On the note of the lad that drowned, no the river was not particularly high, he and his friends just made a bad judgement call thinking that they could cross to a sandbar. It was not even him that fell first. Another one of the group slipped and he managed to save him but lost his life in the effort.
Hip waders are awful for this, I use full waders and tie tight belt around my waist to keep the water from filling the legs if I happen to fall.
Unfortunately I have never really gone specifically for Halibut. Possible the best eating fish I know.
My family used to own a large boat, 42' that I would take friends and guests on for fishing trips. My friend brought this Aussie couple along one day, the fishing was poor so we decided just to bottom fish. We where pulling out mudsharks/dogfish regularly and continued to do so as the Aussie thought it was great to be "shark fishing". The gal at one point is lowering her 'buzz-bomb' when the reel starts a screaming. "That's no shark", I said. After about a half an hour she pulled out a 20# spring Salmon ( you might call them Kings). She was so happy that she cried, it had been a very long time since she used to fish with her father regularly, although they caught nothing. She immediately had to have a picture to send to her dad.