Hjalmarsson Hit Discussion (2 Game Suspension)


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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[quote name="phranchk"]

I think it also matters where they play. Pretty sure they pay an extra tax for every game they play in Canada. I think their permanent residence is probably where most of the tax money goes too. I'm sure each country has their own laws on how much tax you have to pay if you make money overseas.[/quote]


One of my sister in laws is a Japanese citizen. While she is living in the US on a green card, she does pay income tax to both the US and Japan. The amounts are adjusted percentages based on her situation, but the Japanese taxes are higher, and with both combined she pays more income tax than a normal US citizen in her tax bracket.


Fire Waldron
Oct 31, 2014
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[quote name="BiscuitintheBasket"]

It won't kill him. Someday when you are older and owning property (or three) based on your salary (and all the bills, repair, maintenance, taxes that come with it), vehicles based with the same issues, medical, birthday, anniversary, holiday gifts, food, bills, agent fees, accounting fees, etc, you will understand that it is not chump change It is amazing how those all add up, and can consume 40-70% of income. On top of all that athlete's do not pocket their whole salary as written simply because of income taxes so one can never start at the salary point, have to shave a minimum of 37%-ish from it, but I know it is far more when you are in the top tax bracket.

Hammer is just starting that lavish contract. His pay does not come in a lump sum, either. Considering he purchased an expensive condo (what do you think the property taxes, never mind association and maint fees, would be on a $3 mil condo in an expensive neighborhood).[/quote]

Huh? You do realize you're talking about a 23 year old, unmarried athlete, with no kids, right? How many of those bills does he actually have?

Yeah, I need to be older, obviously... I mean, it's not like I have a wife, three kids, a house, two cars, three dogs, or any other expenses that I have to worry about.

I'm well aware of how expenses add up, thank you. My point is, he's a young, single, rich athlete. He's not struggling to get by, and I doubt he has much debt. So, losing 1% of his salary isn't a big fucking deal at all.

Only the smart ones.

Only the smart ones? What a crock of shit that is. Pretty much only the EXTREMELY well off can buy a house for less than what they make in a year. Pretty sure that the national average of home cost to income ratio is around 3 and has been near that for around a century now.


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May 14, 2010
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[quote name="BiscuitintheBasket"]


One of my sister in laws is a Japanese citizen. While she is living in the US on a green card, she does pay income tax to both the US and Japan. The amounts are adjusted percentages based on her situation, but the Japanese taxes are higher, and with both combined she pays more income tax than a normal US citizen in her tax bracket.[/quote]

That's shittastic... but you know... **** em they're millionaires... haah


[quote name="Pez68"]

Huh? You do realize you're talking about a 23 year old, unmarried athlete, with no kids, right? How many of those bills does he actually have?

Yeah, I need to be older, obviously... I mean, it's not like I have a wife, three kids, a house, two cars, three dogs, or any other expenses that I have to worry about.

I'm well aware of how expenses add up, thank you. My point is, he's a young, single, rich athlete. He's not struggling to get by, and I doubt he has much debt. So, losing 1% of his salary isn't a big fucking deal at all.

Only the smart ones? What a crock of shit that is. Pretty much only the EXTREMELY well off can buy a house for less than what they make in a year. Pretty sure that the national average of home cost to income ratio is around 3 and has been near that for around a century now.[/quote]

Sit back a second and think about. He spends more in a week on food than you probably spend for your entire family. His life style is far more than the "average person". Stop thinkin gabout it from your point of life, because you can't. I don't know how else to explain it other than to drag your ass out and see first hand.

I bet JT's food service costs more than you spend on your mortgage per year. I'm not putting you down, but explaining his life style from his house, to bills to everything else is FAR MORE than the average person. So in a sense you losing 1k would suck. Him losing 40k sucks. Unles you have money you'll never understad. A majority of people making millions spend like they are making millions.

I'd be pissed if I lost 5k. Would it hurt, probably not. But I'd still be pissed.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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[quote name="Pez68"]

Huh? You do realize you're talking about a 23 year old, unmarried athlete, with no kids, right? How many of those bills does he actually have?

Yeah, I need to be older, obviously... I mean, it's not like I have a wife, three kids, a house, two cars, three dogs, or any other expenses that I have to worry about.

