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Apr 16, 2013
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Typical response when the facts don't support your position it becomes splitting hairs and attacking me personally.

I am not attacking you personally.

Just pointing the inconsistencies in how the rules are applied and asking why you continue to be shocked when MULTIPLE people raise questions about it.

Nothing personal at all.


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Apr 16, 2013
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My opinion, most of this thread likely could have been avoided if the mods had applied their 'zero tolerance' stance on personal attacks they have repeatedly claimed is the standard instead of posturing with a verbal warning, slap on the wrist response to the personal attack in the thread that was left untouched because of the target of the attack.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Whether you power base is real or implied; and it seems your hands are tied to a certain degree. I would just state the fact right out. If there is nothing you can do about certain situations then I wouldn't say anything.

But that's just me.

You guys seem to refer to one poster on here as being the issue or problem. You really have to be blind to not see that it is a lot more than that. You can't call out one, or infer about one, without the others.

Hence the "fair" comments. And no, it's not about language.


You've thrown the book at one person and gave them a time-out. Yet for 2 posters who are just "clowns and funny guys who really mean no harm because they troll differently from the banned poster" you contradicted your "zero tolerance" policy just because you prefer them/grab beers with them/getting some from them? Dont know. Not sure I want to.

We dont want this to be a daycare any more than you guys. We would however, like people to get over themselves, and yes, sometimes that means us too. But we can handle that, we know when to put the big boy pants on.

THe posters who bring no factual information and bring misleading information, then cry when they're called on bs are the ones who seem immune to "zero tolerance," and I wonder why? Is ignorance bliss on this board? Because sometimes it really fuckin is, and it gets frustrating. I would put that in my pre-signup profile information if it was.


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You've thrown the book at one person and gave them a time-out. Yet for 2 posters who are just "clowns and funny guys who really mean no harm because they troll differently from the banned poster" you contradicted your "zero tolerance" policy just because you prefer them/grab beers with them/getting some from them? Dont know. Not sure I want to.

We dont want this to be a daycare any more than you guys. We would however, like people to get over themselves, and yes, sometimes that means us too. But we can handle that, we know when to put the big boy pants on.

THe posters who bring no factual information and bring misleading information, then cry when they're called on bs are the ones who seem immune to "zero tolerance," and I wonder why? Is ignorance bliss on this board? Because sometimes it really fuckin is, and it gets frustrating. I would put that in my pre-signup profile information if it was.

They both had their timeouts too.


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Apr 16, 2013
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They both had their timeouts too.

Fair enough.....but if KB put up something like: All of your responses have been terrible in this thread. I am speechless. in a reply--it would be deleted immediately, hell me going :fap::fap::fap::hitler: gets my post deleted.

Yet theres a handful of doozies like this one on another thread regarding Edwin Jackson being a victim, and though I have that dumbass blocked; there doesn't appear to be any deletion of the post.

Where's "zero tolerance?"


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Apr 16, 2013
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Fair enough.....but if KB put up something like: All of your responses have been terrible in this thread. I am speechless. in a reply--it would be deleted immediately, hell me going :fap::fap::fap::hitler: gets my post deleted.

Imagine if I actually called another poster a douche???

Think I would get a verbal warning, or a ban??


Fringe Average Mod
May 17, 2010
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If you notice, no posts have been removed in days. I was hoping to not make a big announcement about that fact, but there has been the typical so and so gets away with this and what not. I in general liked the tone of the baseball conversation compared to a few weeks ago, and felt that those temporary measures were hopeful not needed. A perfect example is the exchange KB and I have had in the Eloy Jimenez thread at the very same time we have been having during this conversation. The purpose of this thread has been served, and is going to be locked at this point.

If anyone feels like recruiting from ESPN I personally would appreciate it because more posters is always a good thing. Activity breeds more activity. If anyone wants to discuss issues in a reasonable manner I am available and try to respond as possible as my schedule allows (which is much quicker this time of year than in a couple months).


Fuck it, Go Deep
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You dorks quit acting like dorks. Its' the internet. Jesus.


CCS Donator
Apr 24, 2010
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Thank you.

I like the staff guys, they do the best to run a clean and fair ship.

They are more reasoned posters than myself, but I have an issue with every name being called being a slap on the wrist, "don't do that." We're all adults here, and when other posters call names and make threats to people, we were told to ignore and deal with it. I grew to adapt that philosophy with particular posters and I think that philosophy works better than trying to police every name being called etc.

Again, I like Dews, but the way he baits HW in the other forums is the best thing that has happened to CCS.

We're all awesome people, and different shades are appreciated, as much as I may disagree with the different shades, I do appreciate hearing well-thought out, factual based opinions.

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