Whatever you've done to get better, please keep at it, bud!
Was caught in over a decade of alcohol abuse on a daily, but the underlying issues of me becoming an addict/alcoholic were prevelant ever since I was a child. Very suicidal since I was a kid. No real reason to be. The general darkness in attitude, low self esteem, etc etc we learn about when studying our addiction and personality traits were eye opening. Getting into sobriety and working on myself daily for over 3 years now in an actually program of recovery completely turned my life around. Allowed me to work through a lot. Some people also needs meds and medical counseling to deal with the emotional issues. Fortunate I did not.
Anyone that’s out there struggling with addiction, which usually follows with other mental or emotional illnesses either before, during, or after, there is a better way to live. I see it work miracles every day.
Peoples opinions on that subject vary. **** them and talk to someone who’s been through what you’ve been through.