Transplanted a bunch of pepper plants today.
A green Chile
Three golden ghosts
Two red ghosts
two yellow scorpions
two red scorpions
one 7 pot
two red reapers
one yellow reaper
two black mamba
two Round Peppers (they make little round peppers but I dont know the name of the plant)
I am sure a few others I cannot remember off the top of my head.
We are onto Solo cups now where they will stay until they become actual outdoor plants. I am learning that peppers take forever to start rooting/stretching so I am going to start earlier next year so I am ready to go sooner. Basically would love to have these in the ground by mothers day but if I am being honest it will probably be the end of the month.
I did find it funny that the Green Chile plant is destroying everything else in terms of growth. It had a two inch root sticking out the bottom of the starter pod. I guess there is something to be said about native plants doing well in native environments.
Bought a seed mat, but never used it, because by the time it got here most everything was starting to pop already. May put my 7 pot starters on it as they have been the slowest to go and a few haven't popped yet.
Also, got a pack of ghost peppers at a food show and tried to pop 6 of them and not a one went. Either they were sterile in some way or cooked in some way (I guess smoked) so the seeds were worthless. Learned that lesson to just stick with my own seeds when I already possess them seeing as I have literally thousands of ghost and golden ghost seeds at my disposal currently. Oh well, lesson learned the remaining ghosts from that packet will be ground up and used in food.
The weather is still a bit shifty here. It got pretty damn cold and rainy last night. Not quite to freezing, but certainly a reminder that we are at a mile in elevation and that winter likes to give us a couple of final hits before we truly turn on the blaze.
Anyone have any good soil advice? I need to get a bunch of soil to fill my new pots/fabric bags and I am not looking forward to spending a chit ton of cash buying bagged soil. I was thinking about getting some fill dirt and then adding to it with worm and mushroom castings, a bit of peat moss, manure and maybe some moisture control soil. With the amount of dirt I need it just doesn't seem to make sense doing it all from the bags at the store.
Anyone have a successful experience using fill dirt or something you can get cheaply by the truckload?