Favorite Moments from the 2013 Season


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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
Lol what? Who got owned?

Hey I don't think that playoff loss was embarrassing, we went toe to toe with one of the best teams in the league.

Embarrassing would be losing 7 of the last 8 to your rivals, including an NFCCG and North Division Championship game. The Packers haven't accomplished what they could have yet, but its been some time since they truly embarrassed me, the Packers humiliate and demoralize your entire franchise from team to fan base on an annual basis.

You guys have been picking higher then us for how many years now? I'm sure those higher picks will help you stop being our bitch eventually.. Or not.

Lol your actually afraid of playing Seattle? I mean damn, their champs at all but how are you just going to be happy that your rival owned and humiliated you again, just because you don't want a shot at the champs? Fucking loser mentality, for a losing team. Seattle's tough, but my team can hang, of that I have no doubt.

Embarassing as in losing by a landslide to the G Men at home...with a bye week lol
Embarassing as getting the snot kicked in and keepin it close the previous year with the 9ers getting a franchise record yards and blowing you out while Krapernick runs for a NFL record close???
Yeah....no doubt you could keep it close with the best team Seattle lol

Too bad you split with us last year huh...enjoy


Quack quack 🦆
Mar 11, 2013
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Embarassing as in losing by a landslide to the G Men at home...with a bye week lol
Embarassing as getting the snot kicked in and keepin it close the previous year with the 9ers getting a franchise record yards and blowing you out while Krapernick runs for a NFL record close???
Yeah....no doubt you could keep it close with the best team Seattle lol

Too bad you split with us last year huh...enjoy

So its embarrassing to lose to the champs? And yea, we have Aaron Rodgers, of course we could beat Seattle, there isn't one damn team in the league that we couldn't beat. So we lost a close one to the niners, big deal, I don't like losing in the playoffs one bit but I am far from embarrased to lose by 3 to the second best team in the league.

Who cares that we split with you? Everyone in the world knows we would have blown you the fuck out had Rodgers not got injured, that fact that we lost our all world QB, didn't win for a month straight, and STILL won the division is fucking pathetic dude. Like. Really. That was your one shot at the division and you guys still folded like a good little Bears team.

There is ZERO embarrassing about 5 straight Playoff appearances, 3 straight division titles, and a SuperBowl in a 5 year span, that's actually fantastic. How your going to act like we should be embarrassed at being one of the most well run organizations in the league is beyond me.

But hey I understand it helps you feel better my man, cope as you see fit. Get used to coping mechanisms, because your awful front office has put you in an awful cap mess. You seriously have one if the worst caps in the league dude, how the fuck do you expect to gain any ground on the Packers when our cap is one of the best in the league? Hell, for teams with heavily payed elite QBs, our cap situation is BY FAR the best. You guys have a terrible cap, and a mediocre QB. Not trying to be mean, but its the truth, teams with shitty cap management are not successful, if your FO has any sense they will start the cut and gut right now and get to rebuilding. Enjoy.


CCS Donator
Jan 11, 2014
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LOL. Yea.

I'll tell you what, go read up on how the cap works.. Then look at the Bears current cap situation, and then try to say that with a straight face. Seriously. I know you have zero clue what the cap is or how it works, but I'll put it in terms you can understand:

Packers cap good, perennial playoff team.

Bears cap bad, last playoff game 2010.

Any questions?

you guys did well to go from Favre to Rodgers, but i'd just LOVE to see your team with an "average" qb. now, maybe that's part of your plan, your drafting and all, you get credit for that, but soon enough it will fall apart. i'm not worried about the cap. i understand how it works. Cliff Stein.


Quack quack 🦆
Mar 11, 2013
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you guys did well to go from Favre to Rodgers, but i'd just LOVE to see your team with an "average" qb. now, maybe that's part of your plan, your drafting and all, you get credit for that, but soon enough it will fall apart. i'm not worried about the cap. i understand how it works. Cliff Stein.

Lol "Soon enough it will fall apart.."

Thanks for that gem. XD

If you understand the cap, you would realize how ridiculous your "Your the past, we're the future." was. The future looks like a lengthy rebuild on your part, for us? Just more shots at the Lombardi.

So our cap is top 5 in the league and we've been in the playoffs 5 years straight, with 3 Division titles, and one SuperBowl.

Yours is bottom 5 in the league, and you've had one playoff season, and one division title that was promptly bitch slapped out if you in the playoffs.

See something wrong here? What the fuck makes you think that you are just going to suddenly overtake us? We have an above and beyond better cap, and above and beyond better QB, have fun with your 'future' lol. I know I will.


