No apparently GFAIL is SKIRTING. Whatever the **** that means.Has a bet been agreed upon yet?
On a real note desp went ghost again.
No apparently GFAIL is SKIRTING. Whatever the **** that means.Has a bet been agreed upon yet? recap in the real world, no bet is made yet and you are scared to "grow a pair" and just say Cutler top 12 in qb rating. Hypocrisy at it's finest. The bet is between you and desp so stop looking weak as usual GFail by skirting or changing the subject like you usually do. Just grow a pair and bet top 12 to get this bet going. What is so hard about that......unless you are chicken. Keep it up please. :lol:
I already have a $50 bet with didshe on Cutler being mediocre, and I don't trust you would actually pay a monetary about a ban bet...If Cutler can finish in the top 10 in Passer Rating, I'll get a ban from the end of the season until the start of preseason next year. If Cutler finishes outside of the top 10 in passer rating, same ban period for you. We got a deal
I have made a bet plenty of times, he just keeps ducking the bet. He runs and hides every time it starts to get real. Here was my original proposal:
It has now morphed into what we have in this thread to accomodate desps lack of confidence in Cutler.
Top 12 is barely above average, why would I bet that? It's stupid, much like most of your posts. Him finishing slightly above average doesn't prove anything, it doesn't prove he had a great season, it doesn't prove he is a good QB...all it proves is he improved in the slightest bit. Which makes a top 12 benchmark very weak considering my argument has been Cutler is mediocre. So him finishing at 11 or 12 doesn't debunk him being mediocre. If he were to finish in the top 10 than that actually shows he had a somewhat significant increase in least at that bench mark desp would have a leg to stand on.
So desp keeps ducking this bet and avoiding making any other counter bet to me, how about you? I ask again, will you take the bet instead? Or will you continue to lack the balls and keep skirting my bet?
This really is sad, when did being slightly above average become an accomplishment to be proud of? When updating your resume, did you list a C+ average in school under the accomplishments section? Why do we as fans have to settle for a notch above average? This is sad to have that as a baseline for a QB. I get that the Bears have had some ineptitude at the QB position, but that does not give us a reason to lower our standards for good QB play. Top 15, really...that is the cutoff? Top 12 really isn't that much least top 10 can be argued as an accomplishment.
Top 15, Josh McCown was top 15 in passer rating last year (ahead of Cutler BTW)...Kaepernick and Bradford were top 12 in 2013 (ahead of Cutler BTW)...Matt Moore was in the top 12 in 2011...Garrard was .1 away from being in the top 12 in 2010. At least if a player makes it in the top 10 we can say that the QB played within the top 30% of the leagues starters.
How about we stop lowering our standards?
Then your bet defeats the purpose. The point was will Despbro back up his fake Cutler obsession? We know the answer bet isnt about cutler being elite. im just betting on what he is, nothing more. could cutler pull a 2015 palmer.... sure why not.. likely? probably not
accomplishments?? i once put hand to hand combat, ground assault training, heavy and light weaponry...marksmanship award.. etc etc... i gotz the job... then i basically stopped handing out resumes... started straight talking management and branched out working for myself.. more dan ones way to pluck a cat
how bout we start being grateful for what the bears do have.... it could be worse...
but i hears ya...
my bet isnt about cutler being elite. im just betting on what he is, nothing more. could cutler pull a 2015 palmer.... sure why not.. likely? probably not
accomplishments?? i once put hand to hand combat, ground assault training, heavy and light weaponry...marksmanship award.. etc etc... i gotz the job... then i basically stopped handing out resumes... started straight talking management and branched out working for myself.. more dan ones way to pluck a cat
how bout we start being grateful for what the bears do have.... it could be worse...
but i hears ya...
We all know what he is....mediocre. He has finished in the middle of the pack for the majority of his career, that's like me making a ban bet with you that AP will finish in the top 10 in rushing yards this year barring any injury. Is there a chance he will finish outside the top 10? Sure. Is it likely? Not really.
The bolded is what makes some of the fans on here so frustrating. Why do we have to be grateful for 7 years of mediocre play? I was grateful to have an upgrade at QB when Cutler came to Chicago, I was grateful until around 2011 when after three years there hadn't been much improvement in play. After that season I was done being grateful for the marginal improvement Cutler brought.
The analogy I like to use is for many years the only option we as fans had was a bologna sandwich. We had to deal with that sandwich for too long. Then we were given an upgrade, a bologna sandwich with government cheese. We were grateful for this upgraded bologna sandwich with government cheese, but after a couple years we noticed other fan bases enjoying monte cristo's or philly cheese steaks or cuban sandwiches.
So while I may begrudgingly sit down on Sundays and have my bologna sandwich with government cheese, that doesn't mean I should be happy with it or not want a chance at a delicious cuban sandwich.
You can make a sandwich better by adding things to it.
Unless it's a shit sandwich.
Yeah, but real bologna from a legit deli is pretty good.
false...bacon.....makes anything better
Someone wrap cutler in bacon!
Add it to the list of GFails.Yeah, but real bologna from a legit deli is pretty good.
Yeah, but real bologna from a legit deli is pretty good.
Did the cuck officially ***** out of this bet yet or nah? What a baby back *****. Very low energy, and def not a good time to be alive![]()