Another exciting action packed blockbuster summer with Pax


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
We would need a total over haul of Rose goes down again. The search for another superstar would thus begin. Took us what? 20 years to find him?

But we didnt find him though, God dropped him out the sky for sympathy toward Bulls fans against all odds with a less than 1 percent chance of getting him in the draft in the first place....Its not like Pax recruited Rose or made some kind of sly move to bring him here......He was just place in Paxsons lap and the whole world knows it...............Pax and management get 0 credit from me for the accompolishment of Rose being here........All Bulls management had to do was choose between Beasely and Rose........Childs play with an obviously easy choice............A 5 year old would know to choose Rose over beasely...
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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Maybe my view of "need" is different from others. The Bulls need Asik...they don't need Nate. Nate is not reliable when it comes to scoring. Lets not make him out to be better than he is...what you see is what you get. The people on here who watched Nate snap in that triple over time game didn't notice Nate shoot 25% from the field while taking over 30 shots in games 2-4 vs. Miami? Didn't see that?

Unless he can be the number 2 guy on a title team..."we" don't need him, because that is what "we" need. They don't grow Worthy, Pippen and Dumars type players on trees. You have to find them, and it aint that easy.

Trash Hinrich if you want...Thibs likes him, so does Rose...I trust Thibs knowledge over anybody on this forum when it comes to basketball. I like Butler more than I like Nate...and Teague's upside could make him a very good, serviceable, and, for the time being, cheap backup point guard. They drafted Snell...and the Bulls need who???

Then I read something about "what if Rose gets hurt....." and there was another opportunity to bash Hinrich and downplay Teague...AS IF NATE ROBINSON CAN SAVE THE GOT DAMN SEASON! LOL...

....But Nate was one of the main guys that did save last GOT DAMN SEASON!!! LOL

And Nate could of bailed out this team again if needed if by some small chance rose goes down this season for a period of time.
If Rose has any injury issues this season, the Bulls are majorly fucked offensively in the backcourt.....AND YOU KNOW IT.....stop frontin just to spite me...................thanks.
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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Just give it up Hou...the "basketball Special person" just will never get it.


You are probabaly one of the most basketball Special person posters i have ever seen on a sports messageboard
Its like you dont even know anything about sports other than the opinions of a certain poster or 2 you choose to be a fanboy of.
Your just a jockrider and "yes" man without your own mind or opinion on sports related conversations.
Its like Hue mindrapes you and your his bookbag kind of like Tody was to Scutt Farkuss....In other words, just a nut dangling forum roady.....You are Rudy, a man who recieves cheers from the crowd in the stands when you run out on the field because people feel bad....Or maybe your just this forums version of Brian Scalabrini.....LMAO.
Dont you have a mind of your own son?
Get your own opinions and do your own research intead of trying too hard to ACT like you actually know somthing.
What was your longest post here ever in the bulls forum?
like 1 or 2 sentence without any real points to be made.
How long you been here? Ive not been a member here as long as you, but ive been here 3 years now and i have yet to see just 1 post of yours with real significants. Just 1....once....You have basically over 20,000 useless posts.
Thats insane.
Dude, whats your purpose and Why are you even here?
Its kind of sad.
You should just stay in the bar where you can continue to post about nothing without looking like a fool.

Have you ever considered the TOPIX forums on the web?
Topix is the place for you.
Or maybe instagam since you love to post pictures of yourself and those you save of others GUYS for your personal enjoyment and for your jollys which i find kind of creepy.
But still you manage to be a very likable guy for whatever reason.
I like you too Rudy :)
dont know why, :shrug:

Now that your done with your non thread related name calling personal attack and nonfunny failed attempt at humor post for the evening, lets get back to the topic being discussed on this thread shall we.
Thank you...

What the Hell dont you understand about that the Bulls for years have had major scoring droughts in games on a consistent basis? Its not uncommon for the Bulls to have a quarter in a games when they go scoreless from the field for 5 to 10 minutes...
Usually in the 3rd or most important quarter, the 4th.......
Before Derrick got hurt, the Bulls had to rely on him too much to score most crunch time points basically turning into our 2guard at times...........The only brief time Derrick had a crunch time go to guy to rely on was the last season Ben Gordon played for us.

Nate would of been a great help to Rose in 4th quarter crunch time situations when everyone else on the team goes broke and opposing teams buck down hard on rose defensively......In those cases its also wise to have a guy for Rose that can create for himself when Roses opponants defensively make it hard for him to create for his teamates or lack of backcourt partners.

