I empathize with the fear of the unknown expressed by some posters, but I would hope you at least try to educate yourselves on the messenger RNA technology. It is quite fascinating and it has so much potential in not only vaccines, but treatments as well in a wide assortment of diseases beyond COVID.
Yes this is the first time it's been used on such a massive scale, but if it proves successful...it's a literal game changer. Imagine you being part of the reason your great grandkids will have never even heard of Parkinson's disease.
I am sure everyone in this forum has used the phrase "should take one for the team" at some point in their E-Lives...so now it's your turn to take one for the team Bear Nation!
If anyone wants to keep this discussion going we have had this thread running since the start:
Or if you want some background on messenger RNA technology, this is an easy read:
The story of mRNA began is a tale of personal perseverance, eureka moments in the lab, soaring expectations — and an unprecedented flow of cash in biotech.