Another exciting action packed blockbuster summer with Pax


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Aug 22, 2013
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I can tell your new because everyone else on this board already knows this

Is it that obvious? Lol

I am new here, but have been posting over at ISH for years, one of the good fans from this site recommended I join here.


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Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
What opportunities do you believe we realistically missed?

Every season,a star or stars come up available for the taking whether through trade or free agency whether in the off season or through out the season.
How or when is not an answerable question because it depends on how aggresively a gm is seeking out a player or willing to give up a player.
Paxson hasnt been as aggressive as he could of been on many occasions.
And the players you ask me to list is a long long list and i dont want to take up too much space here, because others may want to post. :smug:

Are you saying that Pax hasnt missed opportunities to get star players here?
LoL :lol:

When i say star players, i dont mean JR Smith or Ben Gordon either, Lol.
I think a few people here misunderstand me when i talk about those guys.
I only thought that Ben Gordon would of been a good piece to resign the year he left.
and after he was gone, i always thought JR smith (talentwise) would of been a good replacement for Gordon at 2guard because of his skill set.
But i never said they were superstars.
I thought they would be good pieces to have already on our roster to comliment our current star and any superstar we could of added..

Now, as far as stars we missed out on, ill just mention 1 star player that we possibly could of swapped for like a month ago and his name is Lamrcus Aldridge.
Had Pax and company maybe acted more aggresively in negotiations and not been too much in love with Noah and whoever else lamarcus's current team would of wanted in return, i believe that a deal could of gotten done had Paxson and Jerry pursued it further and harder.............

I dont know, but the way i see it, pax and company arnt what id call risk takers..........Too conservetive.

Is Pat Riley of the Heat conservitive?......NO..championships and more to come..

Has the Lakers brass been conservitive?.....NO .....championships

Celtics? No..............a championship.....

These are just examples of teams in the last decade that have won a championship or multiple..

Niether of those franchises ive mentioned were conservitive in there negotiating skills to build those rosters.

They took risks...And were willing to spend and do whatever it took to land there stars.

Sometimes bigtime risks are what it take to build championship teams or to bring in star players to your roster....

I DO BELIEVE THAT MORE AGRESSIVE negotiating skills will be required from our front office to bring in a star on the trade block or negotiating with free agents and there agents in order to land Rose his Pippen..........

I dont see whats so ridiculous about my thoughts, but yall are either blind, too acceptent and yes men too whatever PaxGarReinsdorff throw on your tables,, or crazy............or maybe yall are just republicans. :smug:

Derrick Roses brother took alot of heat for yhe things he said to the media, but somthing tells me thoses thoughts may have had somthing to do with somthing derrick may have said to Reggie............i really do.

Rose is our franchise player, and eventually or if not already, his demands to management will likely increase and i hope the F.O is willing to adress his concerns......Or else we could loose him when his contracts up........Id say that will be the timetable in which the F.O had better somehow build a true championship caliber roster around him...........
I think begining the process would be wiser sooner than later.....
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Aug 21, 2012
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Mom's Basement
Conservative... Jus sayin.


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Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
One more quick point before i head back to the office.

Had the lucky stars not hovered over the Bulls orginization in the summer of 1984 and The Bulls FO of that time not drafted Michael Jeffry Jordan, today we could be talking about how the Chicago Bulls are one of the franchises in the league that still havnt won a championship at all yet..........The conservative F.O of the 1990s were lucky they had Jordan to mask there overly conservativness.................Had Jerry Reinsdorff not had Jordan and Pippen, would you guys be defending the F.O today?
Or had they not gotten lucky as fuck winning Rose in the draft with a 1 percent chance, would you guys be please with Pax?
If im not mistaken, the season before we drafted rose, there was alot of talk in Chicago and the media about Johnny Jumpshot resigning or being fired........Go ahead and deny it if you fellas want to............I even remember being at the Bulls game when johnny kerr was honored with a statue before he died...The Bulls were really struggling at that time, and Paxson stepped out onto the U.c floor to speak, and ill tell ya, the boos were so loud around me, i had to cover my sensitive ears...No Bullshit....I remember actually feeling a little bad for John Pax......It was a pretty pathetc scene and almost disrespectful considering it was a halftime ceromony to honor Bulls great Johnny Kerr and wasnt about Pax at all....

........Landing Rose basically saved Paxsons ass............thats for sure..........You only get lucky like that once in a lifetime....straight up....dont expect that again fellas....

