Boozer may have sucked, but atleast he had a couple good games. Asik missed both free throws but what did you expect from a 40% free throw shooter. The ball should have never touched his hands no matter how open he was.
I don't normally blame one player, but if I did it would be Watson. When you're up 1 with the ball and 10 seconds left you have only two goals.
1. Get the ball in to one of your better free throw shooters on the floor. Hamilton or Watson.
2. Once one of them has the ball they only have one job to do. Run off as much time as you can before getting fouled.
You don't try to score, and you certainly don't ever pass the ball to the worst free throw shooter on the team no matter how open he is. If Asik wasn't fouled, he could've missed the basket, dropped the pass, or Watson's could've turned it over trying to pass. That's why you don't ever do that in that situation.
While we're on Watson, what the hell was he doing dribbling around for 20 seconds and jacking up a 3 with no ball movement during a key possession late in the game. And right after that making a dumb foul when we still had a foul to give. If he doesn't do that we might not be talking about the 2 made free throws by Philly at the end of the game because we would've still had a foul to give after Asik's 2 misses.
Everyone has there fair share of blame to go around, but Watson had one of the most epically horrible playoff performances I have ever seen in my life.
Watson has soiled the number worn by Toni Kukoc and Ben Gordon. Even Derrick Byars is disgusted to have that number violated by Watson.