That would really suck if true but I'm not sure it is. Is it that the pancreas is destroyed or that the cells put out by the pancreas are mistakenly attacked by the immune system? Being that it is an autoimmune disease, I would think the latter.
When I mentioned alternative stuff, I meant more alternative medicine or natural cure type things. Have heard mention of a raw food diet helping but, as mentioned, have never looked into it to see any other type alternative stuff that may alleviate or even reverse the disease. Also heard mention of preventing type 1 diabetes with vitamin D. Actually saw this in the mainstream news believe it or not. The story was focused on kids who did not get enough sun, the sun being something that parents typically protect kids from even though it is the best natural source of vitamin D. They did also make mention that D3 supplements would prove beneficial.
Staying more on point of what you were talking about though with the kidney/pancreas transplant, I have seen, in the news, some stories of people being cured with islet cell transplants and also a newer discovery in the works involving stem cell transplants in which, I believe, the stem cells would basically be used to do the work those islet cells cannot.