**Bears sign DE Jared Allen to 4 year contract**


CCS Donator
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jan 4, 2011
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I don't do taxes. I am on the audit/consulting side of things not the tax side. Honestly, if your taxes are that easy, I would just get turbo tax or tax act. They are easy to use and can handle simple tax returns.

I was just joking around. I used to do our own but let someone else do it once we had to deal with all the mortgage shite.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Good question...I'm not allowed to do my own taxes because none of my several graduate degrees are in business/finance. I would be interested in this as well.

Lol, right because doing your own taxes is the same thing as performing surgery on yourself or diagnosing yourself?

Space Invader

Aug 21, 2012
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Somewhere away from fucktards.
Question is: How much will Jared Allen pay in taxes?

Space Invader

Aug 21, 2012
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Somewhere away from fucktards.

Bearin' Down

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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I am confused. Where are these "insanely aggresive responses"? What "manners" should I have used in my responses?
Normal manners, in which you would treat any other living human being if you were confronted with them in the same situation face to face. If these are your true colors, I'm not impressed.

Rory Sparrow said:
So you honestly thought that someone had asked remydat "Are you an educated person? How many graduate degrees do you have?"
I didn't honestly think anything. Go back and re-read what I said. In sum, I simply asked why you had that in your signature because it would seem you were either: 1) Boasting about someone else's accomplishments; 2) Making fun of someone for being educated; or 3) Calling someone a liar. I asked because I wanted to clarify what happened. Not because I "honestly thought" someone said something.

Rory Sparrow said:
You lied because you originally said you were confused by my signature, then a few posts later you said if remydat "threw it out there to support his argument", then you would understand why it would be in my signature. So, you've understood my signature this whole time. Hence, you lied.

First, I think it's very important to clarify something: I clearly had no idea what context any of this was said in, and as a result I had no knowledge of the surrounding facts.

Second, let's define the word lie for you:

LIE said:
an intentionally false statement.

So I had no knowledge of what happened. I asked you what happened. AND the situation in which you claim happened wasn't what I expected, as I've stated numerous times. I also made no statement as to what happened. So, I'm confused as to how I lied about anything. You are reaching here. I'm guessing to justify your own warped notion as to why your current behavior is justifiable within society. It's not.

Rory Sparrow said:
You are indeed a poor, confused soul. Your confusion is of your own free choice...you've provided yourself with two hypothetical options, one which explains my signature, the other doesn't. Instead of choosing the hypothetical which would explain my signature, you've instead chosen to repeatedly choose the hypothetical which wouldn't (in your mind) explain my signature. Good for you. I don't understand your continued posting on this topic (i.e. my signature).

LOL, wtf are you talking about? I haven't chosen anything. Are you out of your mind? Did you read anything I've said? All I did was ask why you had that signature. I've made no comments as to who was right or wrong, as between you or remy. I simply asked for what happened because I didn't understand it. You told me, I said thank you. You've since gone on some sort of temper tantrum, presumably because you feel as though I've sided against you on something I don't care to be apart of anyways. You really need to read what people are saying, and not skim it.

Rory Sparrow said:
And really, there are no "facts" to review or "context" required. Someone on the internet claiming to have several graduate degrees is sig-worthy on its own merits. As I had originally asked you, to which you have yet to give a response...how many times have you seen someone claim to have "several graduate degrees" on an internet forum? I've only seen it once in 15+ years.

If I was making a judgment call on whether it was an appropriate thing to say or not, there would be facts to review and context would be required. In fact, context is required for everything. The fact that you believe that no context is required is silly. Either way though, I'm not making a judgment as to who was right or wrong, I simply asked for the story behind it. You either let that get under your skin because you thought I was doing something I'm not OR you're actually a major jerk. Either way, those are both problems you have to resolve, not me. Also, I'm unsure why it would be silly for someone on the internet to claim they have multiple graduate degrees. Do you not recognize that there are a lot of people out there that DO have said degrees? It sounds as though Remy is in accounting of some sort. I know for a fact people get multiple graduate degrees in that field. Just because you think it's ridiculous doesn't mean it is.

Rory Sparrow said:
I see you are still unable to comprehend basic concepts on this site, and I hope you continue to improve as a poster here. Perhaps when you overhear two people sharing an inside joke, you can confront those people with an insanely aggressive response and say "I heard your joke...and I know its an inside joke of which I have no knowledge of...but I am confused as to why you find it humorous. I'm not attacking you are trying to be annoying...I'm just curious. Again, I already know its an inside joke, but I was confused as to why you were laughing. I mean, I understand why you would be laughing since its an inside joke, but since I don't know for sure, I am curious."

