LOL. You've even made the claim that Smith isn't a household name nationally
In terms of college football....he isn't.
In terms of college football...Alvarez was, considering as one of the main recruiters for Notre Dame he was literally in all the important households.
Al Gore had not invented the internet when Alvarez was named the HC at Wisky.
And Bill Clinton hadn't yet gotten blown by Monica when Lovie was last in the college ranks.........
Let's put that in proper perspective to Lovie Smith who has now had free mention on ESPN (national program).
LOLOLOL. So your rationalization is that Lovie Smith was a good hire because ESPN mentioned him being hired........Call me crazy but Illinois could have hired anyone and gotten it mentioned. You don't think Illinois hiring Bo Pelini would have gotten mentioned?
Jesus, you have to be trolling with this shit or have the lowest and most illogical standards for a hire in the history of the world.
Herm Edwards (national show) says parents should have their kids call Lovie at UI. Mike & Mike love the hire. Wait. That's on ESPN2. When did they go regional? Whoops! That's national. Greeny is even a Northwestern grad and loves the hire. There is only one living room in America where Smith is perhaps not welcome and that would be yours. Congratulations on finding one article that thinks the hire wasn't a good one. Enjoy the tiny, narrow world you live in.
So Herm Edwards(no connection to CFB) and MIKE AND MIKE(no connection to CFB) like the hire and that makes it good?
Still waiting on this proof of yours showing Smith to be a good recruiter.....
Oh and the Staples article I quoted actually liked the hire in a certain sense. I mentioned that. You're so deluded about Illinois it's hilarious. A few years ago you were in here defending Groce and now you're circling the wagons around Lovie Smith based around some ESPN personalities covering the hire.