My cousin is@Wrigley right now, he's an accountant. In this case you're right b/c I school him on his own FB page. I believe earlier in this thread, I posted we have an even mix of Cub/Sox fans living in my town(100K). I don't find much difference between the 2 out here, but night games@Wrigley are different. I stopped going years ago, too many people there doing everything BUT watching baseball.
Day games during the week are completely different, a much older crowd and a fair amount of foreign tourists from Asia/Europe along with the Florida snowbirds.
Why are you speaking 4/Glide? his wife?
People are people, sounds like Glide had a few bad experiences. You cannot judge a fan base on that. Had he attended the 03' NLCS in Miramar FL as I did, I'm sure his perspective would be different.
This is lifelong experiences with scrubs fans. The douche bag guys that want to continue their frat days, the lincoln park trixies who just go to the games, just to be seen and get drunk, the tourists who just go there because they built it up as a tourist attraction, and everyone with those obnoxious W flags hanging from their porches.
This didn't just start.
On top of that, these same fans have the nerve to talk shit about the White Sox, like their team is going out trying to win every year.
The only reason the scrubs out draw the Sox is because of their stadium (which is a dump BTW), not the team because the team sucks every year.
You go to The Cell and you see people taking score and actually
WATCHING the game. They are there for the team, not the party. I've seen old men and young fathers teaching their sons how to keep score, how to track pitch counts, everything. I used to work for the White Sox and saw this on a daily basis.
I got to go to the party in the patio area in 1993 (where I was working at in the stadium), when they won the Western Division Title.
Whenever I went to Wrigley, I see SOME people watching the game. I've also seen girls thinking they scored a field goal or something. I've also seen people never look at the field and only cheer when something good happens, otherwise they are too bus drinking and running their mouths to care about the actual game.
I used to hear from these fans that if they opened their wallets, the team would win. Guess what? They have spent more money than about 25 teams in the entire league, and they still suck, so there goes that theory.
I also hate how they disrespect the game by throwing back opposing home run balls. What type of shit is that? This "tradition" is so stupid. HR balls are so hard to get, for them to throw it back is just ridiculous.