The Bulls had absolutely no chance of bringing in a Pippen or star type player this offseason unless through trade like in the blown Aldridge deal that didnt go down.
Therefore guys who can score at will when needed off the bench, like Nate, would of helped a great deal at least for this upcoming season......
Nate would of been reletively cheap.
He spoke alot about really wanting to play with Rose and help this team.
Nate was a good guy and class act as well who really showed he cared when he was on the court with that "i want to win" type attitude.
Nate has fearless blood sweat and tears warrior blood in his veins and is a great bench guy for any high caliber team.
High caliber championship type teams have always had a high caliber or way above average player or 2 on there bench.
Guys with courage, heart and instant scoring talent off the bench like his is rare.

I would hardly call the Dunleavys and Kirks of the world, "high caliber" bench guys.
Just serviceable and thats just not good enough to get it done for me, not at there price.
Nate made like some of the least amount of money on the team last season, but played at a very high level for us and was there when we needed him to the best of his ability no matter how much pain he was in.
And you could see the pain in his face and eyes as he would cringe, but keep going like a jackrabbit.
YES, loosing Nate is a bigger loss than you will give credit for.
Nates a true player that just, well simply, plays for the love of the game and to win, more than for the money.
A very unselfish guy to get dissed like that.
Its a shame.

DENY IT if you want to if it makes you feel like your in the "in" crowd on this forum.
I dont give a fuck if its liked or not. I TELL THE TRUTH whether its convienient for you or not.

But ill just be patient and let another 15 years go by without a championship and then check back with you and see how you feel then.

It is what it is.
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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
let me clear up what im saying

im not saying nate is the difference between good or bad....what im saying is dont act like nate isn't needed on this team just because rose is coming back...we NEED all the scoring help we can get

but sure lets keep waiting on this mythical 2nd superstar thats never coming and keep denying guys like Ben Gordon and Nate Robinson who may not be superstars but could help this team out

how long have we been looking for this 2nd superstar? 4 years? what progress have we made? a few rumors about LMA that went nowhere?

its time we start looking at realistic options that could help this team out....they may not guarantee us beating miami but they will better our chances at them

now im not saying go full on Knicks and bring in anybody...make a sensible move that actually improves the team

but lets stop standing pat....other teams keep improving while we keep getting worse waiting for this 2nd superstar to come save the day

The truth.
Thanks for attempting to help tell these stand pat stubborn posters.
Unfortunately they just dont get it.


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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I am acting like Nate isn't needed. Matter of team in the league needs him. He is a bench player who comes in off the bench and plays outside of the set offense most of the time. He chucks up shots a lot and doesn't use discretion. If you want a chucker that scores points..hell, why don't you want Monta Ellis? Much better player...better player than friggin' Ben Gordon, let alone Nate Robinson. If you need Nate would probably be better off tanking for the lottery.

If the Bulls don't get that second player, they won't have a dynasty. OKC has Westbrook, Miami has Wade, Spurs have Duncan backing Parker, if Hibbert plays like he did against Miami...the Pacers are a better team than the Bulls in my opinion. Those are legit contenders who have a 1,2 punch.

And the players the Bulls NEED won't be hard pressed to get on the floor...if that is the case, why do you NEED them? What the Bulls need will cost money and will take some time to pursue. It took the Bulls how many years to get a sidekick for Jordan? Jordan showed up in 1984...Pippen was ready to go by what...1990? 1991? Sorry but getting that second guy is not that easy...


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
I am acting like Nate isn't needed. Matter of team in the league needs him. He is a bench player who comes in off the bench and plays outside of the set offense most of the time. He chucks up shots a lot and doesn't use discretion. If you want a chucker that scores points..hell, why don't you want Monta Ellis? Much better player...better player than friggin' Ben Gordon, let alone Nate Robinson. If you need Nate would probably be better off tanking for the lottery.

If the Bulls don't get that second player, they won't have a dynasty. OKC has Westbrook, Miami has Wade, Spurs have Duncan backing Parker, if Hibbert plays like he did against Miami...the Pacers are a better team than the Bulls in my opinion. Those are legit contenders who have a 1,2 punch.

And the players the Bulls NEED won't be hard pressed to get on the floor...if that is the case, why do you NEED them? What the Bulls need will cost money and will take some time to pursue. It took the Bulls how many years to get a sidekick for Jordan? Jordan showed up in 1984...Pippen was ready to go by what...1990? 1991? Sorry but getting that second guy is not that easy...

Who in the fuck ever said Nate was ever supposed to be a Pippen?
Where the Hell you come up with these ridiculous notions?

Haterz gonna Hate and NATERZ GONNA NATE.



