But everyone in my family does. My bad. :shot:
Dec 2, 2014 #61 DaaBears CCS Donator Donator Joined: Aug 21, 2012 Posts: 11,832 Liked Posts: 11,584 botfly10 said: But everyone in my family does. Click to expand... My bad. :shot:
Dec 2, 2014 #62 WCL Organ Donator Donator Joined: Aug 21, 2011 Posts: 7,830 Liked Posts: 8,972 Another great gift is to bake something for someone. I like to find a nice lady and give her a good ole cream pie. I think a facial and a cream pie would be the perfect combo if a person is shopping for that special someone in their life.
Another great gift is to bake something for someone. I like to find a nice lady and give her a good ole cream pie. I think a facial and a cream pie would be the perfect combo if a person is shopping for that special someone in their life.
Dec 2, 2014 #63 BaBaBlacksheep Bears & Cankles. Staff member CCS Hall of Fame '21 Joined: Aug 20, 2012 Posts: 44,603 Liked Posts: 53,935 I always give a pearl necklace.