Mass Effect 3 wasn't rushed or buggy though. The main complaint of the game was the ending. So it's a completely unrelated issue of fans disagreeing with the artistic vision of the developers. I can't recall a single bug or anything in that game that felt rushed.
So you (speaking generally for remainder of the post) want a bug free game. Let's say that version of the game is available June 30. Let's say a substantially complete version is available on January 30. You basically want EA to wait 5 months to release the game and I am saying to you why? I am fine with getting a substantially complete version on Jan 30 so why shouldn't EA give that to me? If you aren't fine then wait until June 30 which is when you would have received the game anyways or go buy Rocksteady or Naughty Boy games if their philosophy on games is consistent with yours. The only thing that is changed is I get to play the game for 5 months and it seems the people content to wait are somehow upset that I get to play it before them. If not then just wait 6 months later and you get a bug free game for like 39 or 49 bucks so how are you harmed?
This is like any market. There are companies like Rocksteady and Naughty Boy that perhaps cater to the market that want high quality bug free games the day of release. Then there are other companies like say EA that cater to the market that want the games as soon as it is substantially complete and they are fine with EA working out the kinks over the next few months. To each his/her own.
My complaint with Mass Effect 3 is the precedent it sets.... its ok to **** up the first time around cause you can just fill in the gaps later with some DLC.
And **** you, the ending they originally did was shit, it was the same thing in 3 different colors and it simplified 3 games worth of "choices" to Red, Blue, or Green.
They admitted they fucked up by releasing DLC to try to appease the fans that were pissed.
And I am not asking for bug-free games, but DLC is allowing developers to essentially sell you half a game in whatever condition it is in and then finish it later using you as their testers and they can make you pay for the DLC to get the game to 100%. This is more or less what was done for Rome II Total War and I don't like the trend.
EA rushes everything out the door now at stages where games are sometimes barely playable.