everyone keeps complaining that Duncan only got 2 minutes. The way I see it, it's the boy who cried wolf. The ref sees Sedin drop, assumes it's just taking a dive.
Funny how that happens and the reputations ones build for themselves. I bet you are 100% correct.
And that's a coaching issue with the Canucks.
Sedins are not clean players. They are suggested as being so by canadian bias media but they are anything but clean hockey players. Only until these fucking so called "skilled clean players" are actually suspended when they too are involved in illegal dangerous hits will we actually be able to see them for what they really are. D Sedin deserves at least a game and that would be fine as it will set a history all be it a small one. From there on maybe a little more focus on jus how poorly they hit will occure.
Keiths getting 3-5 games. I'm interested in seeing if D Sedin plays tomorrow in Dallas. After Shannabans decision comes down. If he does I will certainly question why he left the game and didn't come back. It would hint at a milk job. I wouldn't be shocked to see him tomorrow..but he will probably be wearing a cage...just for that added touch.