Favorite Moments from the 2013 Season


Quack quack 🦆
Mar 11, 2013
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Pretty damn sad this puker fan is so bored he has to obsess over a Bears message board. I fill my time in many ways but I would never consider even visiting a puker board, let alone post on one non stop. You should look into making a friend or getting a hobby.

Not obsessing at all, in fact I'm fairly sure the majority of you post here way more then I do.

Nonstop? Really? Look at the time of my posts, Im sure youl find they were far from "non stop" XD

This is the old, I don't like you so you must be an anti-social recluse ploy huh?


Quack quack 🦆
Mar 11, 2013
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This kid ^^ like a broken record.. pretty bad when other packer fans don't even accept him. He is pretty much the herpes of this board you can beat him for a little bit but he will always come back like the little STD that he is... man enough to run his mouth but can't follow the terms of a bet ( you know you lost the bet) but if coming here and talking smack to people you can't see or meet is what gets your undropped balls off I guess we will have to deal with it until you can find some down syndrome girl to take advantage of to finally see what pussy is and how it can do wonders for an uptight little pubic hair such as yourself

Hey, dumbfuck. Go, right now. Show me where I agreed to the bet.

LOL SO BITTER. Chill out dude. Getting mad at some dude on n internet message board CANNOT be good for your health. You even resorted to making up imaginary bets that I never accepted. XD chill the fuck out n hit a doob my bruh. You need it.

Smokey Robinson

Well-known member
Mar 12, 2013
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The 6ix
Not obsessing at all, in fact I'm fairly sure the majority of you post here way more then I do.

Nonstop? Really? Look at the time of my posts, Im sure youl find they were far from "non stop" XD

This is the old, I don't like you so you must be an anti-social recluse ploy huh?

Um you have posted on multiple threads on a Bears forum throughout the night. Oh Bears fans post more than you on a Bears forum? No shit. How many of them post as much as you do on puker boards? As I said meet a friend or find a hobby.


Quack quack 🦆
Mar 11, 2013
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Um you have posted on multiple threads on a Bears forum throughout the night. Oh Bears fans post more than you on a Bears forum? No shit. How many of them post as much as you do on puker boards? As I said meet a friend or find a hobby.

I don't post on Packer boards. This is the only message board I am currently active on.

Like I said, chill out and take a few hits or some shit dude, you all need to chill out and pull the sticks out of your uptight asses.

I'm sorry I posted mean stuff about your beloved shitty football team.. We all good? No more crying?

I really wasn't aware this Bears forum shit was such serious business to you folks.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
Lol that game was close because A-Rod was coming off months of no football you imbecile. We also didn't have (admittedly) the only good player we have on Defense with Clay gone.

Buddy listen, hell yea I hate losing playoff games, but watching a division rival consistently keep us OUT of the playoffs in the first place would be much, much worse. You act as if those playoff games are supposed to devastate me or something, LOL, first of all, I brag about what MY team did to YOURS. Not what someone else team did to yours. We KEPT your shit team out of the playoffs, you guys try so hard to beat us and always fail its really quite funny.

Lol seriously, why do you think it hurts so bad when you bring up some recent playoff losses? At least I actually experienced seeing my team win the SuperBowl. And hey, what do you know, it was AFTER the collapse of the Soviet Union. XD At least I never watched my division rival stomp a fucking mudhole thru the Pack on the way to a SUPERBOWL.

And that fumble not blown dead was your dumb ass linebackers fault, should have been coached better.

Face it, you have to resort to what other teams accomplished against us, because the Packers ass rape your crappy team on an annual basis. Your team sucks, they haven't been to the playoffs since that humiliating, demoralizing loss at home in the NFCCG. So why don't you just tip your hat and call the Packers your daddy? Go ahead, you will feel alot less aggression and confusion as to why your shitty team can never get over the big dog of the NFC North. What losing the NFCCG to us like? I'm very curious as to what was running through your head when we crushed your SuperBowl dreams. Don't worry Pittsburgh would have blown you the fuck out anyways, you guys hung with us because we're division rivals, but lets not act like you guys had any business in the NFCCG.XD

I honestly couldn't care less about what that status of our WRs are, as long as we're beating your ass and crushing your dreams like always. But I will say, our entire offense was, and is, better then yours, and as long as you have Vajayjay Quitler getting sand in his vagina this will continue. Oh yea, and last year our WR corps was better, much much deeper.
And no, I'm not afraid of any team, we have proven time and time again we can hang with anybody. You guys its different because its not like your mediocre QB is ever going to take over a game.

Ask yourself, is it better to have won the SB in 85'? Or is it better to have won it twice since then?

So now you say you didn't have Erin Quitter Rodgers and his "Vajayjay" vs us when we whooped your ass in GB? Even though he started and we took his "quitter ass" out LOL Now you say Erin was rusty...excuse much...when you had him and squeaked by when we would have whooped you at home with our all-pros Tillman & Melton.

