Bulls fans, then he should seek another headofbasketball operations or whatever the fuck John paxsons job title has been for the last gotdamn 11 years and try out a new vision because the current one has failed...again....
Time for change and a new vision.
Standing Pat means the banners in the U.C will Stand Pat too just like it stands until standing pat makes some damned movement ............New President of basketball Operations- GM.....................John Paxson reign in command should definately come to an end if his vision fails to land one of at least the top 3 prospects next summer..............That should be his last chance.........He s had plenty of chances and opportunities to make it happen in 11 years........I actually believe that Jerry Krause could of put together at least 1 winner the last 11 years................Time for Change and another persons vision to get a chance if next summer is a bust..........................
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Axl Rose

and I knew the silence of the world
Oct 11, 2011
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cant blame him for not getting Jamison...he wanted to stay in LA

i'll give paxgar one more year to pull off something......they supposedly have a 2014 plan so im expecting a big time move next offseason


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
cant blame him for not getting Jamison...he wanted to stay in LA

i'll give paxgar one more year to pull off something......they supposedly have a 2014 plan so im expecting a big time move next offseason

Thats whatt i just said.........
Imma Chill for now and cool out..............
Okay, so Pax did perttymuch NOTHING this summer other than draft 2 guys and signed MDL to basically fill our empy roster spot.

i will let this season roll by again and see what the hell he does next summer.
If next summer compares to this summer, imma sock it to Pax.....HARD......
If this was all for nothing then his ass absolutley should be fired no question...................


I hope Eddy Curry plays well off the bench for us this season.
He is the only free agent left right? :troll:


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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cant blame him for not getting Jamison...he wanted to stay in LA

i'll give paxgar one more year to pull off something......they supposedly have a 2014 plan so im expecting a big time move next offseason

If Paxson can't pull off "something" next year...then what? Fire him? If I am not mistaken, the Bulls had the best record 2 years straight. Is that not the case? They fell in the standings after losing their best player...which happens to every team that loses their best player, or at least happens 99.9% of the time. He is not supposed to go into every off season signing players because they are "available", he has to have a gameplan. Reinsdorf won't allow money to be spent recklessly like that.


New member
Aug 22, 2013
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It seems that there are two types of Bulls fan. One supports the conservative approach, the other supports us making big trades to make things happen.

I'm not against either really, only that I support the current conservative gameplan. We have built our teams through the draft and that has been our strength for years. If you look at the players we have got in the draft, you can see why Bulls management fully trusts who they bring in talent wise and develop them. When it comes to getting the right free agent, it probably comes alot down to who actually wants to come here and if it is possible to make a trade with X team.

Do you think Boozer was first option on our list in that free agency back in 2010? I don't think so. But I think a lot of players know around the league that the Bulls management have a very tight and conservative approach to building championship teams, and I think that scares a lot of top stars from coming to Chicago. And of course living up to the Jordan achievements would be another factor. We have a history of staying under the luxury tax. So, for any star to come here, they would be accepting the fact that we may not go all out to make sure he gets all the help he needs to contend.

I'm actually impressed that we have been so competitive for years, considering that our team has been made up with so many drafted players. I do feel however that we could be a little more aggressive on the trade front, but I really can't complain that I root for a team that is never on the bottom of the league.

Patience seems to be short in supply among the younger Bulls fans, even though Heat have been successful the last few years, I would never like to see our management go down that route to try and win championships. I'd rather suck and draft our own and develop talent than buy championships like that...


New member
Aug 26, 2013
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If Paxson can't pull off "something" next year...then what? Fire him? If I am not mistaken, the Bulls had the best record 2 years straight. Is that not the case? They fell in the standings after losing their best player...which happens to every team that loses their best player, or at least happens 99.9% of the time. He is not supposed to go into every off season signing players because they are "available", he has to have a gameplan. Reinsdorf won't allow money to be spent recklessly like that.
It's not even a matter of allowing spending. For the most part, the Bulls can't spend. Since 2010, the Bulls have been over the salary cap. You can't spend over the salary cap unless you use one of several "exceptions." The most notable exception is the mid-level exception (MLE). Teams over the cap, but under the luxury tax apron can spend up to $5mil on a free agent. Teams over the luxury tax apron can spend $3mil. The Bulls used this exception to sign Hamilton in 2011, Hinrich in 2012 and Dunleavy this summer. They're expected to use it on Mirotic next summer.