But you make 1 good point on this post...and it is that YES, getting that second go too guy is no easy task....Especially when your team owner and general manager STAND PAT all the fuckingtime.......Standing still literally means your going no where....No movement.............PERIOD
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Aug 26, 2013
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Entering this offseason, thanks to last season's emergence of Jimmy Butler and the return of Rose, the Bulls were justifiably happy with their starting 5, the first time in many seasons that this has been the case. Add to this a very good big off the bench in Gibson and a veteran player who can defend either guard spot in Hinrich. That's one of the best first 7s in the NBA.

It's a good thing they had so much talent returning because they were locked into the luxury tax and as a result had to settle for the smaller (~$3mil) "taxpayer's mid-level exception." Also, because they used the bi-annual exception (~$2mil) for Belinelli, this exception wasn't available to them this offseason. Of course, they could sign minimum salary players to their heart's content (subject to the roster maximum).

Under these circumstances, if you gave it any thought, you had to expect a pretty quiet offseason. Getting a player of Dunleavy's caliber for the taxpayer's MLE was a heckuva bargain and provides not only needed 3-point shooting, but also quality depth at SF which should help save some wear and tear on Deng. Dunleavy has also played some SG and PF.

With the vet minimum, they re-upped Nazr Mohammed who gave them some good minutes when Noah had to sit out in late-March/early-April. Good move.

I like the draft picks OK, but barring injury problems, the team has enough veteran talent that the youngsters shouldn't need to be rushed along.

I'd prefer to be able to say that Bulls management spent the summer cunningly bamboozling other front offices and, as a result are the prohibitive favorite to win it all. Alas. Thankfully, in this case, reality doesn't suck that bad at all. The Bulls figure to be one of the best teams in the NBA this coming season.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Entering this offseason, thanks to last season's emergence of Jimmy Butler and the return of Rose, the Bulls were justifiably happy with their starting 5, the first time in many seasons that this has been the case. Add to this a very good big off the bench in Gibson and a veteran player who can defend either guard spot in Hinrich. That's one of the best first 7s in the NBA.

It's a good thing they had so much talent returning because they were locked into the luxury tax and as a result had to settle for the smaller (~$3mil) "taxpayer's mid-level exception." Also, because they used the bi-annual exception (~$2mil) for Belinelli, this exception wasn't available to them this offseason. Of course, they could sign minimum salary players to their heart's content (subject to the roster maximum).

Under these circumstances, if you gave it any thought, you had to expect a pretty quiet offseason. Getting a player of Dunleavy's caliber for the taxpayer's MLE was a heckuva bargain and provides not only needed 3-point shooting, but also quality depth at SF which should help save some wear and tear on Deng. Dunleavy has also played some SG and PF.

With the vet minimum, they re-upped Nazr Mohammed who gave them some good minutes when Noah had to sit out in late-March/early-April. Good move.

I like the draft picks OK, but barring injury problems, the team has enough veteran talent that the youngsters shouldn't need to be rushed along.

I'd prefer to be able to say that Bulls management spent the summer cunningly bamboozling other front offices and, as a result are the prohibitive favorite to win it all. Alas. Thankfully, in this case, reality doesn't suck that bad at all. The Bulls figure to be one of the best teams in the NBA this coming season.

You make very good points.
Im not crazy about loosing Nate or signing Dunleavy, but you are certainly right about that the Bulls will definatly be one of the better teams in the leabue like they have been....

And of course the return of Rose will definately be a HUGE HUGE boost if he resembles the derrick of old.
And of course im going to give Dunleavy a chance because im a Bulls fan.
Its not out of the usual for me to be skeptical about new bench players when they arrive here and i of have a habit of giving them a hard time, especially when they come here and replace players i really like that i strongly feel should of been resigned, like Nate robinson.. :lol:
Sorry, but i really loved that Nate guy for he brought some exciting play to us Bulls fans in the face of the depression caused by Derricks absence and i think he should of been resigned for another season some how.

with that being said, im just keeping my fingers crossed that StandPatPax and company dont botch up next offseasons blockbuster free agent opportunies like they did in the last big free agent splash. Thats my main concern at this point if history certainly does repeat itself.

You seem like a very good poster though.
C.C.S can use a few good men. :)

p.s, i love the avatar.....I have huge respect for Jerry Sloan and his tough as nails philosophy as a player and coach.
in other words, he was the fucking man.... :beerbang:
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Daa Bearrs

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Aug 28, 2012
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yada yada yada.........The Bulls had plenty of chances to get a 2 guard.

JR Smith has been available over and over again through trade and free agency at the price that Jerry Reinsdorff loves.
And thats not mentioning all the other opportunities the Bulls have had to erase the issue at the 2 position.
Pax and crew just stood pat and let quite a few 2 guards pass right by there eyes without any real attempt to land them.
Thats inexcusable. Period.

