Great quote.
My question is who is telling us suicide is cowardly? Where does this ideal come from at it's roots. Hate to say it but I am willing to bet it comes straight out of that stupid damn fancy book of mythology that is found in hotel drawers. That book that states that some unseen magic man up in the sky owns us and won't let us live on that fluffy cloud with him if we denounced that ownership. Usually where all this hogwash begins.
And I don't want to be the anti-religion guy because I am not that person. I know the positives relgion of all forms have served even for myself but the negatives need to be called out when fit to do so.
Ahh, don't worry, I have no problem being the one to slam religion
Seriously though, I think the issue with why people percieve suicide as cowardly is for a couple of reasons. One close to this circumstance is the fact that a brain that would be considered "under the bell curve" would be prone to get through a depressive state and not be inclined to self-terminate. Unfortunately, those that are suffering from depression--especially from a chemical imbalance, don't fall under that bell curve and it alters perception from what most who fall under the bell curve think it should be.
And like has been pointed out, one can be clinically depressed and show no outward signs of it; thus appearing "normal"
I think this is reflected in religion especially since in many cases religion--at least from the perspective of the religion as an institution (not from individual practice), has gone from being about morality and more towards perpetuating the religion and it's influence (at least, that's the only way I can explain some strains of christianity saying that the most ethically-upright atheist will burn in agony in hell for all of eternity but a serial kille that raped and murdered a buttload of victims who converts before they are executed get into heaven). That being said, since way back when the holy books said suicide was wrong, it's perpetuated as a black & white issue, without any gray area.
But take that for what it's worth, I live in one of the most irreligious states (based on church attendance) and the 1st one to legalize medically assisted suicide.
As for the trolls calling people cowards with their "online psych degrees". Pay them no heed, they're likley fat, sweaty, hairy, virgin trogolodytes dressed in shitstained boxers and cheeto-staned wifebeaters in their parents basement that need to feel superior because they failed at life. Believe me; we can smell our own (usually from miles away).