Hilarious. So now with this dude, it is just get rid of Thibs and if someone suggests a high school coach, BP is on board.
Dude, I really wish you stop following me around the forums and spewing your idiocy, I really do. I want an upgrade at Coach, I don't really care who it is.
This is really getting to be getting pretty insane. A heart condition is now somehow a strong point for Hoiberg? What about a coach who has hemmoroids? That doesn't bring a perspective on things as much? Someone better check into whether Freddie counts players minutes as a condition of employment
What a stupid thing to say. Overcoming a Heart condition has taught him to pace himself, and to keep an even keel when he is coaching. I want a coach to stay calm on the sidelines, and look like he's won the big game before. This has a little bit to do with the topic since we're looking for a coach that will pace the players and keep them healthy for the playoffs, right?
I'm tired of seeing the Bulls complain about every non call on them. Where do they get that from? From Thib's, who is constantly screaming and complaining to the ref's on the sidelines. I'm tired of that behavior, myself.
YOu are so very full of crap. "I LOVE THIBS"........ "I REALLY DO"............. Rubbish. You've been bagging on this guy ever since I have been on this board. That on the breath after you basically said that Thibs doesn't have "character", that he is a strict army DRILL SARGENT.
It would be one thing if you were just weak in your arguments which you certainly are. But now you make this lame assertion about "loving Thibs". Come-on BP...... At least summon enough huevos and MAN THE **** UP. You cannot stand Thibs.
You're really an idiot Hawk, you really are. You don't know a thing about me. I've been one of the biggest Thib's supporters over the years, often calling him the Bulls secret weapon cuz of his defensive coaching. Feel free to go back and see for yourself, idiot.
However, that's changed about midpoint this year, when I realized that he couldn't adapt to the new roster that he was given. It's really opened my eyes to his coaching ability, and his willingness to adapt, or unwillingness I should say.
I've lauded his ability as a defensive coach over and over again. However, I'm not convinced he's great as an offensive coach as well. Not adapting to the new roster and his ability to manage the players, he has has shown me some shortcomings, imo.
You really need to check your narcissistic ass at the door before you start insulting me, pal. You're not nearly as smart as you think you are, as a matter of fact, sometimes you're downright ignorant. I was on the Thib's bandwagon before most of you fucks knew who he was.
One of my best buddies is a Celts fan and talked about Thib's all the time. When he was hired by the Bulls, I was the 1st MF'er telling everyone how good he was. The problem is that things change as I said. Thib's and his style has maxed out, imo. He is unwilling to change and take that next step.
I don't care if he hates Gar with a passion, he needs to not be so fuckin stubborn for the betterment of the team. That's something he's unwilling to do, and that holds him back, imo, from taking the next step. That's my opinion, and if you don't like it, you can **** off!
May be one of the lamest arguments ever on a message board........ ^^^^^^^^^^....... Is a business not about achieving success? Is a business not about winning more times than it loses? Is a business not about putting a winning product on the shelves for people to buy? What is Thibs winning percentage as a head coach. Methinks it is one of the top five best percentages of head coaches who have been in place over five years. That isn't "success"?
How many teams have won championships in the last five years? Name the coach who could have taken the Bulls team to a championship in those five years. Go ahead. Name him. Same players. Same injuries. Same dumb ass GM. Who is this coach?
YOu say that Thibs has FAILED as a business manager. Fact is that he hasn't failed. His boss and owner have failed. I can be the best damn platoon sergeant in the war, but if my company commander doesn't give me enough fire support and personnel, my shit is raggedy.
Maybe that part of the problem, don't ya think? Being satisfied with the regular season does not get you rings, period. Most championship teams I know have one thing in common. They say that it doesn't matter what happens during the season, the season is a failure if they don't win in the playoffs, and the great teams say, if they don't win it all.
You go ahead and be happy with your winning % in the regular season. Me, I want a ring to show off, and that means getting it done in the playoffs, when great teams get it done!