

Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Like an STD, i"m sure you won't have to, he'll find you. hah.


Apr 17, 2010
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Lake County, Illinois
House of Wolves dropped today. What a breath of fresh air. Great improvements to the game.

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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Of course my controller would break as soon as this comes out. Gonna have to hit up game stop on my way home tomorrow for a new one.

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May 14, 2010
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House of Wolves dropped today. What a breath of fresh air. Great improvements to the game.

I haven't played in months maybe, Can't remember, since a little while after Dark Below hit, I haven't had time to sit down and catch up but I'm hoping that this does indeed breath fresh air into this game. My main problem right now is I hate how much extra time is spent trying to figure out how to do all the things you are supposed to do, meaning that really you can't play this game unless you go to reddit or the support area and read what you are supposed to do, or know someone who has done that and is willing to walk you through shit and what it does now and how it's supposed to be used. I wish I could just go in a lone and have an easier time figuring out what all have changed since I stopped playing.

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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I'm all up to date on DLC, and now I'm a lvl 34 Hunter. My only gripe is the game is too easy now to get to that level. Hell, it took my forever to get to level 28 and I was pissed but when I did I felt a sense of accomplishment. It took me 2 days to get from 31 to 34 and I have basically the best gear from the DLC.

The game overall has become a bit stale. Yeah, I still play at times but now it's just crucible with buddies or prison of elders.

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May 14, 2010
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I'm all up to date on DLC, and now I'm a lvl 34 Hunter. My only gripe is the game is too easy now to get to that level. Hell, it took my forever to get to level 28 and I was pissed but when I did I felt a sense of accomplishment. It took me 2 days to get from 31 to 34 and I have basically the best gear from the DLC.

The game overall has become a bit stale. Yeah, I still play at times but now it's just crucible with buddies or prison of elders.

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I don't disagree, I went to level 33 in like one night of playing. But at the same time I was able to do that becuase of all the available options of play that I had been grinding around on. Meaning when I logged in I had enough Marks already to buy an upgraded piece from the vanguard, Xur was in town and I had plenty of strange coins, and then I got lucky my first run throughs with other armor and a piece of light. I focused on Armor first to get my light up and now I'm going back and getting my weapons leveled. That only happened because I had already put in so much time before the drop of the expansion to acquire the things needed to help guide me higher quickly. I don't think it's the same quick path for newer people or people just getting all the content quick because they would use up a lot of their resources getting to the previous levels first?

I will say I'm probably done with Destiny now. unless maybe I pick it up again way down the road. I've got all my paid for content out of the way and while I get that content costs money, it feels more like they are nickel and diming us with how quickly we blew through what has been released and how quickly they are releasing new stuff. I'm still convinced that they had a much fuller richer game planned for initial release much more closer to what we have now but Activision pushed the schedule and made them chop it up to recover costs... but the big deal breaker is that the expansion is only being sold with all previous content included. **** you, **** that. I'm not paying $20-25 dollars to rebuy content I already own.

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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I watched and read about the next DLC, The Taken King, which will set us back about $40 and while it all looks great this is something that should of been done earlier. I've essentially paid now $140 for a game that is being finished as we went on. Now I have to spend another $40 on a DLC that will give me all the content? Should of had that from the beginning. But, their also going to drop a $60 collectors edition or whatever that will have all the content. So I spent $120 extra bucks that I could of waited another year for and only spent $60

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May 14, 2010
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Yeah, the pricing is fucking ridiculous gouging.


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May 14, 2010
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Now Red Bull exclusive content... I'm done with Destiny. You can see the future of the game already and it's not worth it, too bad, meet some good people through it. I'm not going to be nickel and dimed by this shit, I already gave them more than I'd give other games.

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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Mass you have to read this interview of the creative producer of the taken king. I literally want to punch the asshole in the face for him completely ignoring his base fans. Luckily there was updates after the interview by bungie.

Eurogamer: So it may seem like a small thing but you're adding exclusive content to the game - three new dance emotes - that players can't get unless they rebuy the main game and the two existing DLCs. Is that right?