You should think before you type. The whole quitter thing made me laugh when some other qb looked like a quitter.

Sorry but our WRs are worlds better than yours...deal with it. It doesn't matter because everyone but you knows it and we will split like last year or sweep with your worse offense. For having such a good qb and supposed team the past few years, it is quite embarassing with your 1 & dones...enjoy


New member
Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
Hey, dumbfuck. Go, right now. Show me where I agreed to the bet.

LOL SO BITTER. Chill out dude. Getting mad at some dude on n internet message board CANNOT be good for your health. You even resorted to making up imaginary bets that I never accepted. XD chill the fuck out n hit a doob my bruh. You need it.

Your denial and ignorance has made yoj a fan favorite over here. Dude...you're an idiot. The injured Bears split with your great team last year....deal with it and move on. You got your usual 1 & done as well...deal with it. Facts are facts


Quack quack 🦆
Mar 11, 2013
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So now you say you didn't have Erin Quitter Rodgers and his "Vajayjay" vs us when we whooped your ass in GB? Even though he started and we took his "quitter ass" out LOL Now you say Erin was rusty...excuse much...when you had him and squeaked by when we would have whooped you at home with our all-pros Tillman & Melton.

You should think before you type. The whole quitter thing made me laugh when some other qb looked like a quitter.

Sorry but our WRs are worlds better than yours...deal with it. It doesn't matter because everyone but you knows it and we will split like last year or sweep with your worse offense. For having such a good qb and supposed team the past few years, it is quite embarassing with your 1 & dones...enjoy

Lol Aaron Rodgers, the Super Bowl MVP is a quitter? He has a many rings as your entire franchise! XD See, he didn't quit, he broke his collarbone.

Good ole vajayjay was having an awful game in the NFCCG so he got a boo boo on his knee so he didn't have to be abused anymore. Quitter. It actually did you guys some good that game, but not enough to keep us from crushing your dreams of modern day relevancy.

Haha you better pray you knock Rodgers out of every game we play you. You split cause Rodgers got injured, once again WE OWN YOU when it matters. Now bend over and receive Lombardis blessing like the good little Packer bitches you are.

LOL we were just as banged up as you, actually MORE. We played an entire game against you guys with Seneca Wallace at QB, with no Finely or Cobb. And still only lost by 7. Lol that fucking pathetic dude, you guys are the Packers bitch everyone in the entire league knows this dude, its just common knowledge by now. XD


A Jay Cutler led offense, will NEVER be as good as ours, just like Jay Cutler will NEVER beat the Packers for a division, you do realize everyone in the world knows that Cutler is our bitch right? Just checkin.... I nearly jumped for joy when I found out you signed him to a fat deal. XD have fun with your perennial mediocrity. Hope you enjoy being nothing more then our whipping boy. Oh and were going to sweep your shitty team under the rug this year, just like we would have had Rodgers not gotten injured. Still won when it mattered though, because we are the 13x World champion, 4 time SuperBowl winning, Legendary Green Bay Packers. And you guys? Your just that insignificant footnote destined to be in our shadow


Quack quack 🦆
Mar 11, 2013
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Your denial and ignorance has made yoj a fan favorite over here. Dude...you're an idiot. The injured Bears split with your great team last year....deal with it and move on. You got your usual 1 & done as well...deal with it. Facts are facts

We were more injured then the bears you incompetent fuck. Lol its no big deal we didn't have Finley, Cobb, Rodgers, Matthews, but yet it matters you were missing Tillman and Melton? LOL ok dude its official, your either 10, or dumb as a box of shit. That comment proved it.

Rather be one and done then NONE and done. Packers bitch.

Also, were the most successful team in the league in the last 5 years, you guys haven't been anything since Reagan was president. Lol its not you even have anything to talk shit about, we have quite literally been THE SINGLE MOST successful team in the league over the last 5 years.

Dude, just admit. You cant beat us when it counts. You just cant. It doesn't happen.

Facts indeed ARE facts, and it is a fact that the Bears are the Green Bay Packers bitch. Fact.

Btw, what am I in denial about? You seem to have a hard time accepting how we completely shattered your hearts to get to the postseason. I know we lost in the playoffs, but it was WAY better then what happened to you guys. That would have sucked worse then any playoff game, knowing that you weren't even good enough to get there.


When one letter is enough
CCS Hall of Fame '20
May 12, 2010
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We were more injured then the bears you incompetent fuck. Lol its no big deal we didn't have Finley, Cobb, Rodgers, Matthews, but yet it matters you were missing Tillman and Melton? LOL ok dude its official, your either 10, or dumb as a box of shit. That comment proved it.

Rather be one and done then NONE and done. Packers bitch.

