NO, bran is being pushed in his wheel chair in the crypts in the preview, so he is saved. And if Bran was brought back to life (ick) would he still be the 3eyed raven? Not sure on that. When the last 3 eyed raven was killed, he kind of evaporated, not sure there would be anything left to "kiss".
I really like the idea of the NK heading towards KL, I HOPE it does happen. Just don't think it will. Plot wise, with what we know, it makes no sense. i get what your saying from a strategic perspective though, and I agree. A lot has been made, and is being made, over the vision of the dragon shadow over KL, but technically, that has already been fulfilled, when Dany flew Dragon to the dragon pit in season 7.
If Bran really is the only thing that can stop him, he will deal with him first, as Branns powers grow stronger by the day.