Starts / Quality Starts since ASG
Arrieta: 12/12
Lester: 11/9
Hammel: 11/2
Hendricks: 12/1
Haren: 8/1
Richard: 2/1
Beeler: 2/0
Arrieta+Lester: 23 starts/21 quality
Everyone Else: 35 starts/5 quality
Horrific 3-5 since the ASG. The amazing thing is the Cubs have still won a lot of those games.
Think Hammel's injury is the real issue. I don't think he came back 100%. With the season having meaning they can't afford to let him not be there.
Hendricks they went over it. Mechanics issue. He has not been right at all this year. He needs to square up the plate more and he is rounding in his delivery. I believe that is an issue that will not resolve itself until the off season.
Haren performed better in Miami. But that is all park factor. Cubs park has seen wind blowing out more this time of year vs blowing in more earlier season. He is not going to have much success with his limited stuff. Anything up will get shelled.
That might be a key factor. Wind blowing out/in. Seems games were lower earlier season. Later season Cubs have been blowing up more. IE wind change. The bottom half for what ever reason is not able to contain the other team.