Another exception is the bi-annual exception (BAE) that, as the name implies, can only be used every other year. The Bulls used it on Belinelli last season so they don't have it this season.

As I say, it's not a matter of spending. The Bulls have been spending what they're allowed to spend.

Fans demanding radical action next summer are probably going to be disappointed. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the 4 "big moves" next summer are amnesty Boozer, re-sign Deng to a new 4-year contract, sign Mirotic to a MLE contract and sign Butler to a contract extension.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
It seems that there are two types of Bulls fan. One supports the conservative approach, the other supports us making big trades to make things happen.

I'm not against either really, only that I support the current conservative gameplan. We have built our teams through the draft and that has been our strength for years. If you look at the players we have got in the draft, you can see why Bulls management fully trusts who they bring in talent wise and develop them. When it comes to getting the right free agent, it probably comes alot down to who actually wants to come here and if it is possible to make a trade with X team.

Do you think Boozer was first option on our list in that free agency back in 2010? I don't think so. But I think a lot of players know around the league that the Bulls management have a very tight and conservative approach to building championship teams, and I think that scares a lot of top stars from coming to Chicago. And of course living up to the Jordan achievements would be another factor. We have a history of staying under the luxury tax. So, for any star to come here, they would be accepting the fact that we may not go all out to make sure he gets all the help he needs to contend.

I'm actually impressed that we have been so competitive for years, considering that our team has been made up with so many drafted players. I do feel however that we could be a little more aggressive on the trade front, but I really can't complain that I root for a team that is never on the bottom of the league.

Patience seems to be short in supply among the younger Bulls fans, even though Heat have been successful the last few years, I would never like to see our management go down that route to try and win championships. I'd rather suck and draft our own and develop talent than buy championships like that...

Well youll be waitin along time then.
I been watching the Bulls since 1983.
The business market is much more aggresive than it was in the 1980s and 90s......More teams are aggresively building superteams and competing to either spend that money to bring stars there or trade.
Its an aggresive market, therefore the standpat conservitiveness causes you to miss out, because you were either too cheap or too slow and passive in the market......

The Bulls have had very good teams under Pax....Yes i know this, never said he didnt.
But, the way i see it, it seems to me like Pax builds these good teams and we be like only a piece or 2 away from finishing the building of a championship roster.
The problem is, its never finished and then he revamps the line up..........The front office rebuit teams around certain core players over the years but never completes the job, BECAUSE of the overly CONSERVITIVE approach.....Either by not wanting to spend or not being more aggressive in the trade market....AND not being aggresive enough to sign cree agents that would complete the puzzle being built..........Its like a jigsaw puzzle that gets almost finished and then not finishing it and not being aggresive enough to dig under the couch to try and find the pieces that fell underneith, or not wanting to buy new pieces, but instead being cheap and making new picese for the jigsaw puzzle with random cardboard paper and scizzors.. :(
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New member
Aug 22, 2013
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Well youll be waitin along time then.
I been watching the Bulls since 1983.
The business market is much more aggresive than it was in the 1980s and 90s......More teams are aggresively building superteams and competing to either spend that money to bring stars there or trade.
Its an aggresive market, therefore the standpat conservitiveness causes you to miss out, because you were either too cheap or too slow and passive in the market......

The Bulls have had very good teams under Pax....Yes i know this, never said he didnt.
But, the way i see it, it seems to me like Pax builds these good teams and we be like only a piece or 2 away from finishing the building of a championship roster.
The problem is, its never finished and then he revamps the line up..........The front office rebuit teams around certain core players over the years but never completes the job, BECAUSE of the overly CONSERVITIVE approach.....Either by not wanting to spend or not being more aggressive in the trade market....AND not being aggresive enough to sign cree agents that would complete the puzzle being built..........Its like a jigsaw puzzle that gets almost finished and then not finishing it and not being aggresive enough to dig under the couch to try and find the pieces that fell underneith, or not wanting to buy new pieces, but instead being cheap and making new picese for the jigsaw puzzle with random cardboard paper and scizzors.. :(

What opportunities do you believe we realistically missed?
