I'd say he's a fan first and a reporter second. I don't choose to hold that against him though.
On a similar subject, Olczyk seemed to (lack of a better term) break bad on the Hawks quite a bit more than usual - particularly as this season concluded. Even Pat had a few asides that were less than his usual glowing praise as the season went on. I wonder if that was by request.
I know we're getting quite off topic and I'm adding to it, but certainly you're entitled to your opinion, but you probably need not wonder about the hate anymore.

This is what frustrates me about Myers a bit. She continually states she refuses to be a fan of this team while she reports on them. Ok, it's obvious she's a Stars fan, fine. Anyway, where are the probing questions on issues? You can claim all that reporter first stuff you want, girl, but when the medium outlet that pays you is owned by the team and you don't ask tough questions, something stinks.
All of the Pat/Eddie stuff is mostly be request, I don't doubt it. They are the mouthpieces.