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Aug 16, 2013
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New mexico
I'm sorry I don't take this whole message board thing as seriously as you do, I really couldn't care less if my grammar is a lil off my man, its an internet sports forum, not a job resume. LOL

And I'm supposed to take you serious when you don't realize that nothing comes out of your mouth when u type. XD

I would take Jordy, Randall, James, and Jarrett Boykin over your WRs.

We don't have all those guys anymore but just saying, THAT was the best WR corp in the league, and it was also a big part of why we were still a top 5 offense by the time A-Rod got back. And owned you guys per usual.

HAHAHAHAHAHAH. I've never seen a more insecure blowhard. why do the mods let trolls just run free in this board? you couldn't carry out an intelligent conversation if your life depended on it.

my favorite moment of the season was week 1, game winning drive at the end of the fourth quarter. we drove the length of the field and scored to take the lead against a legit defense. showed that our offense was going to be legit and able to finally take the next step. makes me very excited to see what they can do with another full offseason and some more playbook.

It showes that if we get even middle of the pack on defense a playoff run is likely.


When one letter is enough
CCS Hall of Fame '20
May 12, 2010
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Lol "Soon enough it will fall apart.."

Thanks for that gem. XD

If you understand the cap, you would realize how ridiculous your "Your the past, we're the future." was. The future looks like a lengthy rebuild on your part, for us? Just more shots at the Lombardi.

So our cap is top 5 in the league and we've been in the playoffs 5 years straight, with 3 Division titles, and one SuperBowl.

Yours is bottom 5 in the league, and you've had one playoff season, and one division title that was promptly bitch slapped out if you in the playoffs.

See something wrong here? What the fuck makes you think that you are just going to suddenly overtake us? We have an above and beyond better cap, and above and beyond better QB, have fun with your 'future' lol. I know I will.

Your last handful of posts have been decent, but you clearly started out the thread by trolling non-stop. Stop. There's plenty of other threads you can re-tread your points in.

james sanders

Jan 16, 2014
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Texas, real 'murica
A draft pick 7 spots higher and the right to avoid playing Seattle on the road in the regular season?

Could you please explain to me, and I'm not being condescending, how losing in the finale to Green Bay helped us avoid playing Seattle in Seattle? Because I legitimately don't know.


New member
Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
So its embarrassing to lose to the champs? And yea, we have Aaron Rodgers, of course we could beat Seattle, there isn't one damn team in the league that we couldn't beat. So we lost a close one to the niners, big deal, I don't like losing in the playoffs one bit but I am far from embarrased to lose by 3 to the second best team in the league.

Who cares that we split with you? Everyone in the world knows we would have blown you the fuck out had Rodgers not got injured, that fact that we lost our all world QB, didn't win for a month straight, and STILL won the division is fucking pathetic dude. Like. Really. That was your one shot at the division and you guys still folded like a good little Bears team.

There is ZERO embarrassing about 5 straight Playoff appearances, 3 straight division titles, and a SuperBowl in a 5 year span, that's actually fantastic. How your going to act like we should be embarrassed at being one of the most well run organizations in the league is beyond me.

But hey I understand it helps you feel better my man, cope as you see fit. Get used to coping mechanisms, because your awful front office has put you in an awful cap mess. You seriously have one if the worst caps in the league dude, how the fuck do you expect to gain any ground on the Packers when our cap is one of the best in the league? Hell, for teams with heavily payed elite QBs, our cap situation is BY FAR the best. You guys have a terrible cap, and a mediocre QB. Not trying to be mean, but its the truth, teams with shitty cap management are not successful, if your FO has any sense they will start the cut and gut right now and get to rebuilding. Enjoy.

So when you had Erin for the last game of the yr vs us and squeaked by thanks to a fumble not blown dead lucky TD, we would have blown you out as well with Tillman, Melton, Collins, Bennett...etc. Pretty sad.

So getting blown out by the GMen by a landslide at home with the bye week, your KICK 6 vs AZ wasn't embarassing with your 1 & dones? Lol

Your WRs are trash compared to the consensus and stat-based best in Marshall/Alshon. We know you are in serious denial about not being embarassed by Erin's greatness in his chokes with your one and dones in the playoffs as well as comparing your WRs to the best in ours.

Still stings a bit huh. Enjoy the series split and getting blown out by Seattle


New member
Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
HAHAHAHAHAHAH. I've never seen a more insecure blowhard. why do the mods let trolls just run free in this board? you couldn't carry out an intelligent conversation if your life depended on it.

my favorite moment of the season was week 1, game winning drive at the end of the fourth quarter. we drove the length of the field and scored to take the lead against a legit defense. showed that our offense was going to be legit and able to finally take the next step. makes me very excited to see what they can do with another full offseason and some more playbook.