Also, were the most successful team in the league in the last 5 years, you guys haven't been anything since Reagan was president. Lol its not you even have anything to talk shit about, we have quite literally been THE SINGLE MOST successful team in the league over the last 5 years.

Dude, just admit. You cant beat us when it counts. You just cant. It doesn't happen.

Facts indeed ARE facts, and it is a fact that the Bears are the Green Bay Packers bitch. Fact.

Btw, what am I in denial about? You seem to have a hard time accepting how we completely shattered your hearts to get to the postseason. I know we lost in the playoffs, but it was WAY better then what happened to you guys. That would have sucked worse then any playoff game, knowing that you weren't even good enough to get there.

Constant trolling = ban.

Tried to warn you. :shrug:

see ya next saturday.


New member
Aug 16, 2013
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New mexico
Lol Aaron Rodgers, the Super Bowl MVP is a quitter? He has a many rings as your entire franchise! XD See, he didn't quit, he broke his collarbone.

Good ole vajayjay was having an awful game in the NFCCG so he got a boo boo on his knee so he didn't have to be abused anymore. Quitter. It actually did you guys some good that game, but not enough to keep us from crushing your dreams of modern day relevancy.

Haha you better pray you knock Rodgers out of every game we play you. You split cause Rodgers got injured, once again WE OWN YOU when it matters. Now bend over and receive Lombardis blessing like the good little Packer bitches you are.

LOL we were just as banged up as you, actually MORE. We played an entire game against you guys with Seneca Wallace at QB, with no Finely or Cobb. And still only lost by 7. Lol that fucking pathetic dude, you guys are the Packers bitch everyone in the entire league knows this dude, its just common knowledge by now. XD


A Jay Cutler led offense, will NEVER be as good as ours, just like Jay Cutler will NEVER beat the Packers for a division, you do realize everyone in the world knows that Cutler is our bitch right? Just checkin.... I nearly jumped for joy when I found out you signed him to a fat deal. XD have fun with your perennial mediocrity. Hope you enjoy being nothing more then our whipping boy. Oh and were going to sweep your shitty team under the rug this year, just like we would have had Rodgers not gotten injured. Still won when it mattered though, because we are the 13x World champion, 4 time SuperBowl winning, Legendary Green Bay Packers. And you guys? Your just that insignificant footnote destined to be in our shadow

bears had a better offense than the packers last year actually. and we didn't get worse as an offense during this offseason. and we have an actual NFL offensive line. and we have the best WR duo in the league. shall i continue?

#2 in points per game
Aug 20, 2012
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New York State(sucks)
Any Alshon Jeffery catch over the top. Marshalls dive & catch in the last game vs Green Bay too.


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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Funk & Wagnalls' porch
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its an internet sports forum, not a job resume. LOL

A "job resume"? That is one of my favorite types of resume.

You really are a 12 year old kid. Now go clean your room.


New member
Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
We were more injured then the bears you incompetent fuck. Lol its no big deal we didn't have Finley, Cobb, Rodgers, Matthews, but yet it matters you were missing Tillman and Melton? LOL ok dude its official, your either 10, or dumb as a box of shit. That comment proved it.

Rather be one and done then NONE and done. Packers bitch.

Also, were the most successful team in the league in the last 5 years, you guys haven't been anything since Reagan was president. Lol its not you even have anything to talk shit about, we have quite literally been THE SINGLE MOST successful team in the league over the last 5 years.

Dude, just admit. You cant beat us when it counts. You just cant. It doesn't happen.

Facts indeed ARE facts, and it is a fact that the Bears are the Green Bay Packers bitch. Fact.

Btw, what am I in denial about? You seem to have a hard time accepting how we completely shattered your hearts to get to the postseason. I know we lost in the playoffs, but it was WAY better then what happened to you guys. That would have sucked worse then any playoff game, knowing that you weren't even good enough to get there.

Moron say what? Tillman and Melton were all pros going into 2013...Matthews was not. Rodgers STARTED the game at GB and we took him out. Are you seriously that stupid? You had him and you got whooped at home when Erin "quit" LOL

If being the most successful is going 1 and done most every time in the past couple years and getting embarassed at home...you are in serious denial....and pretty stupid, but we all know that.

Pathetic and embarassing....like your posts. I forgot Finley and Cobb were all pros.....whoops nevermind. Keep lying to yourself and deal with the fact that we split with you and whooped you without our best playerS on D whenyou had Erin...what a joke. Deal with the facts and get used to disappointment...you ought to be by now


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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Nov 12, 2010
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Bump lets get the moments in before the weekend.


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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Nov 12, 2010
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Minnesota United FC
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Notre Dame Fighting Irish


Hall of Famer
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Nov 12, 2010
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Minnesota United FC
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Notre Dame Fighting Irish