First, comparing a signature that you PROMINENTLY display to everyone on this board with everyone of your posts to an inside joke that is told between two people which only those two people know about and where someone happens to overhear is completely off base. Second, I don't think Remy believes it's an inside joke. I believe his word for you was troll. Third, and I think this is important for you to understand, I don't care what type of poster you claim that I am. You aren't the arbitrator of quality posters.

Bearin' Down

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Thats not what I asked. I understand what "manners" are. My question was how specifically I should have responded to you, and what specifically in my responses were "insanely aggressive". My recollection is that you kept prodding me about my signature, and I answered all of your questions. Again, when does "manners" come into play? What "true colors" should I be showing? How did I not treat you like a "living human being"?

No, that is wrong. One of your hypotheticals was that remydat was responding to a direct question, which would somehow in your small mind cause my signature to be "confusing". My response was to illustrate the absurdity of your hypothetical, because how often do you ask someone one a forum "How many graduate degrees do you have?"

How would you? I didn't include the context in my signature. Surrounding facts aren't needed. Yet you seemed to have figured it out right away (amazingly, the human brain can figure out context when its not clearly stated), but you chose to ignore it and instead continue with the inquisition.

Originally posted by LIE....good one.

How would you have had knowledge of what happened?

And you are lying again. The situation I claimed happened was the 2nd of your two hypotheticals. The first hypothetical has remydate responding to a direct question, the second hypothetical has remydat supplying his 'several graduate degree' information on his own volition. The second hypothetical is the situation I claimed happened. So you obviously "expected" it on some level. I guess you aren't giving yourself enough credit for your own intelligence.

Yes you have. You had two hypotheticals which would "explain" my signature. One hypothetical made sense. The other one didn't. You chose to believe the hypothetical which didn't make sense was the correct one, hence your confusion. It has nothing to do with "siding against me". What "sides" are there here, anyways? Its my signature, not Nixon's foreign policy.

How could you possibly make a judgment as to "who was right or wrong" when there is no "right or wrong" in this situation? Again, there are no "sides". I'm not understanding why you are continuing to try to make this an "argument". Remydaft said something funny...I included it in my signature.

How am I letting "that" get under my skin? Is this more of my "insanely aggressive responses" when I actually take the time to respond to your endless and often times redundant questioning? How am I being a "major jerk"?

Thanks for the heads up. You seem to be trying to resolve both of my "problems" with your continued posting, though. Just wanted to point that out.

For the fourth time, have you ever seen someone claim they have several graduate degrees in an internet forum? I think its ridiculous because 1) it can't be proven, 2) it shouldn't make any difference regarding the content/quality of the posting...it should be able to stand on its own merit and not need the crutch of alleged 'educational superiority', and 3) remydat has serious intellectual issues when it comes to communicating on a forum.

I never claimed everyone has to find my signature ridiculous, so I am still confused as to why you continue to feel "put upon" by my sig.

I haven't figured out a way to not "PROMINENTLY" display my signature...its kind of a default thing at CCS.

One, I didn't compare the two. You did. The comparison was made in reference to your continued "confusion", not my signature. Two, I would say more than two people on CCS are in on the "inside joke" that is remydat.

He is entitled to his opinion. And it wouldn't really be a "joke" if he could substantiate his claim, or at the very least, make up some ficticious graduate degrees and claim those are the ones he has. Remydat has done neither at this point, despite multiple inquiries.

Great. You don't care that you are Special person. Duly noted. I never claimed to be the arbitrator of quality posters.

You respond a lot for "not caring". Perhaps you and Broc can talk about that.

Okay, let me do this, as far as this conversation is concerned it's over. You can put whatever words you want into my mouth. The bottom line is, we aren't going to agree. On what, I'm not exactly sure. All I was doing was asking about the story behind your signature before you flew off the handle. Either way, I'll let you continue to stew in your nonsensical responses to nearly everyone on this board.

I'll leave you with this parting question, to which I will not respond back:

Remydat said: "Lol, right because doing your own taxes is the same thing as performing surgery on yourself or diagnosing yourself?"

In response you said: "So all people who have medical degrees perform surgery on themselves? I guess that would make the insurance paperwork a bit easier to process."

Specifically, how did you came to the conclusion that remydat's post somehow inferred that all people who have medical degrees perform surgery on themselves? Remy clearly acknowledges the gaping differences between the two in the post you replied to. In sum, you calling me Special person holds no water.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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So all people who have medical degrees perform surgery on themselves? I guess that would make the insurance paperwork a bit easier to process.

