Just came around this board and all i want to say is this.Ask yourself this question.Would you be offended if some other player would come to Chicago and insist on wearing the legendary 91??? Some say, replace Rodman with some other PF and Bulls still 3peat. I don`t think so,because Rodman brought something,no other rebounder had. The distinction to go that extra yard especially in the playoff crunchtime.He shut down and frustrated Shaq,Mourning,Kemp and Malone and have you forgotten those crucial rebounds and free throws in the Finals??? How he took over in 96??? Rodman was a rebounding genius who finally found a home in Chicago and your once worst enemy became like a beloved son of what i have learned. Embrace the unique times he brought to Chicago,because those days will never be coming back.
I come from Europe and I can tell you,Rodman brought the Bulls more fans than any other player could after that disaster of the 95 elimination and he was one of the 3 reasons the 96-98 Bulls team has such an iconic status worldwide. I saw more Rodman jerseys than MJs in my country and you know why.....because he could back his wild and rebelious image up with something,which is sorrowly missing these days...heart. You can laugh or not,but in some ways he reminds me of Tupac.Was Rodman the best scorer,....no,was Tupac the best rapper with flow....no,but he was the most heartfelt and often times we recognize when something is gone,how much we miss it.Rodman had that something special in his eyes.You either have it or not....he had it.As Phil Jackson said.There is always one Indian who does things differently and walks backwards in the village.Rodman was that guy and i bet the NBA wished they could have Superman,Batman and Rodman back again.But it will never happen again. Look at how many teams tried and still try to imitate the big 3 from Chicago.Believe me,Rodman belongs up there in the rafters next to MJ and Scottie and i hope he lives long enough to see it.