Luke Smith: There is no way right now for you to get the new dance emotes without doing that. Those are Collector's Edition exclusive. We've set some stuff aside for that edition specifically to really make it appeal to fans who have engaged with the game already and also to people that will enter the game this autumn.

Eurogamer: Can you see that some fans are confused that you're asking them to buy stuff they already own?

Luke Smith: Yeah, I can totally empathise with those people. But the Collector's Edition is a pretty cool package for people who want to pursue that stuff. Otherwise, surely what you're saying is that you would want to buy them separately, right?

Eurogamer: Well, yeah. I would rather do that - pay a few pounds or dollars or whatever - than spend money on things I already own.

Luke Smith: [Laughs] Well, we have nothing more to talk about regarding your opportunity to spend extra money in Destiny, other than The Taken King and the three versions we've announced.

Eurogamer: Is Bungie considering selling customisation items such as this separately? Or is that against the studio's philosophy for the game?

Luke Smith: Rather than comment on the Bungie philosophy, here's what I'll tell you. If someone made a golf clap emote, I would spend money on that. Like when someone falls in the Vault of Glass. At the moment I bow when I'm trying to mess with them. So... I empathise with some of the things you're saying.

Eurogamer: I feel like you should put some of these things that you are empathising with into practice.

Luke Smith: We have nothing to announce today. We're reading the forums and the reactions to this week's announcements. We will continue to discuss player feedback with respect to the the game and Collector's Edition content.

Eurogamer: Taken King costs £39.99, which is almost same as base game. Does its content justify that?

Luke Smith: I'm going to use American dollars, because British pounds are just foreign to me...

Eurogamer: Literally foreign.

Luke Smith: Indeed, an ocean away. So, purchasers get a big, rich campaign. Fully voiced cinematics and the story of what happens when an angry alien god wages war on a solar system, all with a satisfying conclusion. You also have a new subclass to pursue and unlock. We also have a bunch of new strikes - we're not yet talking about how many - and a new raid. We're showing two new PVP modes and four PVP maps this week, and it's a fairly safe bet we're not done yet showing things off. So I'm fairly excited about the value proposition. We're calling this a major expansion because it is. We're giving people a whole new place to go, that new destination...

Eurogamer: I get that it is big but it is also the same price as the base game. That had four areas rather than one and more missions than the Taken King. Why is it the same price?

Luke Smith: All I can do is answer that with the same thing I just gave you... We're really comfortable with the value we're giving to players this autumn. I believe that once we begin to share more, players will be even more excited. And for existing players it also comes with the Founder's pack with a new Sparrow, shader and emblem.

Oryx, father of Crota. He isn't too pleased with you.
Eurogamer: Just not the emotes.

Luke Smith: It doesn't because they come with the Collector's Edition.

Eurogamer: Final question on prices -

Luke Smith: Is it also the final question on the emotes?

Eurogamer: I'm not going to mention them again. I can't get them.

Luke Smith: But you can if you buy the Collector's Edition.

Eurogamer: I'm not going to buy the game and the two DLCs all over again.

Luke Smith: Okay, but first I want to poke at you on this a little bit.

Eurogamer: Poke at me?

Luke Smith: You're feeling anxious because you want this exclusive content but you don't know yet how much you want it. The notion of spending this money is making you anxious, I can see it -

Eurogamer: I do want them. I would buy them -

Luke Smith: If I fired up a video right now and showed you the emotes you would throw money at the screen.

Eurogamer: What I'm saying is that fan frustration is not because they don't understand the proposition. It comes regardless of how cool the exclusive content is. The frustration - and mine as a fan - is that the method of acquiring it requires me to re-buy content I bought a year ago.

Luke Smith: [Long pause] It's about value. The player's assessment of the value of the content.

Eurogamer: Final question on prices - The Taken King and everything released so far comes at a significant price reduction for people who want to jump in to Destiny this September. All games do Game of the Year editions now - I understand that, that's not really an issue. But when you look at the reduction involved - it's barely any more than just buying The Taken King solo.