You sound dumber every time you post. People listen to well respected medical professionals when it comes to medical advice. That was the point. All this other stupid shit you are going on about makes no sense.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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remydat originally said the people (NFL players) aren't qualified/allowed to get second opinions on important medical diagnoses (from NFL Team doctors) because only those with medical degrees can question a medical diagnosis from a doctor. If you don't have a medical degree, you are at the mercy of your doctor. Why remydat then chose to say that "doing your own taxes is the same thing as performing surgery on yourself" is beyond me. I don't expect doctors to perform surgeries on themselves...perhaps you and remydat do. Or perhaps you think that some people with medical degrees perform surgery on themselves, but not all.

Lol, this is a blatant lie. At no point did I claim people are not allowed to get second opinions on important medical diagnoses. The issue is they were unlikely to do so because it was medical research and they trusted the NFL to not blatantly mislead or lie to them. A doctor can't use as a defense to malpractice or misleading/deceiving/lying to patients, "Well he should have obtained a second opinion." It's fucking idiotic.

Like who here reads something in a medical journal from an expert in the field and then goes to their local doctor who hasn't done any research on concussions for a second opinion? Your logic here is fucking absurd.

Good question...I'm not allowed to do my own taxes because none of my several graduate degrees are in business/finance. I would be interested in this as well.

This was your original stupid ass comment. Doing you own taxes simply requires looking up tax rules, using turbo tax, and doing some simple calculations. Anybody who can read, add, subtract, multiply, and divide can do their own taxes if they wanted to.

Trying to compare that with the ability to carry out functions reserved for doctors such as surgery, making medical diagnoses, and carrying out years of medical research to form medical opinions on concussions is fucking absurd.


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Woke up this morning with a wine glass in my hand, who's wine? What wine? Where the hell did I die? Must of been a dream, can't believe this is still going on. Come on, lets do it again!!!!!!!!!!!!:beer:


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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So...again...you believe that getting a second opinion on important medical diagnoses is a "fucking idiotic" concept. Don't know where/how the malpractice issue came into play. I would hope that if two doctors have differing diagnoses, then its not always one doctor being right while the other doctor is knowingly misleading/deceiving/lying. But none of my several graduate degrees are in the medical field, so I will defer to the experts.

Makes sense. I routinely browse medical journals, then I make a trip to my local doctor, who obviously hasn't done any "research" since he's merely a local doctor, and then lecture him on whatever I have just read in the medical journal, because that is the equivalent to doctor performing medical research. I'm like Richard Kimble walking into the hospital and giving out orders.

I've found that Web MD is much simpler to use than Turbo Tax, though.

Your stupidity is in your continued rambling on about getting a second opinion. If you have no lingering symptoms, the doctor told you there are no long term effects, and the doctor provides you with the official research on the matter that confirms there are no long term effects, what exactly are you getting a second opinion on? The issue here is that you won't find out for 10-30 years long after your playing days are over and when the NFL stops covering your medical bills that said doctor was fucking lying to you.

This was not a situation where one doctor made a good faith diagnoses and you have symptoms that make you doubt that diagnoses so you go get a second opinion. This is a situation where allegedly doctors and researchers on the take of the NFL lied to/mislead players and the players had no real reason to doubt what the NFL doctors and research said because the long term effects of concussions don't present until years after the fact.


CCS Donator
Aug 26, 2012
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So Cal/SFV
wth happened to this thread? mods please close already


Staff member
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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wth happened to this thread? mods please close already

Don't see how this is any different from any other thread remy and Rory take over.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Don't see how this is any different from any other thread remy and Rory take over.

Well if this dude would stop e-stalking me then there wouldn't be an issue. The only time I talk to that dude is when he decides to respond to one of my posts with his stupidity. I stopped actually responding to original posts of his a long time ago.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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Great signing by the Bears here. Makes the Willie Young move seem a bit odd in retrospect(however it makes the Peppers move make a ton more sense)......nonetheless a really nice move by Emery. If the Bears can get a DT in the draft, especially in the 1st round you have to like what they've done with the line.



Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks


Gazpacho Police
Aug 21, 2012
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Albuquerque, NM
I want to be excited about this and the fact that he had 11.5 sacks last year helps. But I sort of feel like, meh, we overpaid a 32 year old guy who won't play out his contract. I guess every quality signing, no matter the price, still gives Emery more flexibility in the draft, but this feels like a desperation move to make up for blowing it so badly with the McClellin pick. Since he's getting roughly as much this year as the Packers are paying Peppers I guess I will be satisfied if he just outperforms him.
Well, at least here is one post I can point to where I didn't embarrass myself.