Jordan and Pippen are the reason there championships in Bulls history to speak of and Jerry is still living off of it, while some of you guys still buy it...................Kudos to some of yall....:lol:

I highly doubt it...........................
There wouldnt be a championship banner hanging at the U.C....................There might not been a U.C to speak of, LoL
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Aug 26, 2013
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The conservative F.O of the 1990s were lucky they had Jordan to mask there overly conservativness...

Since you've been watching since the early-80s, you know that that "conservative" front office traded for Dennis Rodman, right? Dennis freakin' Rodman. Like as in this guy


Conservative you say?=)


Three if by air
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Since you've been watching since the early-80s, you know that that "conservative" front office traded for Dennis Rodman, right? Dennis freakin' Rodman. Like as in this guy


Conservative you say?=)

No, he's right. They are conservative. Not to be confused with politically conservative(social), but from a management standpoint, conservative. They don't have much choice. In comparison to the field, Jerry isn't as loaded as other big market owners, and he refuses to split ownership with other outside funding to take bigger risks. All the bitching and moaning in the world wont change some things.

Just a heads up though, unless you want mindless back and fourths for entertainment. SP94 is the resident Bulls drama queen, and I can say that, because he knows it(although he might dramatize this statement as well.)


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No, he's right. They are conservative. Not to be confused with politically conservative(social), but from a management standpoint, conservative. They don't have much choice. In comparison to the field, Jerry isn't as loaded as other big market owners, and he refuses to split ownership with other outside funding to take bigger risks. All the bitching and moaning in the world wont change some things.

Just a heads up though, unless you want mindless back and fourths for entertainment. SP94 is the resident Bulls drama queen, and I can say that, because he knows it(although he might dramatize this statement as well.)

You can say it. Because you're the man of the house around here :eek:


Apr 26, 2009
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I´m actually very excited to see how the free agency next summer turns out.

I mean in 2010 the Bulls didn´t have to show much besides a rookie of the year award.

The season before we had a 41 win season and our coach has been Vinny if I´m not wrong.

Now the Bulls have a solid team with an MVP and an elite coach.

Maybe free agents look at Chicago a little different now than in 2010.


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I´m actually very excited to see how the free agency next summer turns out.

I mean in 2010 the Bulls didn´t have to show much besides a rookie of the year award.

The season before we had a 41 win season and our coach has been Vinny if I´m not wrong.

Now the Bulls have a solid team with an MVP and an elite coach.

Maybe free agents look at Chicago a little different now than in 2010.
Perhaps they do, but what does it matter if we have no money/assets to bring them in? I doubt we're going to get the ring chaser discount that Miami got with Ray Allen or even Battier. Even if we did have the full MLE to offer, I bet we'd use it on bringing Mirotic over anyway (though that in itself could be a big move).
Sep 3, 2012
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Depending how the Bulls do this season will also determine how next free agency pans out.

I wasn't that mad about not getting LeBron, I admit I was a little bummed out but my expectations after 09-10 were significantly lower compared to now. However I don't want paxgar or bullsnation to get caught up in the whole LeBron shit again, I highly doubt he's coming here and if the sweet win again he might extend. I could care less about wade either, the only way he'd ever be in a bulls uni is if he's past his prime, and I'm talking about john starks on the bulls terrible.

The 1 that could most likely leave is Bosh, he's basically the 3rd wheel there and he's overshadowed by the bron-wade bromance, he might go to dallas or some other small market team but he's not coming here when we already have Boozer and Mirotic supposedly coming over.

Our next "big" move is Mirotic coming over, but if I end up being wrong because a better/bigger move is made then so be it


Apr 26, 2009
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Perhaps they do, but what does it matter if we have no money/assets to bring them in? I doubt we're going to get the ring chaser discount that Miami got with Ray Allen or even Battier. Even if we did have the full MLE to offer, I bet we'd use it on bringing Mirotic over anyway (though that in itself could be a big move).

IF the Bulls decide not to resign Deng and amnesty Boozer, how much money would they have to sign FA?

Also who is under contract next season? Rose, Noah, Butler, Gibson, Teague, who else?


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Since you've been watching since the early-80s, you know that that "conservative" front office traded for Dennis Rodman, right? Dennis freakin' Rodman. Like as in this guy


Conservative you say?=)

loL, of course i know that, but Dennis Rodman was an exception to the rule to them at the time for whatever reason.....Must be because he was still the best rebouder and great defender at the they bent the rules and took a risk.........Maybe they should try taking risks again...

I wonder if John Paxson would of signed Dennis had he been the GM at the time.....i doubt it....Pax would of resigned Larry Krastoviak instead and kept Will Perdue.............Im glad Paxson was still just working his way up the back then and Krause was running things....Krause took risks, hence 6 championships.....
