Hiestand on Whitehair snapping issues and James Daniels


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Nov 5, 2012
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Roscoe Village
Snapping a ball and learning an offensive system as a quarterback are two diametrically different endeavors. It’s a little disingenuous to compare them.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Snapping a ball and learning an offensive system as a quarterback are two diametrically different endeavors. It’s a little disingenuous to compare them.

Not comparing them. I am saying failing to do you job is failing to do you job regardless of which job is harder. The point was both are required to learn their job and both are evaluated on how well they do that. The harder the job the more you are compensated for doing it.

Briggs is GOAT

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Jun 14, 2013
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Los Angeles CA
Remy in here immediately bringing up Trubisky in a thread that has nothing to do with him.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2012
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Roscoe Village
Not comparing them. I am saying failing to do you job is failing to do you job regardless of which job is harder. The point was both are required to learn their job and both are evaluated on how well they do that. The harder the job the more you are compensated for doing it.
So they are both supposed to learn at the same pace? Context in all things is important. Snapping the ball is also mechanical as opposed to understanding an offense and where players are supposed to be, which is obviously mental.

I understand this is a point which you are bringing over from multiple threads into this one, but I think it’s application is tenuous at best. If you believe you’re arguing in good faith more power to you though and we’ll agree to disagree.

Either way this conversation has the potential to become quite tedious so I’ll acquiesce the “message board win” to you if that is what you are seeking.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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My problem is that the part of what Whitehair is being asked to do is the simplest part of his job.

Even then he did it at a worse rate than Trubisky.

I thought Trubisky blew 7 throws.

Whitehair had 14 off target snaps.


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Nov 20, 2013
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I remember every shotgun snap being right in Trub's face mask. That's simply too high of a snap and that split second of losing track of the field will kill a QB.


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Jan 9, 2014
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Harford County, MD
My problem is that the part of what Whitehair is being asked to do is the simplest part of his job.

Even then he did it at a worse rate than Trubisky.

I thought Trubisky blew 7 throws.

Whitehair had 14 off target snaps.

I did not watch close enough, but would you say a high percentage of Trubs bad throws were after bad snaps?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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So they are both supposed to learn at the same pace? Context in all things is important. Snapping the ball is also mechanical as opposed to understanding an offense and where players are supposed to be, which is obviously mental.

I understand this is a point which you are bringing over from multiple threads into this one, but I think it’s application is tenuous at best. If you believe you’re arguing in good faith more power to you though and we’ll agree to disagree.

Either way this conversation has the potential to become quite tedious so I’ll acquiesce the “message board win” to you if that is what you are seeking.

No but whether they learn at the same pace is irrelevant. NFL defenses aren't going to take it easy on Trubs because he has a steeper learning curve. At the end of the day, all that matters is whether he succeeds in the role or not. He did not succeed. Same as Whiehair.

My problem is that the part of what Whitehair is being asked to do is the simplest part of his job.

Even then he did it at a worse rate than Trubisky.

I thought Trubisky blew 7 throws.

Whitehair had 14 off target snaps.

It is fairly simple for a QB to run for 1 yard when there isn't anyone within 5-7 yards of him but yall still saying he failed to do so because he needs to learn the system.

The point is this blanket defense of Trubs while then complaining about everyone else who failed to do their job is odd. Ya'll will bitch about Nagy, Fuller, Whitehair, Prince, Floyd, Lynch, Simms and whoever else but when the spotlight turns to Trubs, all of a sudden it's oh well he is learning a new system so cut him some slack.


Read the above and ask yourself what is the difference in how some of you carrying on and how Carrol carried on with Wilson. Trubs is a grown ass man given a fuck ton of money to do a job. If he fails at doing it, he should be subject to criticism like every single other player on the roster. Period.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Remy in here immediately bringing up Trubisky in a thread that has nothing to do with him.

This is simply not true. See below. We all know that at some point we were going to reach the point where Whitehair is blamed for Trubs shitting the bed. It is Nagy's fault, It is Whitehairs fault. It is Fox's fault because he didn't teach him anything last year. What next? Are we going to blame global warming for the fact Trubs misses a wide open WR or doesn't scramble for 1 yard when there is no one within 5 yards of him?

Some will do everything in their power to blame things on everyone else but the most important player on the team. Plenty of people fucked up including Trubs. Trying to excuse Trubs poor play by blaming it on others is silly. There were times Nagy fucked up, there were times Whitehair fucked up and there were most certainly times Trubs fucked up. Not everything wrong with Trubs is other people's fault or due to the new system. He has bad fucking habits he needs to correct.

I don't think some are taking into account that Whitehair's bad snaps directly affect Trubisky's performance.

I remember every shotgun snap being right in Trub's face mask. That's simply too high of a snap and that split second of losing track of the field will kill a QB.

I did not watch close enough, but would you say a high percentage of Trubs bad throws were after bad snaps?

Gustavus Adolphus

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I've heard time and again that Whitehair is clearly the best option at centre, because he played at a near All-Pro level last year.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2016
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maybe I dont watch enough grown men bent over handing balls, but do more centers actually hold the ball at the point for a snap?

Gustavus Adolphus

CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 15, 2010
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  1. Chicago Bears
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and he would play a pro bowl caliber left guard too.

Probably. I mean, I think Daniels being out there and CW at LG makes for the best 5. At least, I think. HH disagrees because apparently you don't play rookies, or something.

westcoast bear fanatic

CCS Donator
Sep 11, 2014
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My problem is that the part of what Whitehair is being asked to do is the simplest part of his job.

Even then he did it at a worse rate than Trubisky.

I thought Trubisky blew 7 throws.

Whitehair had 14 off target snaps.

Interesting comparison. I do wonder if Whitehair is feeding off Mitch's nervous energy. If he was snapping to Aaron "Relax" Rodgers maybe he would have less unforced errors.


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Aug 14, 2010
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Why not? At the end of the day everyone is paid to do a job. These kid gloves for Trubs but everyone else in a new system learning new techniques need to get it right away seems odd.

Is Whitehair not learning new protections and a new snap technique? Is it not possible he is getting overwhelmed with all the shit he is responsible for given all the wacky formations and motion?

And the solution would be for Whitehair to play guard, call the protections while Daniels takes care of the snap.

That is how it is different than Trubisky.


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Jul 29, 2013
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I'm just not sure I understand how the second sentence ...

After the draft, the Bears talked about him playing left guard, and that was where he was playing most of OTAs.

squares with the first ...

One of the top offseason discussions surrounding the Chicago Bears was when rookie James Daniels, their second-round center from Iowa, would take over as their starting center.

or this ...

Just before the season, it came out that the reason the 20-year old Daniels wasn’t ready to start was more mental than physical. The Bears weren’t comfortable with his grasp of the fronts he’d be seeing in the NFL, and where the blitzes would likely be coming from.

How do you prepare a guy for his job by not letting him do that job.
How is he supposed to learn to be the starting center when you start off by saying he's not even going to play that position and then when it becomes more and more obvious that he should probably be the starting center, you still only have him do it part time.

I suspect that at some point he'll be our starting center. But I also suspect that he could have and maybe should have been ready to take over that position far sooner.


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Aug 24, 2012
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The problem with whitehair is not understanding protections. If that was his issue then yes some time would be understandable. But his problem is physically snapping the ball.

So if trubisky had a problem where he was off Target on 14 of his passes that where 5 yard passes.. then I would want him replaced right away. If a QB can't even throw a 5 yard pass he is useless.. just like if a center can't even snap the ball correctly he is useless as a center..

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