Cubbies gonna win tonight and the CCS Mensa Elitist gonna be back to tell you all that everything is gonna be all right and you are all Meatballs.
Frankly, I am smart enough to know that every game is not the entire season, and even the very best teams lose a lot of games.
But I also don't need someone to tell me when to be happy with the team's performance, and when not to. I have high expectations for this team, so when I dislike a particular game it doesn't mean I think they are the worst team ever. But I also know that unlike last year, there are teams in the division that can actually give the Cubs a run for their money if the cubs continue to miss opportunities for W's.
Thinking that they will automatically win 42 of 57 at some point because they did it once before simply is illogical.
When they are not playing hard, or smart, I may say so. So for those who call other fans names, maybe just accept that some want more effort sometimes. It doesn't make them pessimistic. Many times it's misread. Those who are optimistic may be the ones disappointed.
I expected 100 wins.I don't see how they reach that by letting games against the reds and White Sox slip away.