So, once a week I go out by myself for breakfast at a local resturaunt. Food is fabulous and really cheap: Bacon, eggs, hashbrowns and biscuit with tax is $6.06. I always tip $1.50 which is almost 25%, which I think is a fair tip. Now, this restaurant is like the UN of breakfast venues: most brown, black and eastern Muslims. I'm often the only white person there so I'm comfortable being with my people and they all love me.
But the waitresses give me the evil eye over the amount of the tip because everyone else is leaving $3-$8 tip. A part of me is feeling guilty with the other part feeling defiant to the notion that it isnt enough. My wife says to leave $2. Of course I could leave more but that isnt the point. Moderator dicklickers and loony Leftist please do not respond. I want advise from real people.