I'm surprised so many people disregard the swing of momentum it caused.
Baseball is so streaky. When the Red Sox came down from 0-3 against the Yankees and tied the series up at 3-3, everybody knew there was nothing the Yankees could do stop the momentum swing. Everybody knew the Cubs had no chance in game 7 because of the momentum swing. Good teams lose 5 in a row, bad teams win 5 in a row. Average players have 15 game hit streaks, great players go into slumps. 1 error or 1 walk seem to often spark a long inning. That's baseball.
"Momentum is the next day's starting pitcher" sounds like a great poster to hang on a wall in yoga class, not real life baseball.
As I said before, I do think Bartman played a big role in the turn around of the game and the series BUT I think holding any ill will towards Bartman is ignorant because so many fans in his position tried to do the same thing or would have tried to the same thing. Even in the heat of the moment, so many of those fans took it too far. And any with common sense regret it now.
Not putting any blame on him or the fans in that area in general is also incorrect though imo