Luke Smith: This autumn we want to have a moment of convergence where players like you and me who are engaged with Destiny can match up with people who are just joining in, who didn't pick the game up last year for one reason or another.

It's also important to remember the temporal valuation of content. If you played during The Dark Below, you were playing when there were Swordbearers everywhere. That's now gone and you can't recapture that now. Some things are being left behind as we move forward. It's the same with House of Wolves, right now, with the Fallen showing up all over the solar system. Those things are going to be less relevant as we move forward and the Taken are everywhere.

We don't have a way to go back in time and experience those things again. So the players who were there can say 'I was here when...' and 'I did it when it was new'.

I wish I had a way of better telling players that I was there back then. That I had a better way of embracing the legacy of my time with the game. This is something that we on the development team talk about all the time. It's really important that we figure out ways to embrace the legacy that players created in the first year... I'm not going to talk about how we're going to do that but it is right in the forefront of our brains. It's missing right now in Destiny.

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May 14, 2010
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Yeah I read that. They are in full damage control. Even the author of it is saying it wasn't meant that bad.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Its too bad bungie bungled Destiny so hard. Its especially bizarre cause literally dozens of online games already went through the process of identifying issues with online gaming and xpac cycles, and power creep, and social dynamics, and whatever else.

There is a long history (decades) of games confronting the IDENTICAL issues and working to overcome them. And Bungie seems to have ignored all of it. Its like they tried to make an online game in a complete vacuum. And most of the shit they are dealing with is stuff dev's figured out almost 10 years ago.

I don't understand how they failed to include features that have been standard in online games for years. And seem stuck on problems the online gaming community overcame years ago. Its all so weird.

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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To be fair, Bungie has listened to their gamers and implemented and fixed a lot of the issues people had. I'm just very disappointed that it's going to cost me another $40 to play the final expansion. I mean, this game has been a lot of fun at times and frustrating at others. But to offer a the entire game with all dlcs for new gamers at $60-80 doesn't help your veteran fan base who will now be paying $140 at the end of day.

Rockstar has been releasing new content for GTA for FREE since it came out, and Bungie is making you pay basically $60s for one half of the game and another $80 for the other half.

Next time release the game with more content so it doesn't look like I just spent what I could of paid to get the Witcher and Arkham Knight.

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Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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The damage control their doing is completely worthless as the tone from that interview makes it seem like the producer just doesn't give a **** and wants the cash grab. That's terrible business

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CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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To be fair, Bungie has listened to their gamers and implemented and fixed a lot of the issues people had. I'm just very disappointed that it's going to cost me another $40 to play the final expansion. I mean, this game has been a lot of fun at times and frustrating at others. But to offer a the entire game with all dlcs for new gamers at $60-80 doesn't help your veteran fan base who will now be paying $140 at the end of day.

Rockstar has been releasing new content for GTA for FREE since it came out, and Bungie is making you pay basically $60s for one half of the game and another $80 for the other half.

Next time release the game with more content so it doesn't look like I just spent what I could of paid to get the Witcher and Arkham Knight.

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Bungie is still way behind in features that are considered basic standards in persistent online games. Its all so strange. They have some of the best fps gameplay I have ever experienced, but the online, social, hub, ui, and lore infrastructure/feature set is like a game from 2008.

And its like they learned nothing about gear cycles from games that have been dealing with gear systems for literally 10 years of online persistence. Its like a bunch of strictly FPS devs tried to build a persistent online game without bringing anyone in that had experience with the evolution of those mechanics.

For people that don't have experience with mmo's, you might not even notice what is missing. But for people that have spent a lot of time in persistent online games, its mind boggling the amount of simple shit that Destiny is lacking.
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May 14, 2010
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Fallout 4 can't get here fast enough. And I really hope that Witcher price drops pretty good because I might finally get that instead. Also might pick up that mordor goty edition, it didn't appeal to me but everyone talked about how good it was maybe I will try. Gonna be hard to drop Destiny without something to fill the gap especially since I met something good dudes playing. Too bad it will be worthless to play of you don't buy the most recent stuff because everyone else will


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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And come on come on come on no man's sky at least announce a release date already