I'm well aware of how expenses add up, thank you. My point is, he's a young, single, rich athlete. He's not struggling to get by, and I doubt he has much debt. So, losing 1% of his salary isn't a big fucking deal at all.


If you know about income and property taxes, and how expenses add up, agent fees, physical trainer, accounting services, etc, then you know that is more of a %1 of his net income. It is not like he is living in a studio with one lamp, a used futon, 13" B/W TV, eats Campbell's condensed Chicken Noodle Soup©with each meal, and only leaves for practices and games. Which was my first point on this subject in this thread.

But hey he has a huge contract so he is instantly rich, right? What do you think his taxes are going to be on that condo? What do you think his mortgage is on a $3 mil condo? Monthly net? Not saying it will put him in the poor house, but it does have more of an impact than just losing a $10 bill for most. Been there done that in the upper tax bracket.


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May 14, 2010
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[quote name="R K"]

Sit back a second and think about. He spends more in a week on food than you probably spend for your entire family. His life style is far more than the "average person". Stop thinkin gabout it from your point of life, because you can't. I don't know how else to explain it other than to drag your ass out and see first hand.

I bet JT's food service costs more than you spend on your morgage per year. I'm not putting you down, but explaining his life style from his house, to bills to everything else is FAR MORE than the average person. So in a seconse you losing 1k would suck. Him llosing 40k sucks. Unles you have money you'll never understad.[/quote]

We know nothing about his personal life either, he could send half his money home to family for all we know.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
[quote name="Pez68"]

Huh? You do realize you're talking about a 23 year old, unmarried athlete, with no kids, right? How many of those bills does he actually have?

Yeah, I need to be older, obviously... I mean, it's not like I have a wife, three kids, a house, two cars, three dogs, or any other expenses that I have to worry about.

I'm well aware of how expenses add up, thank you. My point is, he's a young, single, rich athlete. He's not struggling to get by, and I doubt he has much debt. So, losing 1% of his salary isn't a big fucking deal at all.

Only the smart ones? What a crock of shit that is. Pretty much only the EXTREMELY well off can buy a house for less than what they make in a year. Pretty sure that the national average of home cost to income ratio is around 3 and has been near that for around a century now.[/quote]

Depends where you live.


[quote name="MassHavoc"]

We know nothing about his personal life either, he could send half his money home to family for all we know.[/quote]

I'm sure he and Elana spend a lot of money. It's not like she walks around with a 2k purse, and a huge diamond, or he drives an extremely expenisve car.

Not to mention up to this point THIS YEAR he was NOT making 3.5 mil!


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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[quote name="R K"]

I'm sure he and Elana spend a lot of money. It's not like she walks around with a 2k purse, and a huge diamond, or he drives an extremely expenisve car.

Not to mention up to this point THIS YEAR he was NOT making 3.5 mil![/quote]

Shhhh, it is instant wealth


[quote name="BiscuitintheBasket"]

Shhhh, it is instant wealth[/quote]

By the end of the contract 40k should seem pretty insignificant to him. But it's still 40k.


Fire Waldron
Oct 31, 2014
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Well, since we're bringing up taxes, it isn't 40k either, since he pays a large amount of his salary towards taxes... Out of pocket, he's probably losing like $15-20k.... :D

REGARDLESS, I really, really doubt he's losing much sleep over this. I'm sure he's got enough money in the bank, so he won't bounce any checks, or be overdrawn on his debit card. His mortgage payment will go through... His girlfriend won't starve or go thirsty. If he needs someone to pick up the tab for him at dinner until his next paycheck, I'm betting one of his teammates would be ok with that. :lol:

I'm sorry, but I just find it ridiculous that anyone here really cares about the money he's losing by being suspended for those two games. This isn't a guy that's going to have his car repossessed, or his house foreclosed upon, because he's missing two days of work. As far as I know, hockey players get paid like normal people. They get a check every week or two during the season. His next paycheck will STILL likely be more than most of us here make in a year, even AFTER taxes, and without getting paid for those two days. Think about it.


My problem is the fact he's losing money for doing something that wasn't wrong.

Will he notice the 40k, I would. I'd be pretty pissed off about it too.

