Personal experience...
I was in line at the grocery store waiting to check out with a gallon of ice cream...The guy right in front of me had already checked out and was showing pics of his grandkids to the checker who he obviously knew..This went on for a few minutes and I could feel the ice cream getting soft..The cashier's eyes kept darting back and forth. She could guess I was getting impatient. Finally I said to the guy.." hey man, my ice cream is getting soft here, can you show the clerk your grandkids pics on your own time?"..I was pissed cause he showed absolutely no concern that I was waiting to check out while he was BSing with the clerk. He knew I was standing there and could have let me go, but he was acting big with his grandkids pics...
I should have phrased if differently. Maybe asking him if I could check out cause of the ice cream etc, but I was pissed and you know how that goes.. Anyway, the guy shot me a dirty look, and left. The clerk apologized for making me wait, and I checked out.
..My point is, we all get pissed about something, and it may have nothing to do with whats obvious. Maybe those 2 old geezers were pissed at that girl for some other shit, and that was their chance to get a dig in.. I wonder if someone in the store thought I was