Bears will field a playoff-caliber defense


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Nov 20, 2013
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Year 4 they "start" garnering attention as a contender? Really? Does that equate to in year 5 they "are" a serious contender, and do you really think Pace & Co. have that much time?

Sure. Pace's timeline could be indefinite. Fox won't be around that long and a new coach will be brought in to get the team over the top. Cubs had 2 managers during Theo's time while he was tearing down the franchise and rebuilding it properly. Some coaches are good for certain things, and Fox is good at being a disciplined coach that will get a solid foundation in place. If the Bears are close to competing for a Super Bowl, Fox won't be the coach because he doesn't know how to coach on the big stage. Why do you think Elway got rid of him?


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Sure. Pace's timeline could be indefinite. Fox won't be around that long and a new coach will be brought in to get the team over the top. Cubs had 2 managers during Theo's time while he was tearing down the franchise and rebuilding it properly. Some coaches are good for certain things, and Fox is good at being a disciplined coach that will get a solid foundation in place. If the Bears are close to competing for a Super Bowl, Fox won't be the coach because he doesn't know how to coach on the big stage. Why do you think Elway got rid of him?

Ic. I think I got it now, so what your saying is, in another 2-3 years Bears should dump Fox, pick up Kubiak (I am sure at this point in time Bronco's will be in rebuild mode), Fox can go back to the Bronco's, and the Bears have a 2, maybe 3 year window to win a Super bowl or two? Should we also pick up a past his prime Tom Brady (in 2-3 years) to lead us to the promised land?




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Aug 21, 2012
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Year 4 they "start" garnering attention as a contender? Really? Does that equate to in year 5 they "are" a serious contender, and do you really think Pace & Co. have that much time?

Your over simple "analysis" of the specific situation as it pertains to the bears is pretty laughable. The bears have ONE draft pick on the team from an era where this group of players should make up the general backbone of the team. Guys from 24-28 going into the back end of thier rookie contracts or just entering thier 2nd. 26 picks in total from 09-12. ONE player is on the roster.

The sheer lack of young NFL caliber talent on the team the new regime inherited was unbelievably wretched. One of the worst situations in football without question.

You don't have to agree with the moves made with some of the vets but it doesn't matter much. Signing guys heading into their twilight is nothing more than putting a bandaid over a massive wound.

Filling out this roster with young, NFL talent was always going to take multiple years regardless of who was brought in. Pointing fingers at fox for running a "bend but don't break" in a scheme transition year with many fringe NFL players is the epitome of ignorance when you look at the facts surrounding the situation that was inherited.

You don't have to be a Homer, or a hater to see reality for what it is.


CCS Mock Draft Champion
Aug 21, 2012
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Well you really told him :rolleyes:


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Your over simple....................................... blah lah blah blah blah blah...........................
You don't have to be a Homer, or a hater to see reality for what it is.

None of this has anything to do with the quote of mine you used. The topic to which the quote was addressed is how many years does Pace have to turn the franchise around, and what year of the process is 2016. I wasn't being critical of Fox's choice to use a bend but don't break defense, rather explaining that in doing so, some of the stats need to be examined more carefully (such as rushing defense rating vs passing defense rating). Might help if you read before you post, homer.


CCS Mock Draft Champion
Aug 21, 2012
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None of this has anything to do with the quote of mine you used. The topic to which the quote was addressed is how many years does Pace have to turn the franchise around, and what year of the process is 2016. I wasn't being critical of Fox's choice to use a bend but don't break defense, rather explaining that in doing so, some of the stats need to be examined more carefully (such as rushing defense rating vs passing defense rating). Might help if you read before you post, homer.



Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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None of this has anything to do with the quote of mine you used. The topic to which the quote was addressed is how many years does Pace have to turn the franchise around, and what year of the process is 2016. I wasn't being critical of Fox's choice to use a bend but don't break defense, rather explaining that in doing so, some of the stats need to be examined more carefully (such as rushing defense rating vs passing defense rating). Might help if you read before you post, homer.

Trust me, I've read all of your nonsensical posts within this thread and it wouldn't have mattered which I quoted. In hindsight, I regret it. Possibly lost a few brain cells along the way.


