Bagent also doesn’t diagnose a defense like y’all swear he does. Are you saying out of his nine turnovers, they were all due to his poor arm strength? That’s easily debatable if you are. He was easily worst than fields as the offense rarely scored.
And what do you mean why do I care so much? Am I not allowed to bring up my opinion here on him too? He doesn’t offend me but it’s laughable to think he’ll be anything other than a backup. If others saying their opinion bothers you I suggest ignoring them and then you can salivate over Bagent throwing the ball for 5 yards at a time with the others who thought he should start over Fields( and yes, there were posters, take the time to search for them)
He is almost a half second faster than Fields throwing the ball or 0.3 seconds faster if you exclude scrambles. He makes quicker decisions and more decisive with the ball.
And yes most of the Ints were due to bad throws not bad reads.
This one showcases his weak ass arm
These 2 looks like he overthrows the underneath guys
This one looks like he threw inside and the WR cut outside.
This one is a terrible decision.
This one is a great play by DB on weak ass throw.
So I count one bad decision, one miscommunication and 3 shit throws due to shitty arm.