Not a chance Richards comes here. NYR will offer him 9mil potentially.
NYR have ZERO chance at winning a Cup. I'm not going to say but that's not the rumor I heard, about Stamkos.
We'll see.
Not a chance Richards comes here. NYR will offer him 9mil potentially.
Yea I heard it too... Stamkos and Richards are both taking pay cuts to come to Chicago. Tampa is going to sign and trade Stamkos here for Beach/Campoli and a 1st and a 2nd. AWESOME!!!
O'Donnel is D.... it would be Scott on that line.
Bullshit...this means Scott is gonna be released...
Bullshit...this means Scott is gonna be released...
Yea right... you'll all end up loving him just like Scott....
No way. The players like him. He's going to stay. Want to make a bet on it?
That "you'll" certainly doesn't include me...
I'm not happy about this signing. Would rather have Beach. Hate Carcillo.
Canucks fan buddy sent me a text saying "Now you can't really say shit about Burrows and Lapierre" I responded with "Carcillo never bit anyone" but still...
Yea right you praised him in the playoffs just like you'll praise Carcillo next year... you'll just be too stubborn to admit it.
...and just because the "players like him" means we should keep any player? BS...
Lets see, all these guys are on one year contract. Freeing up the space next year. They now have the grit to protect players, without doubt.
We still need a 2nd line Center and they know that. I think Stu was being sarcastic but in reality there is still a chance for something to happen and the money to do so, seeing as how Frolik and Campoli have not been resigned.
Again I won't say what I heard but it was a reliable source that would probably know anymore that any of us. I still doubt it but again, with MCD at the helm, anything is possible.
WTF????!!!????? There is very little this guy can do that will cause me to be happy to see him in the indianhead. Seriously Stan, WTF were you thinking????
What love for Scott Stu? NONE, I have none for him.
Just because a guy plays well in the playoffs, doesn't mean I love him (see ---> Buff). I still think Scott is a complete waste of roster space and I could give a flying ---- whether his teamates "like him". You do what you have to do to make the team better, and if that means getting rid of someone who is a waste of space, then you do it....regardless of whether he's "likeable". Scott DOES NOT help this team...he should be gone...
This is not a Scott thread but I believe Stan disagrees with you. I don't think Scott adds a lot, no. But if the players find a sense of security with him in the line up and the locker room, who knows. I'm not to say it's right or wrong and neither are you.