New member
Feb 7, 2016
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Sure. Pace's timeline could be indefinite. Fox won't be around that long and a new coach will be brought in to get the team over the top. Cubs had 2 managers during Theo's time while he was tearing down the franchise and rebuilding it properly. Some coaches are good for certain things, and Fox is good at being a disciplined coach that will get a solid foundation in place. If the Bears are close to competing for a Super Bowl, Fox won't be the coach because he doesn't know how to coach on the big stage. Why do you think Elway got rid of him?

Elway got rid of him because Kubiak is one of his best friends, nothing more than that. Worked out when they were more arguably one dimensional(Great fucking one dimension though) this time around than the last time. I think Von Miller might have been hurt as well for that IIRC(Not that the score mattered much).


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2014
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And he only has those memories because he was playing with a great defense.
I am pretty sure that the bears rank the same at times with Cutler. In 2012 i think they were top 5 which was also the same when they went to the superbowl

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CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Trust me, I've read all of your nonsensical posts within this thread and it wouldn't have mattered which I quoted. In hindsight, I regret it. Possibly lost a few brain cells along the way.

I apologize, you had so few to lose to begin with.


CCS Donator
Jan 11, 2014
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I think they will be top ten, maybe better.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Offseason football where everyone has hope.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2013
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I'm quite certain they were one of the higher ranked defenses against the pass last year. top 10 in the very least, which is a miracle considering how strapped for talent they were.

people keep overlooking the fact that they narrowly lost a majority of games. while they finished 6-10, they could've easily finished 10-6. so for the 753rd time I'm going to say this, that was a marked improvement over being down 50 points at halftime.

Fox had a few miscues in coaching. Gould missed a few kicks he should've made that cost some games. it's not really relevant if they made the playoffs last year anyway as they would've probably gotten massacred by one of the others.

just like last year, I fail to understand how so many people think the team is regressing when they're actually making positive changes. you could all alternatively just stfu until they start playing real games again, spare yourselves the agony and bitching like a bunch of old ladies about nothing. I get it though, a lot of you act like posting at CCS is a full-time job, you have to feel like you're contributing something. go write next year's mock draft or something, waste more of your time on pointless nonsense.

The majority of games in the NFL are "close". Every team in the league can point to losses that were close. It's easy to predict a better record if one fools themselves about the losses being close.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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minor coaching miscues led to those losses with a weak roster. if they make improvements to the personnel that should translate to improvements, not "oh they're going 6-10 this year". that's my point. just because Matt Forte and Matt Slauson left doesn't mean the sky is falling. life goes on.

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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I apologize, you had so few to lose to begin with.

So says the lad with rebuttals of a grade schooler. Apology accept. Here's to your future postings making actual valid points and when presented with facts, May your retorts bring more to the table than your very profound Blah blahs.


The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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Southern California
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  1. Chicago White Sox
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
At the time, I thought it was very weird that Fox took the Bears job. He had his pick of teams, and it seemed like other NFL teams would be more attractive. Even the worst NFL teams were at least in full rebuild mode, whereas the Bears were kind of in GarPax "Win now while rebuilding" mode due in large part to the Cliff Stein Guaranteed Cap Hell. One of the reports said that Fox signed with Chicago because they had an established QB...don't know if that's true, but at least its a reason.

It will be interesting if the Bears have another losing season where they finish last in the the Bears stick with Fox? Does Fox "retire" on his own? Does anyone even care and the year is yet another acceptable 'rebuilding' season?

Yeah, it will be interesting if they have another shitty season. It'd be one thing if we hadn't seen this stuff before as in new management coming in, old management vilified as being the problem, and the new guys as the saviors of the franchise. I can remember the exact same shit said about Emery and Trestman, remember?

Frankly, Fox does not impress me as a head coach. His on field decisions are horseshit even when he had good teams to work with. ANd his conservative nature is boring as hell to watch. He actually reminds me of Lovie, namely a guy who focused all of his attention on defense and ignored the offense totally. Both of them, pissed away chances to win championships because of their ignoring the offensive side of the ball.
