Dear Washington DC


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May 6, 2010
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Simple :)

There are 3 types of monopolies.

1.) Where the market and the consumer decides what they want to support. This kind of monopoly has to provide the goods and services at a price to justify it's place in the market. Otherwise competition can outdo them, and make them fall rather easily.

2.) A monopoly by the government. They do as they please, have the guns to force you to agree to it, and you have no/little choice in how you go about your business.

3.) When the government and private sector have both entangled within each other.

Which one is the banking system? With the federal reserve, it is pretty much #2, but you can argue #3.

And there is NO PARTISAN blame for either or any. If anything, it's the general public that sits on their hands, ignorantly hoping that something will magically work itself out, or they believe in their political rhetoric, therefore they adopt a party, and stand by it, while the politicians exploit their loyalty.

"ignorantly hoping that something will magically work itself out".

Unfortunately, we are so damn busy working...we go to the polls and such with that mind-set.


Oh Yeah.
Apr 10, 2011
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Apr 28, 2009
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When you decide to set-aside the daily business of being busy for 10 minutes, I'll be more than happy to explain why centralized banking is making you and your family work harder for less in return.

Sorry, On Phone meant I was on the iPhone not a PC. LOL

Doing a quick search I found this and so while it appears it starts with Clinton's Administration there is loads of blame to go around.

Who Caused the Economic Crisis? |

The Real Deal

So who is to blame? There’s plenty of blame to go around, and it doesn’t fasten only on one party or even mainly on what Washington did or didn’t do. As The Economist magazine noted recently, the problem is one of "layered irresponsibility … with hard-working homeowners and billionaire villains each playing a role." Here’s a partial list of those alleged to be at fault:

The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.
Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.
Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.
Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.
The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.
Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.
Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.
Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.
The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.
An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.
Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.


CCS Donator
May 28, 2010
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Simple :)

There are 3 types of monopolies.

1.) Where the market and the consumer decides what they want to support. This kind of monopoly has to provide the goods and services at a price to justify it's place in the market. Otherwise competition can outdo them, and make them fall rather easily.

2.) A monopoly by the government. They do as they please, have the guns to force you to agree to it, and you have no/little choice in how you go about your business.

3.) When the government and private sector have both entangled within each other.

Which one is the banking system? With the federal reserve, it is pretty much #2, but you can argue #3.

And there is NO PARTISAN blame for either or any. If anything, it's the general public that sits on their hands, ignorantly hoping that something will magically work itself out, or they believe in their political rhetoric, therefore they adopt a party, and stand by it, while the politicians exploit their loyalty.

Most people just don't even know that about the banking system.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois

That's why we need to put Jesse Ventura in the white house..He won't **** around and he will fire everyone...its time for an independant. Democrats and Republicans are nothing but 2 rival gangs that battle over there own seperate interests instead of the American peoples..This won't change..same old B.S .....Besides, Jesse Ventura says what he means and means what he says.. Out his own mouth he says the only way to fix the government is to dismantle it and rebuild it from the ground up. He calls it REVOLUTION and that's what Jesse is all about..He would go to bat for us...He already does by risking his life to exspose corruption with his "conspiracy theory" show...At least with him we know where he stands. Plus I would rather have a Navy Seal who understands the true concept of what's going on in the wars in the middle east and how to handle it and get us the hell out.........Plus I belive that Jesse would put his buddy Arnold in his cabinet which would help my own interests..The 2 of them would legallize Marajauna which would help the economy and at the sametime respect peopes freedom of choice...Ill be able to smoke in peace and so will Joakim Noah...

[ame=]‪Arnold Schwarzenegger VS Jesse Ventura!‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]



Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
JESSE VENTURA 2011..........YES!!!!

[ame=]‪Captain Freedom's Workout Commercial‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]‪Jesse Ventura: You Give Me a Water Board, Dick Cheney and One Hour‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]


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May 6, 2010
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Sorry, On Phone meant I was on the iPhone not a PC. LOL

Doing a quick search I found this and so while it appears it starts with Clinton's Administration there is loads of blame to go around.

Who Caused the Economic Crisis? |

The Real Deal

So who is to blame? There’s plenty of blame to go around, and it doesn’t fasten only on one party or even mainly on what Washington did or didn’t do. As The Economist magazine noted recently, the problem is one of "layered irresponsibility … with hard-working homeowners and billionaire villains each playing a role." Here’s a partial list of those alleged to be at fault:

The Federal Reserve, which slashed interest rates after the dot-com bubble burst, making credit cheap.
Home buyers, who took advantage of easy credit to bid up the prices of homes excessively.
Congress, which continues to support a mortgage tax deduction that gives consumers a tax incentive to buy more expensive houses.
Real estate agents, most of whom work for the sellers rather than the buyers and who earned higher commissions from selling more expensive homes.
The Clinton administration, which pushed for less stringent credit and downpayment requirements for working- and middle-class families.
Mortgage brokers, who offered less-credit-worthy home buyers subprime, adjustable rate loans with low initial payments, but exploding interest rates.
Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, who in 2004, near the peak of the housing bubble, encouraged Americans to take out adjustable rate mortgages.
Wall Street firms, who paid too little attention to the quality of the risky loans that they bundled into Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), and issued bonds using those securities as collateral.
The Bush administration, which failed to provide needed government oversight of the increasingly dicey mortgage-backed securities market.
An obscure accounting rule called mark-to-market, which can have the paradoxical result of making assets be worth less on paper than they are in reality during times of panic.
Collective delusion, or a belief on the part of all parties that home prices would keep rising forever, no matter how high or how fast they had already gone up.

This all confirms the youtube vid, thanks for posting. I was in the middle of the Florida construction boom, supplied materials to stucco/drywall contractors for almost a decade. Then the bottom fell out in 2004. We knew we were over-building, and didn't care b/c we were obviously taking advantage of the incentives.

The fact that inflation has been at an annual 1% increase for a century should tell us there is something inherently wrong with our economic system. There is only so much any administration can do, the players change but the system remains flawed. Unless of course, you are a billionaire banker overseas etc.

Our banking system is in dire need of reformation, needs to be de-centralized. If you look at how the system really works, it has pyramid marketing written all over it. Banks borrow from banks who borrow from banks etc. That's how the interest gets compounded over and over and over.

And that's why all of our net worth is about 10% of what it really should be...are you pissed yet?...I am.

Either way, have a good day.


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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This all confirms the youtube vid, thanks for posting. I was in the middle of the Florida construction boom, supplied materials to stucco/drywall contractors for almost a decade. Then the bottom fell out in 2004. We knew we were over-building, and didn't care b/c we were obviously taking advantage of the incentives.

The fact that inflation has been at an annual 1% increase for a century should tell us there is something inherently wrong with our economic system. There is only so much any administration can do, the players change but the system remains flawed. Unless of course, you are a billionaire banker overseas etc.

Our banking system is in dire need of reformation, needs to be de-centralized. If you look at how the system really works, it has pyramid marketing written all over it. Banks borrow from banks who borrow from banks etc. That's how the interest gets compounded over and over and over.

And that's why all of our net worth is about 10% of what it really should be...are you pissed yet?...I am.

Either way, have a good day.

We need to go back to Greenbacks.


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May 6, 2010
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We need to go back to Greenbacks.

"The party opposed the shift from paper money back to a bullion coin-based monetary system because it believed that privately owned banks and corporations would then reacquire the power to define the value of products and labor."

They were right, when you manipulate the banking system you control what you and I are worth in relation to the global economy. BTW, some of these corporations and banks have quite a in funding both sides of major wars. IBM comes to mind, they financed the Axis and the Allies during WW2. I guess there is no such thing as conflict of interest when it comes to this...WTF?.


Staff member
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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"The party opposed the shift from paper money back to a bullion coin-based monetary system because it believed that privately owned banks and corporations would then reacquire the power to define the value of products and labor."

They were right, when you manipulate the banking system you control what you and I are worth in relation to the global economy. BTW, some of these corporations and banks have quite a in funding both sides of major wars. IBM comes to mind, they financed the Axis and the Allies during WW2. I guess there is no such thing as conflict of interest when it comes to this...WTF?.

GM did this too. They had an operation in Germany in fact during WWII..all the while they were building tanks and such for us here in the US. Money is money to corporations though. Thats why a government needs to be in place to safeguard against such a thing. However, I believe our government is bought and paid for by such corporations now a days. And except for a few decades, the banking industry has always pretty much had a hold on the government. The only period of time they didn't quite was after Andrew Jackson managed to destroy the centralized banking system.


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May 6, 2010
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GM did this too. They had an operation in Germany in fact during WWII..all the while they were building tanks and such for us here in the US. Money is money to corporations though. Thats why a government needs to be in place to safeguard against such a thing. However, I believe our government is bought and paid for by such corporations now a days. And except for a few decades, the banking industry has always pretty much had a hold on the government. The only period of time they didn't quite was after Andrew Jackson managed to destroy the centralized banking system.

Unfortunately, the ideology of then Pres Jackson lasted only until the Industrial Revolution. And it will take sacrifice from the majority of Americans to undo what has been perpetuated for over a century.


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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Unfortunately, the ideology of then Pres Jackson lasted only until the Industrial Revolution. And it will take sacrifice from the majority of Americans to undo what has been perpetuated for over a century.

I am okay with the whole of President Jackson's ideology not lasting long, particularly towards people not as pale as me. I would quibble with your ending date as the industrial revolution because I think that was well on its way in this country by the time of Jackson's presidency. I don't have a great love for the Federal Resereve System and usury in general, but the ideology of Jackson isn't something we want to emulate at this point.
