This conversation seems to have gone from "best Bears team of all time" to "Let me show off my old school knowledge by naming as many obscure players from the black and white days as I can".
Admittedly I'm not old enough to have watched the Bears prior to the 80s team, but I refuse to believe that ALL of these old linemen were better than Covert, Bortz, Hilgenberg, Thayer and Van Horne.
In truth, backups in today's NFL would beat the snot out of any all star NFL team from the 40s/50s/60s in their prime, but even with sticking to the logic of comparing players based on their own eras, there's no way that the all time team is THAT dominated by old players.
Obviously though, I have no way of proving that Gary Fencick and Mike Brown were better than Rosey Taylor, but I highly suspect it's the case, and I highly suspect that at least half a dozen of these old obscure names should be removed from any such list.
Modern football players >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> old bad players.
And let's be honest, compared to today's NFL, that's what these players are/were - old and bad.