Cubs sign draft pick Kris Bryant (For slot according to Sullivan)


When one letter is enough
CCS Hall of Fame '20
May 12, 2010
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Bryant and adviser Scott Boras are seeking a bonus greater than the $6.7MM assigned pick value, while the Cubs are hoping to sign him for just over $6MM, according to Heyman. The Cubs could spend as much as $7MM on Bryant without forfeiting draft picks for 2014, but they can also point to the fact that No. 1 pick Mark Appel signed for $6.35MM and No. 3 pick Jonathan Gray signed for $4.8MM.

screw boras.


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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It is probably negotiating to the wire because Bryant really don't have much to gain and a lot to lose by not signing. At most he probably gains a million by duplicating his year at SD, and that is far from a guarantee. Incredibly frustrating that he can't be getting his pro career started now because of 100s of K, but it is the difference between adding one or more guys that fell due to signability in the 11-40 rounds.


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Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
Bryant, who hit 31 homers this season for the University of San Diego, could follow the path that Appel took in 2012 and return to college for his senior season to re-enter the draft in 2014.

They have more leverage then Appel had. Appel had an indi league to go to vs Senior year studies. Gray popped positive for a banned. Again he lost leverage.

Cubs need to stop being cheap for once and put creating a winner above saving a buck.

F-king stupid.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2013
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San Diego
At most he probably gains a million by duplicating his year at SD

exactly so the Ricketts' are quibbling over 1 mil? lame Just give him his cash and get him hitting in live.


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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exactly so the Ricketts' are quibbling over 1 mil? lame Just give him his cash and get him hitting in live.

Because that million could be the difference between adding another legitimate prospect to the system. Last year the Cubs spent to the maximum before losing a draft pick. I am fairly confident that they will spend to that same limit again. Negotiating with Bryant isn't about saving Ricketts money, it is about adding the most talent from this draft possible.

Rice Cube

World Series Dreaming
Jun 7, 2011
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As Dabynsky pointed out, the draft is more than just Bryant and (thanks Reinsdorf) the money restrictions might prevent them from signing other guys past the 10th round if Bryant holds out. However, the Cubs can lose Bryant's slot amount and still not lose a draft pick. At most this is a stalemate for the Cubs. They'll get a comp pick next year and won't lose a draft pick, which Bryant might even slip in the draft since there are some very interesting names on the top of the draft board for 2014.

Bryant is very likely to sign and I still believe he'll go underslot because even if he can go back to school, it doesn't make sense. He can make that extra $1MM he wanted just from interest alone if he invests the bonus after signing, plus an earlier service clock if he is as good as he thinks he is.


Apr 28, 2009
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He'd get the extra million from signings like the ones we do at my shop


New member
Apr 16, 2013
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So after intentionally throwing away the 2011 season in order to get a better draft pick in this years draft, the team is now quibbling over a few hundred thousand dollars??

Kinda interesting that the few hundred dollars seems to be a greater importance than the loss of an entire major league season.

They should just offer him the max amount they have left that will not cause a loss of a draft pick, get him signed and playing and be done with it.

Giving Bryant the rest of the draft pool money will not hinder the team in anyway of signing guys past the 10th round like the apologists are trying to claim.

There are only two other players in the top 24 rounds that are unsigned. Their 14th round pick and their 19th round pick. I believe the only way that bonus money is needed for those players is if they are signed for over $100k and the 10th round pick signed for $35k.

It is FAR more crucial to get the #2 overall pick signed and playing than to save a couple bucks for a 14th, 19th or later round pick.*

* = 100% baseball related content
Last edited:


When one letter is enough
CCS Hall of Fame '20
May 12, 2010
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So after intentionally throwing away the 2011 season in order to get a better draft pick in this years draft, the team is now quibbling over a few hundred thousand dollars??

Kinda interesting that the few hundred dollars seems to be a greater importance than the loss of an entire major league season.

They should just offer him the max amount they have left that will not cause a loss of a draft pick, get him signed and playing and be done with it.

Given Bryant the rest of the draft pool money will not hinder the team in anyway of signing guys past the 10th round like people are trying to claim.

