There is a category of minor pain that is arguably necessary and very short term. It's called the *don't be a baby* category. Especially when dealing with home-treatments and potential infections. Every skipped step increases your risk of infection returning or getting worse. So yes, I'm being an ass, but I just want you back at 100% without more issues down the line. They might have boo-boo spray at the local drug store in the children's section for infections, but I'm not sure that would do much of anything for a boil.
I personally would use Green Hull Black Walnut tinctured in 140+ proof for stuff like this, and that stuff burns for about 20 seconds, then wipe it off with witch hazel for a week after HOT showers. Old timer remedy is use boiling water in a glass to make some suction, and the steam will disinfect and the hot vacuum will suck out the puss. But you need 1) a second person, and 2) someone who knows how to do it with the right container and position to not scald you.
Boils are one of those things that can spread infection, so don't skip steps and be extra clean about it. A little pain, who cares, better than the alternatives.