Failure to stop at a stop sign

Doug Grohlin

CCS Donator
Aug 11, 2011
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The first person who said not guilty, the judge told him, and I'm paraphrasing, "Because you're saying not guilty, you'll have to come back again. And when you come back, it'll be your word against the officer's word. Since neither of you have proof, we have to go by motive. What's your motive for saying you did stop? To not pay anything. What's their motive for saying you didn't stop? Nothing. They're just doing their job. So you'll probably lose either way." He still said "not guilty." The judge then told him to sit on the side to think about it for a little while and to come back up when he's ready. He walked up to the judge a few minutes later and said "Not guilty." The judge kind of threw his arms up and said "Okaaaaay. good luck."

That judge is full of shit. The cop has plenty of motive to say he didn't stop. Money for the state is all the motive they need. He's only right about one thing, he's going to lose.

Bearin' Down

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Going to court is mandatory.

My record is clean though... So hopefully I won't have anything on my record or whatever.

Court is mandatory for failing to stop at a stop sign? Wow. I was going 25 over and I don't have to go to court. I suppose that's BS. Walk up to the clerk, not the baliff. The Baliff is the police officer in the court room. Don't talk to them. The clerk will be seated at the desk that looks like a witness stand next to the judge. Talk to them to check in. They'll probably send you over to the attorney for the city who will probably agree to some sort of traffic school

EDIT: NM I see this was resolved. Congrats.


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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Albuquerque, NM
They are in the minds of people out in the suburbs lol.

Idk how many times I have been driving on a 45 mph road out by my moms house and people coming out of the subdivisions will slow down to a near stop, and then blow the stop sign and plop themselves in front of me at 20 mph and then accelerate to 40 mph after about a mile.

People treat Stop signs as a suggestion from their parents like "Well if it seems good to me I will take it but otherwise **** it, I'll do what I want"
And if you actually stop you roll the dice on getting rear-ended. There are two two-way stops on my morning commute. The first one is at the bottom of a hill and it's a blind corner so if you don't stop you stand a chance of causing a wreck, yet every day someone comes about an inch from my rear bumper. They always look pissed but then they come forward and realize they are going to get hit if they don't stop and then they are like "oh". At the other one it's the cross traffic that is supposed to stop but they don't. The crazy part is bicyclists flying through from the left behind a line of parked cars where you can't see them, and they don't even slow down or look! Just a matter of time before one of them gets killed. I slow down even though I'm not required to because I just don't want that on my conscience. I would feel bad about killing a bicyclist even if it was in no way my fault.
