CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Can a Governor pardon a federal conviction? I know the President can only pardon federal convictions and not state convictions.

Wouldnt be surprised to see Obama pardon him if he doesnt win in 2012.


The sentence is a byproduct of the current anti-political climate. Giving him a lesser sentence would seem too easy. However I agree that based on past rulings with people what have done far worse, the 14 years seems too harsh IMO.

Also, he might not have had the hard "save my ass" info as he inferred.

The Whole thing just Irks me. He was convicted of playing Politics. No question. And not even the first time. They had to retry him to get 99% of the conviction. Wasting even more tax payers dollars. Oh goodie a guy who really did nothing at all is using MILLIONS of our dollars. Joy joy joy....

All those jumping for joy should anti up and fucking pay for it. Mean while I'll try to use my money for the real criminals. Now had he financially benefited, been the cause of personal injury or hardship, or any other crime effecting others, maybe. I could give a shit if the guy rots in prison. I care about having to PAY FOR IT!


Fire Waldron
Oct 31, 2014
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Just as bad as having to pay for a guy going to jail for selling weed, IMO. Lots wrong with the judicial system. **** Blago though. I hope they start throwing all these politicians in jail.


CCS Donator
Oct 25, 2010
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Demolished, No Longer Standing
I was doing some digging and we are confusing pardon with commutation of sentence. Pardon can't be done until five years after the sentence has been complete. But still not sure if the Governor can commute a federal sentence.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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I was doing some digging and we are confusing pardon with commutation of sentence. Pardon can't be done until five years after the sentence has been complete. But still not sure if the Governor can commute a federal sentence.

buzz kill


Just as bad as having to pay for a guy going to jail for selling weed, IMO. Lots wrong with the judicial system. **** Blago though. I hope they start throwing all these politicians in jail.

Um, they have been. It's different throwing them in jail verses paying to have them there for ever.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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You can't complain that the political system is corrupt and the root of all evil, then feel that the punishment handed down to them is too light. Punishments have to be as much about determent as they fitting the crime. He was convinced on 17 of the charges facing a sentence of 15-20 years. They gave him 14. I hope they keep him there for every last minute. Writing this off at "politicking" is ridiculous considering these are just the things they actually caught him doing. He probably had a whole term of "politicking" before they even caught on to him. The state is broke, and everything is going to shit, and a lot of it is directly related to him on his watch. And this sentence was too light? I think that in order for him to be let out even a day early he should be forced to spill his beans. Starting with Madigan and the other lifers on down.


It's not illegal to be an asshole.

And Mass just an FYI they stopped early as to not implicate the PRESIDENT. Again, it's all politics right down to the end.

There are several course's available on this exact subject if you'd like to work on your Political Science Degree.

Took two trials and MILLIONS more to convict him. Ryan was given 6.5 years and actually recieved monitary compensation. 14 years?

Give me a fucking break.

Pat Fitzgerald as an asshole. He too should be in jail. This was a personal vendetta.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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It's not illegal to be an asshole.

And Mass just an FYI they stopped early as to not implicate the PRESIDENT. Again, it's all politics right down to the end.

There are several course's available on this exact subject if you'd like to work on your Political Science Degree.

Took two trials and MILLIONS more to convict him. Ryan was given 6.5 years and actually recieved monitary compensation. 14 years?

Give me a fucking break.

Pat Fitzgerald as an asshole. He too should be in jail. This was a personal vendetta.

Ummm, Fitz did not find him guilty nor did set his term in prison.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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GUESS WHAT. Apparently it is illegal to be an asshole when you are doing it illegally. HE WAS CONVICTED. That's more than being an asshole. You can't convict a guy for just being an asshole. If that were possible you'd be a lifer. Personal agenda... Yeah on behalf of every person in this state.


Ummm, Fitz did not find him guilty nor did set his term in prison.

No he went after him twice and probably would have a 3rd time. I don't need you to explain to me the process. I have several pieces of paper showing I completely understand it.


GUESS WHAT. Apparently it is illegal to be an asshole when you are doing it illegally. HE WAS CONVICTED. That's more than being an asshole. You can't convict a guy for just being an asshole. If that were possible you'd be a lifer. Personal agenda... Yeah on behalf of every person in this state.

Gee Mass, thanks for explaining it. Now fork over your money to pay for it.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Combined all the money spent on the process is probably less than it would have cost this state if he was still in office. Gladly spend it putting him in jail instead of lining the pockets of him and his friends.


Combined all the money spent on the process is probably less than it would have cost this state if he was still in office. Gladly spend it putting him in jail instead of lining the pockets of him and his friends.