The way it looks, Management will continue to put a GOOD team on the floor every season until our main core is gone or retired or traded away without a championship to show for it.
Management will continue to tease us Bulls fans with teams that are only a piece or 2 away from championship dreams for all eternity.

Pax needs to recruit real star quality players here and get it done, and dont any of you try and tell me he hasnt had more than his fair chances and opportunities to do so over the years.
As a matter of fact, Jerry-Pax had better chances than most team in the NBA.

The way i see it, Jerry-Pax build good teams and then stop......never finishing what they began.

It's inexcusable in your mind. In my mind (and in managements) it would be inexcusable to sign J.R. Smith because he fucking blows.


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Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
It's inexcusable in your mind. In my mind (and in managements) it would be inexcusable to sign J.R. Smith because he fucking blows.

oh really?
How so?
Please explain why?
How does being awarded 6th man of the year blow?
Stop it, your not making any sense right now, LoL.............
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Axl Rose

and I knew the silence of the world
Oct 11, 2011
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i used to want JR

but dude going clubbing during the playoffs and playing like shit because of it :facepalm:


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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Under these circumstances, if you gave it any thought, you had to expect a pretty quiet offseason. Getting a player of Dunleavy's caliber for the taxpayer's MLE was a heckuva bargain and provides not only needed 3-point shooting, but also quality depth at SF which should help save some wear and tear on Deng. Dunleavy has also played some SG and PF.

Exactly...I guess some would rather the Bulls paid Nate the MLE....OK!!!


The Great and Knowledgeable
Jul 30, 2011
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago White Sox
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Army Black Knights
i used to want JR

but dude going clubbing during the playoffs and playing like shit because of it :facepalm:


Our guys haven't had any problems reaching the playoffs and if Rose stays as healthy as we assume, you know this team is just fine during the season. Going after J.R. if he would have accepted the mini-MLE doesn't get them closer to beating Miami or make them so much better than Indiana.


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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Our guys haven't had any problems reaching the playoffs and if Rose stays as healthy as we assume, you know this team is just fine during the season. Going after J.R. if he would have accepted the mini-MLE doesn't get them closer to beating Miami or make them so much better than Indiana.



New member
Aug 26, 2013
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Sorry, but i really loved that Nate guy for he brought some exciting play to us Bulls fans in the face of the depression caused by Derricks absence and i think he should of been resigned for another season some how.

Before he came to the Bulls, what I knew about Nate Robinson's game I didn't like. As the season progressed, I have to admit that Robinson turned me around. He played some very good ball for our Bulls.

My heart wanted to see Robinson return, but my head knew it was unlikely. Forgetting the money for the moment, with Rose returning, I doubt Robinson really wanted to re-sign with the Bulls. Barring injuries, the minutes just wouldn't be available for him in Chicago.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
i used to want JR

but dude going clubbing during the playoffs and playing like shit because of it :facepalm:

Thats fine.
You guys are right about jr throwing way his best season to date.
Jr fucked up in the playoffs because he was too drunk, high and hungover to concentrate on the task that was at hand.
It killed my heart and i knew eventually i would have to hear about it here.

Guess ill become a Dunleavy fan now. :shrug:
i just love players who get drop kicked in the face in games.


But i will defend Nate, because he doesnt deserve the trash talk and forum bashing hes recieving from a few people here.
The man busted his ass for us Bulls fans and i think he deserved and earned a spot on this roster.
Im not wrong.
but wuteva.

Axl Rose

and I knew the silence of the world
Oct 11, 2011
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i dont think we are on the same page in terms of "need"

yall seem to think NEED as in we NEED them to be a contender

but what i mean is we NEED all the help we can get

Daa Bearrs

New member
Aug 28, 2012
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oh really?
How so?
Please explain why?
How does being awarded 6th man of the year blow?
Stop it, your not making any sense right now, LoL.............

Wait, you seriously care about media awards? How about being a insanely inefficient chucker with a Special person basketball I.Q. and little defense makes J.R. Smith a worthless piece of shit? But hey now, let's not talk about that, they put him on ESPN sometimes when every once in a while he makes a string of his utterly Special person shots.


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Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Welp we can forget about jamison too...LOL,0,5939472.story

Jamison was the most respected free agent left on the market this summer.......Lets give a round of applause to the Clippers. :clap:

The King of the Stand Pat Kingdom suceeds yet once again.


And thats what this thread is all about.......Truth
The stand patness must cease to exist or else................................................................................................................................................................dead end street on the road to playoof round exits like always.........If he wont bring big time players here, cant he at least bring wel respected verteran bench players that we could actually was affordable.
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