I can't believe some players are whining about Lovie still..


Aug 28, 2010
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Civilization, also known as Massachusetts
Lovie was a "players coach" and forged strong bonds/loyalty with his players. That stays with you long after you finish playing. Sure Lovie could have been a better coach....but he certainly did connect with his players as human beings....maybe to a fault...?! You gotta move on to the new regime....but you don't forget these connections.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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I think it should be noted that Trestman has the same approach as Lovie, in that he supposedly is concerned with helping develop the whole person and mentoring these kids off the field as much as on. I bet that as this team faces hardship and Trestman leads them through it with compassion and understanding, they will see that and he will gain their respect.


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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I have not read articles of players complaining that Lovie is gone or they miss him, but that certainly was expected as it was well documented how angry some were when he was let go. And the ones that were the most upset were outstanding players that give 110% all the time. I have a hard time understanding why this would bother a fan. Lovie was here much longer than most head coaches are, he was certainly near the top in the NFL of active coaches in time being with the same team when he was let go. And of course the ones that miss him the most are on the defense, as we had a defense that obviously loved playing with each other, the coaches and Lovie, and had tremendous respect throughout the entire football community.

Whether Lovie ignored the offense or not has nothing to do with the defensive players or any players feelings for Lovie. The defense was kind of a dynasty that appears to be coming to an end, whether the reason is age, Urlacher gone, Love and Marinelli gone, and a lack of cap space going forward to bring others back next year due to the activity in free agency. I am not sure why a player missing their former coach would bother any fan. They are not robots, they are humans with feelings that naturally give respect and love to those that have earned it. What matters is how they feel, not how others think that they should feel.