You are fucking high. It wouldn't have cost this State anything. If you hadn't noticed the asshole they elected in his place has cost this State twice as much. With more and more companies threatening to leave and or leaving every day. Directly going against what he campaigned for. Follow much Politics there Mass?

And FYI he did not recieve any monies what so ever. So much for lining his pockets. At least know what your talking about will ya.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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What ever you need to tell yourself. Companies are leaving because the state is broke and trying to get the money back. Wonder how they got there.


What ever you need to tell yourself. Companies are leaving because the state is broke and trying to get the money back. Wonder how they got there.

No ding dong they are leaving due to the taxation. Clueless.

And to correct that he's going behind the scenes to give them even deeper breaks to stay. Using even more of our money.

Just stirring the pot to stir it there buddy.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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From his mouth...........

“I want to thank your honor for giving me this opportunity. I have a tendency sometimes to speak before I think. I’ve had plenty of time over the past several months to do a lot of thinking, reflecting about all that’s happened and all the things that have led up to me being in here before your honor, not being anywhere near places I dreamed of and hoped I would one day be.”

◆ ◆ ◆

“I’m here convicted of crimes. The jury decided that I was guilty. I am accepting of it. I acknowledge it. And I, of course, am unbelievably sorry ... The mistakes I’ve made, in many ways have been terrible mistakes. And I want to take this opportunity to apologize to the people of Illinois, I want to apologize to your honor, to this court for these mistakes.”

◆ ◆ ◆

“If there’s any consolation I can offer to the people, to you and to myself, it is that I honestly believed I —

“Withdraw that.

“I never set out to break the law. I never set out to cross the lines. There is a line between routine politics, political horse-trading, campaign fund-raising, official acts and how you ask for political funds. It was always my intention in all the things I discussed back in 2008 to try to see if I could do those things on the right side of the line.

“I thought they were permissible. And I was mistaken. The jury convicted me. They convicted me because those were my actions. Those were things I said. Those were the things I talked about doing and discussed in conversations. I am responsible for that. I caused it all. I’m not blaming anybody.

“I was the governor and I should have known better.

“And I am just so incredibly sorry.”

◆ ◆ ◆

“I fought very hard. I fought as best I could, and I believed in what I was doing when I was fighting this case. I want to take this opportunity to apologize to you for fighting this case in the media.”

◆ ◆ ◆

“I also want to apologize for challenging the prosecutors as I did. I was very keen on your comments yesterday when you described how I saw it as a ‘duel’ and ‘a boxing match.’ You captured me. I saw it exactly that way, for whatever reasons — Alexander Hamilton, dueling with Aaron Burr like we were back in the 18th Century — I’ve read a lot about it. The boxing experience I’ve had. I did see it in those terms.”

◆ ◆ ◆

“You heard conversations, a lot people across Illinois and other places, the things I said on those tapes, the childish things, the immature things, ugly and petty things, self- centered and self-absorbed things. If this case was about being self-absorbed, I would have walked in and plead guilty immediately.”

◆ ◆ ◆

“I want to apologize to my brother. My brother’s a good man. I want to apologize to his family. I apologize for getting him involved in this whole thing. Had a happy, quiet, successful life in Nashville. He came up to help his little brother. And that happy world was dramatically changed for several years for him and I just want to express my apologies publicly to him as I’ve done privately.”

◆ ◆ ◆

“I want to now give my final apology to my family. My life is ruined. My life is in ruins. My political career is over. I can’t be a lawyer anymore. We can’t afford the home we live in. We’re trying to sell it. I’m in no position to earn a living for my children. … It’s a lot worse … because of what I brought on to my family. I want to apologize to my wife. I love her. She has stood by me in the worst of times, not only the best of times. She’s a loving wonderful person and wonderful mother. And, of course, I want to apologize to my children and explain this is not how we saw this.

◆ ◆ ◆

“Because of my stupidity and the mistakes and things I talked about, things I discussed, my children have had to suffer. I’ve ruined their innocence. Now when my kids go out in the world every day they have to face the fact that their father’s a convicted felon. Its not like their names’s Smith. They can’t hide.

“That’s something I’ve brought on myself. It’s a horrible punishment. It’s a responsibility and a burden I have to carry with me. I’ve nobody to blame.”

◆ ◆ ◆

“I accept the people’s verdict, Judge. They found me guilty.

“I never wanted to hurt anyone, most of all Children’s Memorial Hospital. I am before you now as a person convicted of crimes. I know as you make your decision you’re going to decide what you think is right and you think is just. I hope you can find some mercy to take into consideration all the things you have heard.”,0,138095.story
