Huge tsunami slams Japan after 8.9 quake, at least 5 dead

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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Hope TCD and Scott (WetCoastHawk) are OK as well.

you are sweet bri but nothing wrong here but a typical wet Vancouver day. Most of the warnings on this side were issued for Vancouver Island. Nothing to be concerned with here.

Just horrible news last night. I was up late watching the news. Devistating. Feel so horrible for everyone effected. Never like watching events like these but can't ignore reality. The earth is oooh so powerful.

Horrible 24 hours (well haven't even got there yet) so far.

Sir Mike of Burbs

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Oct 18, 2010
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Villa Park
I read something a few days ago about how close the moon will be to earth on march 18th. And how it might effect valcanos and earthquakes. I laughed at the article and ignored it. I'm not saying it did invade effect it. But it makes you wonder.

The structure damage is horrible. I'm surprised at how low the death numbers are. Lets hope they stay lower. You can rebuild buildings. You can rebuilt people.... Yet.

Chief Walking Stick

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May 12, 2010
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I read something a few days ago about how close the moon will be to earth on march 18th. And how it might effect valcanos and earthquakes. I laughed at the article and ignored it. I'm not saying it did invade effect it. But it makes you wonder.

The structure damage is horrible. I'm surprised at how low the death numbers are. Lets hope they stay lower. You can rebuild buildings. You can rebuilt people.... Yet.

I wouldn't discount anything anymore.


CCS Donator
May 31, 2010
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I'm sure it is a nightmare there, but thankfully the death toll is as low as it is(so far), the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami killed somewhere in the neighborhood of 225,000 people.

Let's hope they can get this shit under control:

Japan fears nuclear plant meltdown


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May 16, 2010
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Blue Island, IL
I was watching Bill O'Reilly tonight and he had a geologist on there and the guy said there could be one off the coast of Oregon of equal or greater magnitude to the one that just occurred in Japan at any time because we are right in the window for when this fault line goes off.

The scary thing about these things, as the geologist went on to say, is that earthquakes are 100% unpredictable and the warning time is in the neighborhood of 15 seconds.


CCS Donator
May 31, 2010
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I was watching Bill O'Reilly tonight and he had a geologist on there and the guy said there could be one off the coast of Oregon of equal or greater magnitude to the one that just occurred in Japan at any time because we are right in the window for when this fault line goes off.

The scary thing about these things, as the geologist went on to say, is that earthquakes are 100% unpredictable and the warning time is in the neighborhood of 15 seconds.

The bolded part is probably very close to if not the truth. That doesn't jive with O'Reilly's guest saying "we are in the right window for when this fault line goes off"

I know there is speculation on such things as quakes setting off quakes on other parts of the globe, but I don't think it is conclusive enough that everyone in Oregon should start fucking everyone in sight before they die. Well, not yet anyway. I've never been to Oregon, it might be the thing to do there. Sure sounds fun. (and exhausting)


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May 16, 2010
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Blue Island, IL
He wasn't saying the Japan one is going to trigger the fault line off the coast of Oregon. He said there's a fault off the coast of Oregon that last went off 311 years ago and the window for that particular fault is 300 to 400-450 years. So it's predictable in that sense but it's unpredictable in that it can go off at any second in that window. That's how I took it.


CCS Donator
May 31, 2010
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Oh and Gene, do you remember the name of this geologist by chance? I am not calling you out, you're curious on this story as most of us are, but I am interested on who this geologist is since he seems to contradict himself by your post (if it was in fact the same guy, I inferred that from your post)

I just don't see how statements such as

there could be one off the coast of Oregon of equal or greater magnitude to the one that just occurred in Japan at any time because we are right in the window for when this fault line goes off.


as the geologist went on to say, is that earthquakes are 100% unpredictable and the warning time is in the neighborhood of 15 seconds.

go together. Is this two different people giving those statements?

"at any time" "100% unpredictable"

I suspect it is a matter of the 1st quote.

I could say "there could be one off the coast of Oregon of equal or greater magnitude to the one that just occurred in Japan at any time"

If it happens......BEHOLD!!!! I am a prophet!

Look at tectonic plates and you can predict all kinds of earthquakes, volcanoes, all kinds off shit that is potentially very deadly. It will most likely all happen eventually.

EDIT - OK gene, I leave this here I did not see your reply as I was multitasking when giving 2nd response


CCS Donator
May 31, 2010
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He wasn't saying the Japan one is going to trigger the fault line off the coast of Oregon. He said there's a fault off the coast of Oregon that last went off 311 years ago and the window for that particular fault is 300 to 400-450 years. So it's predictable in that sense but it's unpredictable in that it can go off at any second in that window. That's how I took it.