There are only two other players in the top 24 rounds that are unsigned. Their 14th round pick and their 19th round pick. I believe the only way that bonus money is needed for those players is if they are signed for over $100k and the 10th round pick signed for $35k.

It is FAR more crucial to get the #2 overall pick signed and playing than to save a couple bucks for a 14th, 19th or later round pick.*

* = 100% baseball related content



Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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So after intentionally throwing away the 2012 season in order to get a better draft pick in this years draft, the team is now quibbling over a few hundred thousand dollars??

Kinda interesting that the few hundred dollars seems to be a greater importance than the loss of an entire major league season.

They should just offer him the max amount they have left that will not cause a loss of a draft pick, get him signed and playing and be done with it.

Giving Bryant the rest of the draft pool money will not hinder the team in anyway of signing guys past the 10th round like the apologists are trying to claim.

There are only two other players in the top 24 rounds that are unsigned. Their 14th round pick and their 19th round pick. I believe the only way that bonus money is needed for those players is if they are signed for over $100k and the 10th round pick signed for $35k.

It is FAR more crucial to get the #2 overall pick signed and playing than to save a couple bucks for a 14th, 19th or later round pick.*

* = 100% baseball related content

If the Cubs spend under the 4.9% overage of the maximum allowed than this post has a point, but the Cubs have already gone over on bonus for a player in the 11-40 rounds apparently in Clifton. According to his own twitter feed he received 3rd round money which means 400K-600K is already being applied plus the various overages they have from rounds 2-10 combined. Again if the Cubs end up under their draft pool money I will join with the pitchforks, but the evidence available in this case suggests that the Cubs are negotiating to add more talent and not dollars to ownerships pockets.


New member
Apr 16, 2013
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If the Cubs spend under the 4.9% overage of the maximum allowed than this post has a point, but the Cubs have already gone over on bonus for a player in the 11-40 rounds apparently in Clifton. According to his own twitter feed he received 3rd round money which means 400K-600K is already being applied plus the various overages they have from rounds 2-10 combined. Again if the Cubs end up under their draft pool money I will join with the pitchforks, but the evidence available in this case suggests that the Cubs are negotiating to add more talent and not dollars to ownerships pockets.

I will repeat my last sentence again.

It is FAR more crucial to get the #2 overall pick signed and playing than to save a couple bucks for a 14th, 19th or later round pick.*

* = 100% baseball related content


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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I will repeat my last sentence again.

It is FAR more crucial to get the #2 overall pick signed and playing than to save a couple bucks for a 14th, 19th or later round pick.*

* = 100% baseball related content

That is a perfectly defensible position, but I want to be sure that we are all clear that this is hardly a #Rickettscheap issue.

On the point you raised specifically though, the Cubs have the ability to play hardball because a third overall pick combined with whatever they pick next year could very well turn out to be far more valuable given the perceived value uptick that next year's draft should have. Of course this delays the ability of any pick from contributing to the major league roster, which is a big concern, I don't see how Bryant is served by holding out for more than any pick has received so far in the new CBA. At the end of the day Bryant should get signed and this is just a minor inconvenience. I will wait til July 13th to make my decision on what was driving this hiccup.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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The Cubs recently wrapped up their other picks in the top ten rounds, meaning that they know where they stand in terms of penalties if they fail to sign Bryant. Fortunately, if the Cubs fail to sign Bryant, it looks like the Cubs would not be at risk for losing a future draft pick, based on the deals they’ve made with players in the top ten rounds already (that includes the shrinking of the allowed 5% overage). That assumes, however, that the Cubs haven’t already inked any over slot deals with players after round 10, and don’t have any intentions to do so.

In that regard, the real battle here isn’t about $700,000, which the Cubs can surely afford. The battle is about how much the Cubs can give Bryant without mucking up their Draft plans. If Boras gets too grabby, there could be an issue

That said, I still believe the Cubs fully expect to sign Bryant at least slightly under slot so that they can (1) sign, officially, 12th round high school pitcher Trevor Clifton, who has already said that he’s receiving “third round money” to sign with the Cubs, and (2) have a little money left to take some shots with guys they took later in the Draft. I can’t possibly believe the Cubs didn’t know, with some certainty, the range it was going to take to sign Bryant when they drafted him in the first place. A worthwhile reminder: the Cubs could still make Bryant the top paid pick in the Draft (Mark Appel got $6.35 million), AND get him for under slot.