It showes that if we get even middle of the pack on defense a playoff run is likely.

You mean that Cincinnati team that beat the piss out of the Pack! Haha

Cin is a solid ass team esp when they get Atkins back


CCS Donator
Jan 11, 2014
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there is something to be said about how pathetic and insecure somebody has to be to go to another team's forum to waste time saying how great you are. go join the circle jerk that is your own packers forum. you must get a lot of support over there, that's why you have all the shiny blue and green squares.

i don't know how you can say WE are a lengthy rebuild when we had the SECOND highest scoring offense in the NFL last year. yes, we had a lot of injuries on defense, but i like our FA moves and am optimistic about the draft.

you've gotten lucky and limped into a lot of things, and then promptly lost. it all rides on rodgers. you better pray he stays healthy.


We'll be in great cap shape in 2015 Idk what youre talking about

Sent from Cuba


Quack quack 🦆
Mar 11, 2013
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So when you had Erin for the last game of the yr vs us and squeaked by thanks to a fumble not blown dead lucky TD, we would have blown you out as well with Tillman, Melton, Collins, Bennett...etc. Pretty sad.

So getting blown out by the GMen by a landslide at home with the bye week, your KICK 6 vs AZ wasn't embarassing with your 1 & dones? Lol

Your WRs are trash compared to the consensus and stat-based best in Marshall/Alshon. We know you are in serious denial about not being embarassed by Erin's greatness in his chokes with your one and dones in the playoffs as well as comparing your WRs to the best in ours.

Still stings a bit huh. Enjoy the series split and getting blown out by Seattle

Lol that game was close because A-Rod was coming off months of no football you imbecile. We also didn't have (admittedly) the only good player we have on Defense with Clay gone.

Buddy listen, hell yea I hate losing playoff games, but watching a division rival consistently keep us OUT of the playoffs in the first place would be much, much worse. You act as if those playoff games are supposed to devastate me or something, LOL, first of all, I brag about what MY team did to YOURS. Not what someone else team did to yours. We KEPT your shit team out of the playoffs, you guys try so hard to beat us and always fail its really quite funny.

Lol seriously, why do you think it hurts so bad when you bring up some recent playoff losses? At least I actually experienced seeing my team win the SuperBowl. And hey, what do you know, it was AFTER the collapse of the Soviet Union. XD At least I never watched my division rival stomp a fucking mudhole thru the Pack on the way to a SUPERBOWL.

And that fumble not blown dead was your dumb ass linebackers fault, should have been coached better.

Face it, you have to resort to what other teams accomplished against us, because the Packers ass rape your crappy team on an annual basis. Your team sucks, they haven't been to the playoffs since that humiliating, demoralizing loss at home in the NFCCG. So why don't you just tip your hat and call the Packers your daddy? Go ahead, you will feel alot less aggression and confusion as to why your shitty team can never get over the big dog of the NFC North. What losing the NFCCG to us like? I'm very curious as to what was running through your head when we crushed your SuperBowl dreams. Don't worry Pittsburgh would have blown you the fuck out anyways, you guys hung with us because we're division rivals, but lets not act like you guys had any business in the NFCCG.XD

I honestly couldn't care less about what that status of our WRs are, as long as we're beating your ass and crushing your dreams like always. But I will say, our entire offense was, and is, better then yours, and as long as you have Vajayjay Quitler getting sand in his vagina this will continue. Oh yea, and last year our WR corps was better, much much deeper.
And no, I'm not afraid of any team, we have proven time and time again we can hang with anybody. You guys its different because its not like your mediocre QB is ever going to take over a game.

Ask yourself, is it better to have won the SB in 85'? Or is it better to have won it twice since then?


CCS Donator
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jan 4, 2011
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you all think I give a fuck about message boards? Oh, shit, it's almost 3 AM, g'night


Quack quack 🦆
Mar 11, 2013
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there is something to be said about how pathetic and insecure somebody has to be to go to another team's forum to waste time saying how great you are. go join the circle jerk that is your own packers forum. you must get a lot of support over there, that's why you have all the shiny blue and green squares.

i don't know how you can say WE are a lengthy rebuild when we had the SECOND highest scoring offense in the NFL last year. yes, we had a lot of injuries on defense, but i like our FA moves and am optimistic about the draft.

you've gotten lucky and limped into a lot of things, and then promptly lost. it all rides on rodgers. you better pray he stays healthy.