Ok, I get you now. Sounds like the same deal as the New Madrid fault in Missouri. That one is supposedly also 'due". Supposed to be big when it does go.

Thanks for clarifying, sorry I misunderstood your point.


May 15, 2010
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Apparently the quake shifted the Earth's tilt by 4 inches and shortened the day by 1.6 microseconds.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Also moved japan by 8 feet. Interesting stuff but it cones with bad results.


Also heard a story this morning that in one town alone they are reporting 9,500 missing.

Add to that the explosion at one of the nuke plants.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Well, some good news is that I finally got word from one of my Brothers who is in Japan on business. He was on a train back to Tokyo from northwest Japan (visiting his wife's family), when the quake happened. The train derailed. After some walking he and others from the train got to a shelter and stayed there for about 22 hours until he could find a way back to Tokyo. Now it is onto finding a flight back to the States.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Well, some good news is that I finally got word from one of my Brothers who was in Japan on business. He was on a train back to Tokyo from northwest Japan (visiting his wife's family), when the quake happened. The train derailed. After some walking he and others from the train got to a shelter and stayed there for about 22 hours until he could find a way back to Tokyo. Now it is onto finding a flight back to the States.

Good to hear Dave.

My bro and his wife had just arrived and where in a subway tunnel when it hit. He said it absolutely scared the S*** out of them. In Japan they immediately shut down all rail service after a major quake. The had to walk over a mile to their hotel with their bags since finding a taxi available was non existent. He said besides the rumblings of other quakes you would not notice anything visibly different in Tokyo.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Good to hear Dave.

My bro and his wife had just arrived and where in a subway tunnel when it hit. He said it absolutely scared the S*** out of them. In Japan they immediately shut down all rail service after a major quake. The had to walk over a mile to their hotel with their bags since finding a taxi available was non existent. He said besides the rumblings of other quakes you would not notice anything visibly different in Tokyo.

Yea I can imagine being in the subway's there when a quake is going on. Those tubes are pretty tight and densely populated at almost all times of the day.

The one thing I find amazing, but really none to shocking, is the lack of utter panic. Granted most in Japan are used to the quakes, and I am sure this one has unnerved many, but where are the stories of looting and such. My brother was saying that he went out from the shelter to get some food and that in the two places were open everyone was pretty orderly.

Oh, and also got word that his wife's family is doing fine, and that he has a flight balck to Chicago leaving early tomorrow (via SFO and JFK) he will be home on Tuesday.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Yea I can imagine being in the subway's there when a quake is going on. Those tubes are pretty tight and densely populated at almost all times of the day.

The one thing I find amazing, but really none to shocking, is the lack of utter panic. Granted most in Japan are used to the quakes, and I am sure this one has unnerved many, but where are the stories of looting and such. My brother was saying that he went out from the shelter to get some food and that in the two places were open everyone was pretty orderly.

Oh, and also got word that his wife's family is doing fine, and that he has a flight balck to Chicago leaving early tomorrow (via SFO and JFK) he will be home on Tuesday.

The class and respect of Japanese citizens is something the world and especially the U.S. could learn from. I have personally witnessed it as well while visiting there.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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The class and respect of Japanese citizens is something the world and especially the U.S. could learn from. I have personally witnessed it as well while visiting there.

Yea me too, which is why I am not so suprised. It is probably why I thoughly enjoyed working for two Japanse companies...well mentally, but my liver is still suffering 11 years later


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May 14, 2010
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This earthquake and tsunami may not have the death toll of chrismas tsunami, but I bet the effects of it will have a larger impact on the world as a whole. Imagine an earthquake that hit the entire country of the US. That's basically what happened there.


This earthquake and tsunami may not have the death toll of chrismas tsunami, but I bet the effects of it will have a larger impact on the world as a whole. Imagine an earthquake that hit the entire country of the US. That's basically what happened there.

That depends on how many of their reactors melt down. They are saying 3 differenct facilities are now having issues. With one already assumed to have partial melt down. The Japanese Government is being very tight lipped about any of this, even with the US Government.

They are talking about the two plates in the NW corner of the US. It's been 300 years and over due.

The New Madrid runs up into IL. A major quake there would effect the entire midwest. Il houses SIX Nuclear plants alone.

Moving the entire Island of Japan 8ft is unreal!
