And that has never been the issue as much as some want to make it. The fact that a group of people came here and have from the get go said that you are an idiot if you don't think exactly like them has been the issue. There are a number of posters here who don't :fap: to all the moves that have been made that have gotten along fine on this message board, but instead of considering that fact it is easier to engineer some grand conspiracy against them because they've been asked to debate the issues and not the poster.
I have always welcomed new posters here, and I think more psoters is always a good thing despite what some may think. If we can net ourselves a few more dedicated members we might actually be the second most active board at CCS which would be a good thing.
This post is hard to digest. First off, if you are "staff" or a "moderator", why are you taking a stance in this? The reason I ask is because this post is laced with pre-conceived notions and prejudice for people with the same thought pattern as you. If you are staff, that's a bit dangerous isn't it? I didn't realize it was your job to do this? Isn't the most prudent thing to do concerning posters is to be and stay neutral?
I don't post much on there but I do read much of what is written and to be honest, you are just as bad as those you claim to be the worst. Why don't you concern yourself with what you are doing and not so much what others are because frankly, you have enough to keep you busy.
Errors in your statement:
People are called idiots because they say idiotic things in the eyes of the beholder. Not because they "differ in opinion".
Nobody on here is engineering a "grand conspiracy". The mere fact you mention this makes me think you are a child. If not, it certainly is a childish post. They have a difference of opinion from yours. Is it not then implied that you think they are an idiot for differing in opinion?
The person you are referring to often tries to debate the topic and not the poster. However, many times I have seen everyone go the other way. That includes you. Simple fact is that there is a history between many of the posters here. Those posters have dug their heels in to their stance. It then becomes a pissing match to see who can get people to agree with them more. Read some of the arguments about one topic and then about another. What is good for one argument becomes bad for another. It is really quite comical. But then again, you seem to be looking at only a few instead of all.
Finally, if the "staff" on this site continue to behave like petulant children, I wonder how you will ever get more "dedicated" people to this board. It must be very easy to call out other people and not yourself.
Again, why don't you fix your posts and then people may take you and your fellow staff members seriously. Until then, you are going to have more of the same.
And if you don't understand this....there lies the problem.