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Spartan has been toeing that line.
Not verified. As Bran said in last episode, Bran doesn't even know if dragon fire will work on NK cause nobody has tried it before. Can assume it won't work cause he's likely to get a dose of it in episode 3 but will be around for episode 4. No matter the sword, it has long been assumed a sacrifice would be required with it to fight the NK with. Nobody knows what will destroy the NK cause he's never been destroyed. Just know his powers go well beyond that of any in his army.The NK can shatter a Valerian steel sword? Is this a personal theory, or something verified? If it is verified that would make it a major spoiler, I sure hope that's not the case.
Throwing it all against the wall. Some things are bound to stick.Spartan has been toeing that line.
What I want to see at either the battle of WF or KL: ice spiders.
And would love to see Tormund engage in a battle against a reanimated giant.
I am not sure it's so weak, I would rather lose my hand than my ****.Yeah, that weak ass.
he's still the guy who attacked those he was raised with cause his own father didn't think enough of him. When would redemption have come for him if he had killed Bran and Rickon as he wanted to?I am not sure it's so weak, I would rather lose my hand than my ****.
I don't think long claw could shatter though. I could see him losing round one, well it would be closer to a draw I guess as both live. We see him draw the sword at one point in the episode, while on the ground. The way the battle plans are drawn up, Dany and Jon aren't in the main fight, they are off waiting on the side for the NK to make his move on Bran, and then they swoop in (terrible use of the Dragons IMO). So, if they follow this plan, and we see Jon fighting on the ground, what happens to Jon's dragon?Goes to what we were saying before when you mentioned Dany and Jon have to go beyond the wall to retrieve some kind of artifact/weapon. I’ve since theorized this is not a 1 round fight between Jon and NK. Think NK takes round 1 cause Long Claw can’t hold up to him and merely shatters during their fight. He then needs to find a more appropriate weapon for round 2. Well, that and the sacrifice that will be required.
I would have loved to see the conversation between Bran and Tyrion myself. That meant something.My only problem, and this is nit-picking, with this last episode was that I would have liked more dialogue between Bran and Jaime, as well as the conversation Bran and Tyrion had.
comparatively speaking of course, but whose life would you have rather lived the last 7 episodes, Theon or Jamie?he's still the guy who attacked those he was raised with cause his own father didn't think enough of him. When would redemption have come for him if he had killed Bran and Rickon as he wanted to?
Just from the preview, can almost #call it. We know NK will be there cause in the preview we hear Jon say, NK is here. Jon lands when he sees NK go for Bran and pulls his sword. Dany swoops in to save her King when his sword proves to be not enough. She attacks NK w/dragon fire. It's enough to push him back but ultimately doesn't harm him.I don't think long claw could shatter though. I could see him losing round one, well it would be closer to a draw I guess as both live. We see him draw the sword at one point in the episode, while on the ground. The way the battle plans are drawn up, Dany and Jon aren't in the main fight, they are off waiting on the side for the NK to make his move on Bran, and then they swoop in (terrible use of the Dragons IMO). So, if they follow this plan, and we see Jon fighting on the ground, what happens to Jon's dragon?
Jaime is the better man. Easy to grow bold when you lose your dick cause you have nothing to live for. Jaime was bold before and after losing his hand.comparatively speaking of course, but whose life would you have rather lived the last 7 episodes, Theon or Jamie?
It's only the part about Long claw "shattering" I took issue with. Everything else I could see happening. It didn't shatter before when in combat with a WW general, i don't see it shattering now. Doesn't mean Jon would win, mind you.Just from the preview, can almost #call it. We know NK will be there cause in the preview we hear Jon say, NK is here. Jon lands when he sees NK go for Bran and pulls his sword. Dany swoops in to save her King when his sword proves to be not enough. She attacks NK w/dragon fire. It's enough to push him back but ultimately doesn't harm him.
I would have loved to see the conversation between Bran and Tyrion myself. That meant something.
Sacrifice and possible the Children's dagger both required. No sword will work against NK without the sacrifice. Mel ain't even there yet.It's only the part about Long claw "shattering" I took issue with. Everything else I could see happening. It didn't shatter before when in combat with a WW general, i don't see it shattering now. Doesn't mean Jon would win, mind you.
Don't go all Remy on me now........he's still the guy who attacked those he was raised with cause his own father didn't think enough of him. When would redemption have come for him if he had killed Bran and Rickon as he wanted to?
I agree, I just don't see LC shattering.Sacrifice and possible the Children's dagger both required. No sword will work against NK without the sacrifice. Mel ain't even there yet.
An opportunity squandered.
Tytion: WTF happened to you?
Bran: Long story.
Tyrion: You got somewhere you gotta be?
Then they never came back to it. Why set up a potentially great scene and then just bail?
I would have loved to hear about Bran's transformation from his point of view. Lots of potential for witty imp quips.
My guess is Tyrion comes up with one of his plans as a result of this conversation. I am sure it will come into play later on when the NK is eventually defeated.
Jaime w/hand proved to be more honorable than Ned Stark himself. When he fought Ned, he stopped and didn't take advantage after one of his men angered him by interfering. When Ned fought Dane, he couldn't beat him with the help of 3 men even though he told his children 1,000 times he beat him. In reality, he lost even while quadruple teaming him and was only saved when his pal, Howie, stabbed Dane in the back. Jaime without hand jumped in a pit to save Brienne from a Bear. All Theon did was help someone run away and survive a knee to the balls cause he's got no balls.Don't go all Remy on me now........
Two separate arguments are being made. Your in the Jamie's sins are worse than Theon's sins frame of mind. You could be right in those regards, afterall, Jamie only tried to kill one Stark, Theon tried to kill two.
Jamie sent Brienne to do his heavy lifting, saving (or trying) Sansa and Arya. Meanwhile Theon was more instrumental in saving Sansa, and saved his sister Yara.
Both came back to fight at WF.