Bears will field a playoff-caliber defense


You wake him up, you keep him up
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CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 10, 2013
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Yeah, it will be interesting if they have another shitty season. It'd be one thing if we hadn't seen this stuff before as in new management coming in, old management vilified as being the problem, and the new guys as the saviors of the franchise. I can remember the exact same shit said about Emery and Trestman, remember?

Frankly, Fox does not impress me as a head coach. His on field decisions are horseshit even when he had good teams to work with. ANd his conservative nature is boring as hell to watch. He actually reminds me of Lovie, namely a guy who focused all of his attention on defense and ignored the offense totally. Both of them, pissed away chances to win championships because of their ignoring the offensive side of the ball.

Fox did coach the highest scoring team of all time....(and I am not a Fox fan). He doesn't ignore the offensive side of the ball, he just doesn't know what to do with it.


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Aug 21, 2012
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At the time, I thought it was very weird that Fox took the Bears job. He had his pick of teams, and it seemed like other NFL teams would be more attractive. Even the worst NFL teams were at least in full rebuild mode, whereas the Bears were kind of in GarPax "Win now while rebuilding" mode due in large part to the Cliff Stein Guaranteed Cap Hell. One of the reports said that Fox signed with Chicago because they had an established QB...don't know if that's true, but at least its a reason.

It will be interesting if the Bears have another losing season where they finish last in the the Bears stick with Fox? Does Fox "retire" on his own? Does anyone even care and the year is yet another acceptable 'rebuilding' season?

Solid questions. I think regardless of what happens to Fox or, what he decides to do we'll see Pace here for longer. Provided his drafts pan out for the better.

Two reasons lead me to this.

1) Pace may have wanted Fox but the Owners were also pushing for it.

2) Cutler. Pace isn't tied to him and I think he'd be given the opportunity to get his own guy in the building. Again, provided his track record of building the team looks promising moving forward.


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2013
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Don't know whether the D will be playoff caliber or not, but I do hope that the Bears start fewer UDFAs this season on D. On an article I saw yesterday by Adam Jahns, he said we started 7 UDFAs on D last season:

At various points last season, Bears defensive coordinator Vic Fangio started seven players who went undrafted to start their NFL careers: linebackers John Timu, Christian Jones, Jonathan Anderson and LaRoy Reynolds, safety Harold Jones-Quartey, nickel back Bryce Callahan and defensive tackle Mitch Unrein.

If the Bears can at least get their drafted players on D over the UDFAs, there should be improvement. Though I think from a depth perspective, this was a good thing. At least our back-ups are all young guys who don't cost anything and have experience with game situations. But ideally you don't have any UDFAs start any games and come in purely for depth or play ST.
