It's the middle of January, let's talk Gardening. What are you planting this year?
Here's where im at.
Sweet corn 2 types
Tomatoes 2 types
Green Beans
lettuce iceberg and romaine
Bell Peppers
Bok Choy
Watermelons 2 types
Pumpkins 2 types
Going to start some of it in house in around end of March and in the ground May 17.
My frost free growing season is around 129 days.
Might invest in a seeder to pull behind my tractor for the sweet corn .
What you got going?
This year we are going Pepper Crazy!
Did well with the four ghosts last year and the two Jalapenoes as well as a habanero.
This year I am doubling Habanero, Jalapeno, and keeping the same four ghost peppers. I will also add a couple of other peppers that I picked up from a buddy. I am not sure what they are called, but both of them are pretty looking and stupidly hot.
Tomatoes I will prolly stay around six plants and I will plan my garden box a little better this year. Had some things that overgrew other things last year and thats just not cool bro.
I will also do the early radishes basically everywhere. One of the best and fastest growing veggies.
Will do lettuce again and am curios to see if anything comes up on its own. I think we may get a few stragglers from last year as some seeded items were mulched onto the box.