He seems fine in press conferences. This stuff seems to be the type of smear crap that comes out to generate controversy and get people talking. Even if true, just being good at your job and consistent and all that stuff is all a coach needs to do. Social ability isn't everything and it can even be masked some. Elon Musk has Asperger's and runs some of the best companies in the world. Hell, I even felt DRose always had some level of social anxiety or at least difficulty in social interaction (said as much)... and he just got his jersey retired. It is what it is. Leaders come in all types.
Speaking at a press conference is a bit different than changing a shitty culture and leading a locker room while holding players accountable.
Very difficult to know he can do that until he does. He isnt leading that locker room in detroit.
As i've mentioned multiple times pencil dick Marc Trestman had a more impressive NFL OC resume than ben johnson and was a joke after the losing started.
One thing I know for sure is vrabel would change this culture and hold players accountable.
Ben is a higher upside candidate but honestly the guy has the ultimate perfect situation in detroit. A pro bowl lineman caliber lineman at every positon, the best run game in the NFL, a top 10 WR, a solid #2(Yea i'll eat crow ncuck), a top 10 TE, and most of all a head coach who is a perfect fit for a guy who's a tactician. Pretty easy life in the NFL as an OC when you get 5+ yards a carry on first down.