Yeah, I already shelled out for Adobe CS for her a couple years ago. The Wacom tablet is great idea... I was actually thinking about getting it last Christmas. Are you familiar with the Wacom Bamboo? Which one do you recommend?
It really depends on how much you want to spend and which bamboo model you are talking about. Plus, how serious is your daughter about digital art? Is this a future career path?
I think the best bamboo model that came out was the bamboo create, but that was limited in ways from what i remember.
I know the Bamboo has been replaced and is now the intuos, not to be confused with the intuos pro range. The pro range replaced the original intuos range (which was the pro range, just not labeled as such), that range had 5 versions. I currently have the intuos 3 and love it, I doubt i ever make another upgrade for what I use it for now. Ive also had the graphire and graphire4 back in the 2000s. I actually still have my Graphire 4 and it still works flawlessly, not bad being that i got it in 2005
If i had to get a bamboo the only model id would probably get is the bamboo create. It would be similar to mine now in pressure sensitivity (1024 levels), even though mine came from their professional line its similar in that regard. Well minus the size, mine is 12x19 and i think the create roughly 8 x 6. Plus i have a few more options. To think about it, I probably even go with an Large+ size Intous 3 over the create. However, the intous 5 (2048 levels of pressure) would be better than the create and mine. The intuos 5 medium size would be about the same size as the bamboo create. To be fair about levels of pressure, my graphire 4 only had 512 and it worked fairly well. Btw, the more levels of pressure, the more control an artist gets for sure.
i heard the create touch feature could be annoying at times.
I guess a general rule people like to spout now a days is:
1024 levels is for amateurs and the such
2048 levels would be for the professionals
I guess it depends on the type of detail and art, because people have made money and created some quality art with 512 levels.
Id really stay away from the smaller units if possible, they feel really restrictive, especially when i want to make long strokes.
Idk if im making sense. the jack daniels is typing