And yes I think they get paid Bi Weekly. Although his check will be minus 40k.

Wonder if he can write that off for charity. I mean that's where it ultimately is supposed to go.


New member
May 14, 2010
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[quote name="R K"]My problem is the fact he's losing money for doing something that wasn't wrong.

Will he notice the 40k, I would. I'd be pretty pissed off about it too.

And yes I think they get paid Bi Weekly. Although his check will be minus 40k.

Wonder if he can write that off for charity. I mean that's where it ultimately is supposed to go.[/quote]

I would bet that the money he loses is prorated off his check. I doubt they take it all out at once. Could be wrong though.


Fire Waldron
Oct 31, 2014
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[quote name="R K"]My problem is the fact he's losing money for doing something that wasn't wrong.

Will he notice the 40k, I would. I'd be pretty pissed off about it too.

And yes I think they get paid Bi Weekly. Although his check will be minus 40k.

Wonder if he can write that off for charity. I mean that's where it ultimately is supposed to go.[/quote]

I was under the assumption that they just don't get paid for those games that they are suspended. This isn't a fine, he just doesn't get paid for those two days. Fines are what go to charity and what have to be PAID to the NHL. It's not like the NHL is making him write them a check for $37k... his pay for those two games is forfeit. His next paycheck is just going to be two days short... which, after taxes, isn't $37k.


[quote name="Pez68"]

I was under the assumption that they just don't get paid for those games that they are suspended. This isn't a fine, he just doesn't get paid for those two days. Fines are what go to charity and what have to be PAID to the NHL. It's not like the NHL is making him write them a check for $37k... his pay for those two games is forfeit. His next paycheck is just going to be two days short... which, after taxes, isn't $37k.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure that money goes to NHL Charity fund. Just like Wiz.

And stop with your after taxes BS. He pays taxes on gross. So 40k is 40k. Depending on with holding. Again I'd notice 40k.

You just can't ever be wrong.


Fire Waldron
Oct 31, 2014
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I just don't understand why anyone here really gives a **** about a professional athlete losing a couple days of pay. BIG FUCKING DEAL! :lol:

Plus, I'm bored, and going on three hours of sleep.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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[quote name="R K"]

I'm pretty sure that money goes to NHL Charity fund. Just like Wiz.

And stop with your after taxes BS. He pays taxes on gross. So 40k is 40k. Depending on with holding. Again I'd notice 40k.

You just can't ever be wrong.[/quote]

Just remember:

[quote name="Pez68"]

I'm sorry, but I just find it ridiculous that anyone here really cares about the money he's losing by being suspended for those two games. [/quote]

Pez just debates for the sake of debating...Eventually starts getting critical of why people debate a silly topic, yet still keeps on debating that silly topic. In his nature. Personally I could care less, but the debating is far less personal that the normal people I work with who debate for the sake of debating.

As far as noticing the 40k, the business that I am a partner of has struggled a bit over the last 3 years due to the downturn in economy. I had to take a loss of $800 of pay per month. While the $9600 doesn't kill me, it also meant that much less I could add to retirement since that amount helped pay for my 'Hawks and Bears ST.


Fire Waldron
Oct 31, 2014
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The loss of $800 per month is FAR more substantial than the money Hammer is losing for his two game suspension. Kind of my point. Most people probably wouldn't give two shits about you losing that $800 per month, but the money Hammer is losing because of his two game suspension is somehow a big deal... I just find it funny when people bring up the money that athletes lose by serving suspensions, or by paying fines, like we should feel sorry for them, or care in the least.


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May 14, 2010
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[quote name="Pez68"]The loss of $800 per month is FAR more substantial than the money Hammer is losing for his two game suspension. Kind of my point. Most people probably wouldn't give two shits about you losing that $800 per month, but the money Hammer is losing because of his two game suspension is somehow a big deal... I just find it funny when people bring up the money that athletes lose by serving suspensions, or by paying fines, like we should feel sorry for them, or care in the least.[/quote]

I sure as hell would! Are you kidding? $800 a month is almost 2 car payments.


Pez you feel sorry for who you chose too. When you become a millionare let me know if you notice 40k wrongfully taken from you.

And Biscuit I agree with your previous post 100%.