The Heyman report doesn’t really worry me at this point, particularly given Heyman’s closeness to many, many Scott Boras rumors over the years. Boras wants to get the most money for Bryant as possible, and he knows the Cubs might have some extra money to play with by the signing deadline (July 12). These negotiations will probably continue on for a while, and Bryant will probably get as much as the Cubs have left to give at that point. The risk of Bryant not signing is close to zero.

But that won’t keep us all from feeding on the drama for a couple more weeks …

I have no doubt they will get bryant signed, its just going to be a matter of when.


New member
Apr 16, 2013
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Of course this delays the ability of any pick from contributing to the major league roster, which is a big concern, I don't see how Bryant is served by holding out for more than any pick has received so far in the new CBA.

The speed at which this team is returned to contending status does not seem to be a concern for many, so why should a delay of any pick contributing to the major league roster be a concern? We are now going to be two full seasons into the rebuilding process with no progress made.

The second point is easy to address. If he ends up signing for more than any pick has received so far in the new CBA, then holding out served him very well.*

* = 100% baseball related content.


New member
May 1, 2013
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Who is really surprised that a Scott Boras "advisee" is holding out for money and is using the media to sway opinion? Bryant will sign, but it will not be done until very near the July 12th cutoff.

As to the 11 round on picks, the Cubs likely have handshake deals with them that are waiting for the Boras negotiations to come to a head.


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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The speed at which this team is returned to contending status does not seem to be a concern for many, so why should a delay of any pick contributing to the major league roster be a concern? We are now going to be two full seasons into the rebuilding process with no progress made.

The second point is easy to address. If he ends up signing for more than any pick has received so far in the new CBA, then holding out served him very well.*

* = 100% baseball related content.

I understand why he is holding out to receive the maximum. I just don't see the terms that you are trying to paint this particular issue in. There is as much evidence right now to support my position that the front office is doing its due dilligence to maximize the amount of talent it can bring in from the 2013 draft as there is for your position. If that changes, my position will change.

Right now I expect Bryant to be brought in at the deadline, which disappoints me greatly given that he is one of the few 1st rounders still unsigned, but I am not going to take this as some larger issue about how the Cubs are using their financial resources to return this team to contender status.


New member
Apr 16, 2013
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They have more leverage then Appel had. Appel had an indi league to go to vs Senior year studies. Gray popped positive for a banned. Again he lost leverage.

Cubs need to stop being cheap for once and put creating a winner above saving a buck.

F-king stupid.


Get this kid signed today, in his physical tonight, and on the first plane to Arizona, Boise, Kane County, or where ever he's starting already......


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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Get this kid signed today, in his physical tonight, and on the first plane to Arizona, Boise, Kane County, or where ever he's starting already......

At the expense of adding another prospect or two. Is two weeks of development time worth that trade off?


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2013
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Originally Posted by CSF77
They have more leverage then Appel had. Appel had an indi league to go to vs Senior year studies. Gray popped positive for a banned. Again he lost leverage.

Cubs need to stop being cheap for once and put creating a winner above saving a buck.

F-king stupid

they may have more leverage with the option of going back to school, BUT he also has a greater risk then the pitchers at not being able to repeat his performance which got him drafted as high as he did.


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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they may have more leverage with the option of going back to school, BUT he also has a greater risk then the pitchers at not being able to repeat his performance which got him drafted as high as he did.
I don't know if his risk was greater or not than Appel or Gray this year. I think the issue is that more talent will be available in the 2014 draft than 2013 and he gambles on a very small increase compared to what Appel faced last year which was a 100%+ increase on his bonus. There isn't that huge increase in bonus waiting for Bryant even if he duplicates or even improves on his 2013 college campaign.