We got lucky in the fact that the Bears blow so damn much that we had a chance to crush their dreams during the last week, yes, I agree. Hey man, losing in the playoffs sucks, but not as bad as your division rival converting 3 4th down conversions to crush your playoff hopes. There isn't shame in losing in the playoffs to the 2nd best team in the NFL, disappointment, yes, but not embarrassment. Both of which we hand to you year after year. And who cares what your offense was? Am i supposed to be impressed? Our offense was still top 5 by the time Rodgers returned for fuck sake. No body with an elite QB is afraid of Jay Cutler guys, LOL, seriously. And what team with an elite QB doesn't rely on their QB to stay healthy? When you have QBs like Rodgers and Manning so much is put on their plate that if they are injured, it almost cuts the offense in half. We played alright once we got Flynn, and he is certainly no gem..

And your cap management sucks, and it has left you with a shitty cap situation, that is why your going into rebuild mode. Have fun. You know. Ever year you guys proclaims yourself the NFC North Champs before the draft even begins. XD have fun with your offseason Championships.


Nov 15, 2013
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INDIANa from Chicago
This kid ^^ like a broken record.. pretty bad when other packer fans don't even accept him. He is pretty much the herpes of this board you can beat him for a little bit but he will always come back like the little STD that he is... man enough to run his mouth but can't follow the terms of a bet ( you know you lost the bet) but if coming here and talking smack to people you can't see or meet is what gets your undropped balls off I guess we will have to deal with it until you can find some down syndrome girl to take advantage of to finally see what pussy is and how it can do wonders for an uptight little pubic hair such as yourself


Nov 15, 2013
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INDIANa from Chicago
How about this Erin, who do you think the packers will draft and who would you like the packers to draft and what would you like to see them improve on this upcoming year? If you are gonna stay on our boards at least be intelligent and bring something to the table instead of trolling over and over... I don't care that you like the packers its just annoying that you refuse to have an intelligent conversation with a rival...andalways revert back to the same ole "haha we made the playoffs". Its getting pretty childish. Now, can ya do that? If not tell me now so I don't have to waste my time trying to have an actual grown up debate?


Quack quack 🦆
Mar 11, 2013
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You mean that Cincinnati team that beat the piss out of the Pack! Haha

Cin is a solid ass team esp when they get Atkins back

LOL Dude could you be anymore of an.idiot.

I'm talking about what MY team does to YOUR team, not what some other team did to you, I couldn't possibly care less who beat the Bears or didn't beat the Bears, I understand that you have nothing to talk shit about because the Bears are nothing more then the Packers little bitch, but shut the fuck up with your dumbass comments, Cincy beat the piss out of us. LOL Please.

Getting the piss beaten out of you is what that average team over in Philly did to you fucking losers.

So how about you talk shit about something the Bears inflicted upon the Packers for once? Like lol really dude, no matter how many playoff games you bring up I can easily point to us being the most successful team in the league for the past 5 years. (5 postseason appearances, 3 Division titles, 1 SuperBowl.)

Your desperate attempt at bashing the Packers suck dude lol, for fucks sake we violated and desecrated every last bit of bear pride when we we won an NFCCG on your field, and even more so when we butt fucked you guys for 7 out of 8 games, including the division title.
So please, do tell me something your Bears have done to the Packers any time recently, you seem to enjoy exaggerating every Packer loss from the last 5 years, so please. Go on. What have your Bears done worth being proud of? Lol, really.

Also, you seem to enjoy talking about the Packers playoff losses, even surprising me and going back as far as 09, so please, humor me. What did you think when we defiled your shitty (tied for) second place Halas trophy, named after your shitty second place coach, on your shitty second place field, to go and win our superior first place trophy, named after or superior first place coach? Please, do enlighten oh dumbfuck to end all dumbfucks? Lol your bitterness is quite pathetic. At least accept that pounding that we bestow unto to your teams backside every time we play, like a gracious loser.

Smokey Robinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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The 6ix
Pretty damn sad this puker fan is so bored he has to obsess over a Bears message board. I fill my time in many ways but I would never consider even visiting a puker board, let alone post on one non stop. You should look into making a friend or getting a hobby.


Quack quack 🦆
Mar 11, 2013
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How about this Erin, who do you think the packers will draft and who would you like the packers to draft and what would you like to see them improve on this upcoming year? If you are gonna stay on our boards at least be intelligent and bring something to the table instead of trolling over and over... I don't care that you like the packers its just annoying that you refuse to have an intelligent conversation with a rival...andalways revert back to the same ole "haha we made the playoffs". Its getting pretty childish. Now, can ya do that? If not tell me now so I don't have to waste my time trying to have an actual grown up debate?

Very wrong my good man, I resort to pointing out the obvious when some Bears fan decides to assault me with ignorant rants, and or the ole "Your time is over." hooplah. Only, I dont hold my tongue for a pat on the head.
